PROS/2 The Newsletter of the Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG) October 1994 OS/2 "3.0" TO DEBUT AT OCTOBER 5TH MEETING The next meeting of the Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group will be held Wednesday evening, October 5th at IBM's LakePointe offices in Tampa. COMMITTEE MEETINGS (5:45 - 6:45) Three committee meetings will be held in parallel prior to our main meeting: END USER EDUCATION COMMITTEE The next committee meeting will debut "PRIDE"-PC from TBOUG member M. Bryce & Associates (MBA). "PRIDE"-PC is an integrated set of methodologies for systems development that sits on the OS/2 desktop. Users can access tutorials, instructions and sample deliverables for performing Enterprise Engineering, Information Systems Engineering (including BPR and Software Engineering), Data Base Engineering, and Project Management. MBA describes the new product as something "no developer or IS manager should be without." The committee will also discuss how to find on-line information on the OS/2 desktop. PRODUCTION COMMITTEE The October committee meeting will feature a demonstration and presentation of the newly announced LAN Server Version 4.0 by IBM. Bill Coon of IBM will conduct the presentation. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Committee Chairman Steven Schneer will moderate a discussion on the practical implications of application development in the OS/2 world. Instead of a technical dialog, this session will discuss the types of tools and techniques that can be deployed in an OS/2 development environment. MAIN MEETING (7:30 - 9:00) Featured is the much anticipated review and demonstration of the new OS/2 3.0. Although the official release of OS/2 3.0 is scheduled for October 11th, TBOUG will be the first group in Florida to see the finished product. This is an opportunity you should not miss. The session will include a practical demonstration of the new product, suitable for technical people as well as end-users. If you have a user that is still skeptical about the viability of OS/2, this will be the perfect session for them. Mark October 5th on your calendar and make your reservations NOW! SPEAKER Our guest speaker will be Dennis Harrison of IBM. As an OS/2 Specialist, Mr. Harrison currently supports the state of Florida in marketing and technical duties regarding IBM's OS/2 and related products. In his career with IBM, Dennis has worked with and supported VM, VSE, System 88, Series/1, 4680 POS, RT/PC, RISC System/6000, and a variety of other products. He has also worked on the development of IBM's LAN Mail Gateway/2 product. As a PC user beginning in 1976, Mr. Harrison quickly became enamored with OS/2, beginning with Version 1.0. He is now working extensively with many IBM customers with evaluation, development and design of OS/2 based systems. Mr. Harrison has spoken to many audiences regarding OS/2 and has been a featured speaker at the following events in 1993/1994: User group meetings include The Pinellas County User's Group-OS/2 SIG, The Pasco Area's Users Group, and The TECO User Group. Professional Seminars and Associations include the National IVANS Conference, the Association of Systems Management, and Client Server Seminars in Tallahassee and Jacksonville. AGENDA Committee Meetings (5:45 - 6:45) (Parallel Sessions) - Production Committee - Application Development Committee - End User Education Committee Dinner (6:45 - 7:30) Main Meeting (7:30 - 9:00) - Announcements - IBM Updates - Featured Speaker: Dennis Harrison of IBM The registration fee for the meeting is $13 for members who pre-register; $15 for pre-registered guests. Please make your reservations early (no later than October 3rd). The registration fee for those who do not pre-register is $15 for members and $17 for guests. See the last page of the newsletter to make your reservations. LOCATION IBM Tampa Services Center 4th Floor, LakePointe One Building 3109 West Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. Tampa For directions, contact IBM at Tel: 813/872-2277 or Brad Brown at 813/872-2156 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Unless you're a hermit and don't read the papers, you've probably seen a lot of good reviews on OS/2 lately. Some samples: "New OS/2: Smart SMP" - LAN TIMES - Aug 8th "Warp Factors Home Users Into the Mix" - INFO WORLD - Aug 29th "IBM OS/2 Beta Shifts Into Warp Speed" - COMMUNICATIONS WEEK - Aug 15th "IBM at Warp Speed" - INFORMATION WEEK - Aug 22nd "The slim Warp version of OS/2 paves the way for a string of additions to the OS/2 family" - COMPUTERWORLD - Aug 22nd I find this all rather amusing. After taking a beating for so many years, suddenly OS/2 seems to be the darling of the press, and Chicago-bashing is in vogue. Is it possible that the editors and writers are finally catching on to