THE OS/2 WARP WEEKLY - A production of PSP Worldwide Marketing Support Covering information relevant to OS/2 Warp and LAN Server The 12/8/95 issue (A real collector's item) ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** The OS/2 Warp Weekly and OS/2 Warp Monthly Newsletters are available on the Internet at ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** CONTENTS 1. IBM PLANS TO PORT JAVA TECHNOLOGY TO OS/2 2. CONNECT YOUR BUSINESS AT WARP SPEED WITH LAN SERVER 3. TWO THUMBS UP FOR OS/2 WARP SERVER 4. BRINKMAN REINFORCES COMMITMENT TO OS/2 5. IBM INTERNET CONNECTION SERVER COMES IN MANY LANGUAGES 7. OS/2 WARP BONDS TO 007 8. ARAWAK OS/2 SHAREWARE CD VOLUME 2 9. INI2URLS VERSION 3.0 FOR OS/2 WARP 10. NEW MULTI-PLAYER COMPUTER ADVENTURES WEB SITE 11. REVOLUTIONARY SOFTWARE FOR THE INTERNET 12. WARP'D HUMOR ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 1. IBM PLANS TO PORT JAVA TECHNOLOGY TO OS/2 IBM has licensed Sun Microsystems's Java programming language and intends to use it to enhance the way customers view and interact with content on the Internet World Wide Web. IBM plans to implement the Java technology in products that exploit the Internet, such as web browsers and web servers, and its Lotus Notes integrated messaging and groupware software. In addition, IBM intends to port the Java technology to its OS/2 and AIX operating systems, and will make those ports available over the World Wide Web so users can begin to work with Java on these platforms. Java, developed by Sun, is an object-oriented programming language that operates independently of any operating system or microprocessor. Java programs, called applets, can be transmitted over a network and run on multiple clients over corporate networks and the Internet. By licensing Java, IBM also gains access to JavaScript, a new, simpler version of Java for non-technical programming. IBM expects to make its port of Java to OS/2 available on the World Wide Web starting in the first quarter of 1996. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 2. CONNECT YOUR BUSINESS AT WARP SPEED WITH LAN SERVER A new book, "The IBM LAN Server Sourcebook: How to Connect Your Business at Warp Speed," is now available from major bookstores and from IBM. Here's a brief summary of the book's contents: Ch.1 - Why Install a LAN? How many times have you needed a file or data from someone and couldn't get it because that person wasn't around? Are you wearing your sneakers out going to the printer? Does information exchange with other people in your office resemble a diskette swap meet? Are you never sure you have the latest information? This chapter describes the benefits of accessibility, protection, efficiency, cost effectiveness and communications in everyday terms. Examples are included of ways a LAN would be applied within a small business. Ch.2 - Just Enough LAN Concepts and Terminology Concepts such as LAN, Client, Server, Requester, Peer, Domains, Aliases, Universal Naming Conventions, Network Protocols, Adapters, Network Operating System, Ethernet, Token Ring are put into an understandable framework by describing the anatomy of a LAN and the roles of workstations on the LAN. Ch.3 - About LAN Server What's in the box? We describe OS/2 LAN Server 3.0, 3.01, 4.0 and OS/2 Warp Connect features and packaging, complementary products, and future directions. Ch.4 - Other Things You Need to Connect Your Business What should you consider when selecting hardware and software for the network? Should you contract or do it yourself? How do you select a contractor? Which version of LAN Server is right for you? What hardware is supported by LAN Server? How much memory and hard disk will you need? How much will it cost? Ch.5 - Planning To Do Now To Save Time and Money Later This last chapter on planning pulls together several ideas and tips under the general topic of "things all experienced network administrators wished they would have considered BEFORE installing their first networks." The reason this chapter is important is because networks tend to G-R-O-W. Today, you are looking at a comparatively simple job of installing server resources, creating user accounts, and then enabling access by requesters. Tomorrow, you may have a more complex problem in adding or upgrading resources without disrupting the services already in use. Here we provide tips for better accommodating maintenance and future growth. Ch.6 - Installing and Configuring LAN Server Step-by-step processes for installing and configuring the server, including performance tuning for a small network, are provided. The authors spent hundreds of test hours to provide previously undocumented information on installing printers, installing from CD-ROM, and tailoring the configuration. Ch.7 - A Guided Tour of LAN Server Administration Take a hands-on tour of creating user and group accounts, defining aliases, creating