### /BK BUG #1 Ban that existed and was made by TheCowBoy: *!*homo@*.isdn.online.no However, I did /bk asskicker and the following happened: mode change [-o+ asskicker] on #xxx by _bk_ asskicker was kicked from #xxx After removing the ban, /bk worked perfectly: mode change [-b *!*homo@*.isdn.online.no] on #xxx by _bk_ mode change [+b *!*@*.online.no] on #xxx by _bk_ asskicker was kicked from #xxx This is who I was trying to /bk and his user@host. Nick: asskicker Host: homo@bergen308.online.no ### /BK BUG #2 mode change [-o+b RainFall *!*fuckstali@*.UU.NET] on #xxx by _bk [RainFall] was kicked off #xxx by [_bk] [Get your terminology corrected.] [RainFall] [fuckstalin@Cust57.Max19.Seattle.WA.MS.UU.NET] has joined #xxx :)) mode change [-b *!*fuckstali@*.UU.NET] on #xxx by TheCowboy Notice the length of the username on rainfall's address. BitchX ignored the last character of the full username. Who said this was a bug? ;p ### Miscellaneous bug: ^C 5 times on start up causes an unrequired message to appear: Connecting to port 6667 of server efnet.telstra.net.au BitchX-71alpha11 -- just do it. [17:11:41] [~] # ### Format modification: How about a title concerning the current channel with timestamp and removing altogether the channel field from each user. eg: ::: Channel userlist for #BitchX at (12:00): ::: [ Nickname ] [ level ] User@Hostname ::: [ BarK0de ] [ 90:2:2 ] gumbee@ewheat.org