OS/2? We'll find out in the next 90 days. That's right 90 days. As IBM heads into Comdex in November they will be building up a head of steam for OS/2 that Microsoft will have a hard time stopping. Is "Warp" as good as everyone is saying? The only way to find out is to attend our October 5th meeting and see for yourself. I do know that IBM has invested a lot of time and money testing "Warp" and if it comes out as solid as I think it will, both corporate users and home users will have a hard time ignoring it. In fact, it looks like IBM is positioning it to be the perfect "stocking stuffer" for Christmas. If this happens, watch our user group really grow. This brings up an important point; as we enter the fourth quarter of our program year, it is time to begin thinking about 1995. As outgoing President I will be in charge of nominations and the election of a new board of directors. During the month of October I will be accepting nominations for officers; at the November meeting we will conduct the election of officers, and; we will induct the new board at our closing meeting in December. As always, we're looking for a few good men and women who will come forward and volunteer their time, particularly those members who have been attending the meetings on a regular basis. As any of the members of the current board will tell you, it has been an interesting experience for us not just getting TBOUG started, but also getting an inside look of the latest developments with OS/2 from IBM and other OS/2 related vendors. If you are interested in participating on the board of directors for next year, or would like to nominate someone, please contact me as soon as possible. - Tim Bryce P.S. - Oh yea, in case you haven't heard yet, Chicago (Windows 4.0) has been delayed (again) until May. But Microsoft hasn't said "which" May it will be! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Dee Dee Cheek - USAA - Tampa Marion Clifton - USAA - Tampa Monte Duet - USAA - Tampa Apryl Edwards - USAA - Tampa Julie Gardei - USAA - Tampa Earl Lawton - USAA - Tampa Susie McGhee - USAA - Tampa Celeste Monds - USAA - Tampa Karen Mueller - USAA - Tampa Marco Nielsen - Bannex Corporation - Tampa Pat Parlee - USAA - Tampa James K. Ryan - IBM - Tampa Marty Talamantez - USAA - Tampa Michael Umlor - Western Reserve Life Assurance - Clearwater John Volkner - USAA - Tampa Doug Wing - St. Petersburg CALENDAR OF EVENTS The following is a list of events of interest to OS/2 users in the Tampa Bay area: October 5-6, 1994 - Expotech Conference; Tampa Convention Center, FL; Tel: 813/641-1633 October 25, 1994 - Project Management Institute; Tampa; Tel: 813/541-6681 Oct 30-Nov 4 - 3rd Annual ColoradOS/2 Developers Conference; Colorado Springs; 1-800-481-3389. November 2, 1994 - Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group meeting; Tel: 813/786-4567 November 6-11. 1994 - GUIDE; Atlanta, GA; Tel: 312/644-6610 November 9-10, 1994 - OS/2 LAN Tour '94; Sponsored by IBM; Tampa, FL; Tel: 800/947-8688 November 14-18, 1994 - COMDEX; Las Vegas, NV; Tel: 617/449-6600 December 6, 1994 - Project Management Institute; Tampa; Tel: 813/541-6681 December 7, 1994 - Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group meeting; Tel: 813/786-4567 ALSO LOOK FOR TBOUG MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS IN THE TAMPA TRIBUNE, ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, PRODIGY, AMERICA ON-LINE, IBM LINK, COMPUSERVE, AND THE TBOUG BBS. 800 PHONE NUMBERS OS/2 Sales 1-800-342-6672 IBM general information 1-800-426-3333 Programmer's Paradise 1-800-445-7899 OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 2.1 for Windows ServicePaks 1-800-494-3044 Personal Systems Technical Solutions magazine 1-800-551-2832 IBM Developer Connection for OS/2 1-800-633-8266 PRODIGY 1-800-776-0845 and 1-800-776-3449 Indelible Blue, Inc. 1-800-776-8284 Personal Systems Support Family 1-800-799-7765 America Online 1-800-827-6364 IBM Technical Directory 1-800-832-4347 Business Depot, Inc. 1-800-844-8448 CompuServe 1-800-848-8199 OS/2 Developer Magazine 1-800-926-8672 OS/2 Free Seminar Enrollment 1-800-937-3737 DB2 Technical Conference 1-800-955-1238 Drake Training and Technologies (for Professional 1-800-959-3926 Certification Program from IBM) IBM Customer Support Center 1-800-967-7882 Personal Software Products Support Center (Defect report) 1-800-992-4777 TAMPA BAY OS/2 USERS' GROUP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION The Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG) is a non-profit, vendor-independent association dedicated to the effective use of IBM's OS/2 operating system. Members of TBOUG are OS/2 licensees from around the Tampa Bay area of Florida. There are two types of membership in the user group: CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP allows a company to sponsor many employees to attend user group functions. There is one (1) vote associated with a corporate membership and the company must appoint an official voting delegate. The price for an annual corporate membership is $200.* INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP allows an individual to join the user group and entitles him/her to the same rights and privileges as the corporate member, except the individual has a one-tenth (1/10) membership vote. The price for an individual membership is $20.* * Membership fees are prorated on a quarterly basis (operating year is January to December). Those members joining in October can pay $5 for an individual membership; $50 for corporate membership. The association is governed by a set of bylaws and an Executive Board. Members can attend meeting functions (monthly meetings and committee meetings) at discounted rates, and are provided free access to the user group's Bulletin Board Service (BBS). Membership applications should be forwarded to the TBOUG Secretary: Mr. Rick Hoffmann at 8214 Donaldson Drive, Tampa, FL 33615; Tel: 813/884-8395. Make checks payable to: Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group. TAMPA BAY OS/2 USERS' GROUP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION MEMBERSHIP TYPE: _____ CORPORATE _____ INDIVIDUAL IF CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP, WILL YOU BE THE VOTING DELEGATE? ________ "I HEREBY CONFIRM THAT I AM OR MY COMPANY IS A LICENSEE OF IBM'S OS/2 OPERATING SYSTEM AND, AS A MEMBER, WILL ABIDE THE BYLAWS OF THE TAMPA BAY OS/2 USERS' GROUP." NAME ____________________________________________________________ TITLE ____________________________________________________________ COMPANY ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ CITY _________________________ STATE _____ ZIP ______________ TELEPHONE ____________________________________________________________ FAX ____________________________________________________________ I WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE(S): _____ PRODUCTION _____ APPLICATION-DEVELOPMENT _____ END-USER EDUCATION _____ OTHER _____________ RECEIVED BY (TBOUG): ______________________________ DATE: ________________ MEETING REGISTRATION - OCTOBER 5TH MEETING Please make reservations for the following individuals to attend the October 5th meeting of the Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group. Please make reservations no later than October 3rd! Person Title Telephone _____________________ ____________________ ___________________ _____________________ ____________________ ___________________ Company ________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City _____________________ State ____________ Zip _________________ Fax: _________________________________________ Either Phone, Fax, or Mail your Please indicate the committee registration to: meeting you plan to attend: Tim Bryce M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. _____ Production 777 Alderman Road _____ Application Development Palm Harbor, FL 34683 _____ End User Education Tel: 813/786-4567 Fax: 813/786-4765 BBS: 813/786-4864 E-Mail: PROS/2 October 1994 PROS/2 is the official newsletter of the Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG), a non-profit, vendor-independent users' group dedicated to the effective use of IBM's OS/2 operating system. IBM and OS/2 are the registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. Any OS/2 licensee within the Tampa Bay area of Florida is eligible to become a member of TBOUG. Corporate membership is $200; individual membership is $20. TBOUG was founded in December 1993. Letters and manuscripts are welcomed and reviewed for possible publication. Please supply narrative in ASCI text format. ADDRESS Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group c/o M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. 777 Alderman Road Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Tel: 813/786-4567 Fax: 813/786-4765 OFFICERS President Tim Bryce - M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. Tel: 813/786-4567 BBS: 813/786-4864 E-Mail: Prodigy - WJKY92A IBM Link - DEV2643 Vice President Dave Hancock - Publix Super Markets, Inc. Tel: 813/680-5215 Secretary Rick Hoffmann - Dun & Bradstreet Pension Services Tel: 813/884-8395 Treasurer Richard Hubbard - FAA Tel: 813/228-2299 BOARD MEMBERS Chairman, Production Committee Paul Wylie - M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. Tel: 813/786-4567 System Operator, BBS and Chairman, End User Education Committee Greg Dodge - National Data Products Tel: 813/442-8400 X 6 Member at Large Steve Schneer Tampa Electric Company Tel: 813/225-5253 Member at Large John Lucas H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Tel: 813/979-7290 Vendor Liaison Brad Brown Tel: 813/872-2156 END