access control profiles, defining a public application, sharing file and print resources, managing a print queue, and other common administrative tasks. Ch.8 - More About LAN Server Administration This chapter continues the discussion of administrative tasks with tips on administrative strategies and shortcuts. Ch.9 - Installing and Configuring the Clients Instructions for installing and configuring OS/2, Windows, and DOS clients are presented with tips for performance tuning a small network. This chapter focuses on the installation of clients from LAN Server 4.0 and Warp Connect, but also includes information for integrating Windows for Workgroups clients and LAN Server peers into a LAN Server network. Ch.10 - A User's Tour of the Network Another hands-on tour of LAN Server, this time for users! Follow along as we lead you through basic user tasks using a DOS, Windows or OS/2 requester. Ch.11 - LAN Server Commands Arranged by task for easy reference, LAN Server commands for logging onto a domain, changing passwords, browsing, and connecting to resources are listed with examples and descriptions for their use. Ch.12 - LAN Server Utilities and Productivity Aids This chapter provides the only complete documentation in existence for using all the utilities and productivity aids included with LAN Server 3.0 and 4.0. The descriptions are arranged by task and a table is included for quick reference. Ch.13 - Advanced Topics For the advanced user, this chapter provides more information about setting up and using Logon Assignments and Public Applications, TCP/IP, and remote LAN access. An overviews of LAN Distance is included as one of the complementary products supplied with Warp Connect. For the administrator, we provide an overview of Configuration / Installation / Distribution (CID) and the new LAN REXX extensions. Ch.14 - Tips for Trouble-shooting Problem determination tools provided by LAN Server, where to get help, and tips for working effectively with Customer Support. Solutions for the ten most commonly reported problems (our "Ten Least Wanted List") were provided courtesy of the IBM LAN Server customer support team. Authors: Pat Scherer and Charlie Brown Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, 1996 ISBN #: 47113170-9 IBM Puborder #: SR28-5960-00 ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 3. TWO THUMBS UP FOR OS/2 WARP SERVER Two members of the VARBusiness Advisory Board who have been Beta testing OS/2 Warp Server recently revealed their evaluations of the product to VARBusiness magazine. Bill Allred, vice president and national director of sales at Illinois-based Compu Electronics, and Paul Jalosky, microsystems manager at Wisconsin-based Wiscomp Systems, both agreed that OS/2 Warp Server is a terrific product. "It's virtually crash-proof," says Allred, who is testing the beta in- house and at customer sites. "Feature for feature, it's the most capable package out there," he adds. Jalosky, who is testing the beta in-house, agrees. "I'm very high on it," he says. "I had far fewer crashes with LAN Server than I had with any other LAN operating system, and this looks even better." He also likes IBM's bundling of important components. "It's a much easier sell now that I don't have to price all those things separately." ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 4. BRINKMAN REINFORCES COMMITMENT TO OS/2 Brinkman Technology, a Texas-based financial software maker is relying on native OS/2 applications to improve its phone and online customer support. The privately-held company makes financial software for about 180 branch bank locations across the United States. To support its clients, Brinkman uses: - OS/2 Warp; - Relish Net 2.21, an information management package from Sundial Systems; and - Golden CommPass 2.2, a utility for accessing CompuServe forums Brinkman has increased its use of OS/2 because the OS is so popular with financial customers. "It's the most popular 32-bit operating system for secure, mission-critical applications," says Craig Yarbrough, director of systems training and education at Brinkman. Brinkman relies on Relish Net, an OS/2 application that provides phone-support technicians with call tracking, progress monitoring, and user-defined reporting capabilities. "We considered using [Microsoft's] Fox Pro to develop a custom call tracking system, but Relish Net proved to offer every feature we needed," says Yarbrough. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 5. IBM INTERNET CONNECTION SERVER COMES IN MANY LANGUAGES IBM Internet Connection Server for OS/2 will soon be offered in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish versions. The national language versions, scheduled to ship December 19, offer all the features of the previously released English language versions, but the user interfaces, documentation and on-screen messages have been translated. "Regardless of geography, with Internet Connection software businesses can be apart of the global marketplace where individuals connect with others and with the vast information resources on the Net. These are truly solutions that make the world a smaller planet," said Randy Mysliviec, brand manager Internet Connection and TCP/IP products for IBM's Networking Software Division. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 7. OS/2 WARP BONDS TO 007 The newest James Bond flick, "Goldeneye," highlights several IBM products, including OS/2 Warp. The IBM logo appears several times in the movie and the OS/2 Warp bitmap is shown on one of the computer displays. None of the IBM equipment (except for displays) gets blown up, and all IBM equipment (except displays) is in the hands of the "heroes". At the end of the film, IBM is listed as a contributor of equipment. InfoWeek wrote about the IBM's prominence in the film in its December 4 issue: "We can probably expect IBM to launch a barrage of TV ads making hay of its connection with the world's greatest spy. Already, some IBM competitors are said to be shaken, not stirred, about the marketing coup." ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 8. ARAWAK OS/2 SHAREWARE CD VOLUME 2 Arawak CD Solutions has released Volume 2 of the Arawak OS/2 Shareware CD. Volume 2 is not a replacement for Volume 1, but rather a continuation of the OS/2 shareware anthology. Except for updates, there are no archives carried over from the first volume. The Arawak collection features a PM browser to search through the discs for files and to uncompress them by dragging them and dropping them onto a destination. Text and .INF files can be viewed directly from the browser, and there is a FILES.BBS in each archive directory. Although the vast majority of files on the discs are compressed, a selection of fonts, icons, and many text files are also available on the disc uncompressed. The Arawak OS/2 Shareware CD is available at Indelible Blue and other locations. Arawak CD Solutions can be reached on the 'Net at,, or by phone at 519-641-4523. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 9. INI2URLS VERSION 3.0 FOR OS/2 WARP Ini2URLs is a freeware program that lets you create Workplace Shell URL Objects from the information in your WebExplorer Quicklist! It now also creates a WebExplorer Quicklist from your Workplace Shell URL Objects! These URL objects can be drag-and-dropped onto the WebExplorer to quickly access an URL. You can rearrange the URL objects in URL folders, and import/synchronize the organizational changes back into your WebExplorer Quicklist. You can download a copy of Ini2URLs 3.0 from: ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 10. NEW MULTI-PLAYER COMPUTER ADVENTURES WEB SITE Multi-Player Computer Adventures of Aurora, Ontario, Canada, makers of the Gravis Ultrasound "Manley" drivers and the IBM joystick driver for OS/2, now have a web site at In addition to getting the latest info and releases of these products, other exciting OS/2 developments are discussed here. They also have demos available for download. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 11. REVOLUTIONARY SOFTWARE FOR THE INTERNET InterCom, by Revolutionary Software, is a telephone for the Internet. It allows you to communicate with anyone around the world for free via the Internet. Its features include: o 32-Bit multithreaded PM application o 16-Bit audio o Real time compression o Runs on anything from a 14.4K modem or faster o Customizable settings to improve performance o Caller ID o Quick Dial o Call Blocking o Dialing Directory o Answering Machine o Electronic telephone book server o Connect to multiple talk servers around the world o Online help o Easy installation InterCom v0.99 is released in the form of a wide public beta. While the closed beta of this product has taken place over the last couple of months, this is the first release available to anyone and everyone that wants to try it. This version is a fully-functional beta release that will run until December 15, 1995. At that time another Beta, if necessary, or the official release will come out. InterCom is a native OS/2 32-Bit Application. It was designed from the ground up to run specificly on OS/2 and is not based off any other previously written products. InterCom is IBM CID (Configuration, Installation, and Distribution) enabled so that it installs and upgrades easily. InterCom can be found on the following FTP sites. Information and periodic updates can also be obtained from the Revolutionary Software WWW server at: ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 12. WARP'D HUMOR "We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." --Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962. "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." --Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.