═══ 1. Hello, Team OS/2 ═══ Team OS/2 Newsletter Number 4 February, 1994 Hello Team OS/2, 1994 is starting off with a lot of Teamer energy. In the USA, Team OS/2 members around the country are helping out IBM and the OS/2 Vendor Council to do public demos at up to 70 CompUSA stores across the country on March 5. And because they'd like to join in the fun, Teamers in Edmonton Alberta (Canada) are working out how they might include their local CompCanada too. Team OS/2 Sweden just had their first public OS/2 demo, working with a local reseller to show the interest in OS/2. With the cooperation of IBM-PSP Nordic, they plan to do more of these in the future. And we can now add a Team OS/2 Sweden international section in this newsletter to let more OS/2ers know how to reach them. Way to go! The first country-specific Team OS/2 newsletter (that I know of) is now available from OS/2 BBS's in Italy. This is another great idea: Fabio Vinciguerra has taken part of this newsletter and added the rest (in Italian) to provide local OS/2 and Team OS/2 information. If anyone else would like to do this, I will be happy to provide the IPF-tagged ASCII source for this newsletter. Any IBMer can get this for you by requesting this from me electronically (see Appendix A for contact information). We're starting a new section in this newsletter called "OS/2 Demo Tips". These are suggestions from people who feel that these are great ways to show off OS/2. We hope they will help give you ideas when you show others your OS/2 system as well. Lastly, thank you all for your comments on how we can improve this newsletter. Suggestions are always welcome, and we hope to implement some each month. Submissions of ASCII files and photos to be printed here are also VERY welcome. We'd love to include bitmaps of Teamers in action as often as we can. So if you'd like to share a photo with the rest of the world, please send it in (photo or BMP). Janet Gobeille Team OS/2 Newsletter Editor Internet: teamnews@vnet.ibm.com ═══ 1.1. What is Team OS/2? ═══ What is Team OS/2? Team OS/2 is like an electronic user group: it consists of people around the world who are OS/2 enthusiasts and are voluntarily and actively sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm with others. They work to promote the use and availability of OS/2 wherever they can. But unlike a user group, there is very little organizational structure. As groups of Teamers come together though, they often start to form formal or informal groups so they can provide their own support network to work more effectively with IBM, vendors, user groups, and others. Being part of Team OS/2 is a state of mind. Team members are those who see that something needs to be done, and they figure out a way to do it. Some have started OS/2 BBS's to provide support for local OS/2 users. Others see that help is needed for local retailers to help them feel more confident in offering OS/2 to their customers. Membership in Team OS/2 is self-determined. You are a part of Team OS/2 (if you wish) if you consider that you are actively doing something to help support OS2 and OS/2 users and your efforts are beyond the expectations of your job. Team OS/2 is not owned or run by IBM. In fact, most Team OS/2 members are not IBM employees. Those Teamers who do happen to work for IBM generally use their own time to help others and promote the use of OS/2 and OS/2 applications just as other Teamers do. Although we at Team OS/2 Support in IBM PSP do maintain a Team OS/2 member list and put out this newsletter, we do these as services to Teamers worldwide. Being on the list is NOT a requirement to be part of Team OS/2. But it does help Teamers find other local members when looking for help, and provide a way to recognize the efforts of so many people in helping to promote OS/2. See Appendix B for information on how to get on the Team OS/2 member list. ═══ 1.2. IBM Team OS/2 Support (Grass-Roots Marketing) ═══ IBM Team OS/2 Support (Grass-Roots Marketing) The IBM Personal Software Products (PSP) Grass-Roots Marketing team supports The IBM PSP Grass Roots Marketing team supports Team OS/2 and BBS activities (see Appendix A to learn how to contact this group). The support that IBM PSP offers to Team OS/2 changes as we learn to work together better. However, we are currently supporting Team OS/2 in these ways: 1. Information Distribution and Coordination o We distribute a world-wide Team OS/2 member list via Compuserve, Internet, Fidonet, and electronic media. This allows Teamers to find others in their area and contact them electronically. See Appendix B for information on how to get on this list. o We can also provide a mailing list based on this member list to vendors of OS/2 products on request. See Appendix A to see who to contact for this list. o The Team OS/2 Newsletter is produced monthly and distributed electronically. This provides information to Teamers around the world to help keep all Teamers up to date on what is happening with Team OS/2 and with other Teamers. It also lets IBM know what Team OS/2 is up to. Appendix A shows who to contact to submit articles or suggestions for the newsletter, or how to get the ASCII source to include in another newsletter. o We participate on electronic forums to discuss Team OS/2, Teamer activities, and future needs. These forums also help foster creativity and imagination between Teamers, and encourage new activities. See Appendix C for details on where to find Team OS/2 on the various networks. 2. OS/2 Merchandise and other Support for Marketing Activities A number of Team OS/2 members have gone out on their own time to do public OS/2 demos and to support and encourage local retailers. See Appendix D for the specific types of activities supported, support packages, and requirements. Where possible, these activities are supported world-wide. 3. Team OS/2 Member Support Because of requests by many Team OS/2 members, we had a Team OS/2 logo designed and have arranged for Team OS/2 Tshirts, Team OS/2 golf shirts, and embroidered Team OS/2 logo patches. See the information later in this newsletter about how to order these for your own use. In addition, we send some of these out in support of public OS/2 demos so that the Teamer can be easily identified. ═══ 2. Team OS/2 Members - Where are they? ═══ Team OS/2 Members: Where are they? The full Team OS/2 member list is available any place you can find this Team OS/2 newsletter. Because of the size however, it's kept in a separate file. This month, the ZIP file will include the Team OS/2 member names in two separate formats: one by country and city and the other alphabetically by name. These were created as of 18 February 1994: Teamers by Network The following list was created from the email addresses given to us. It's a little misleading in that many people have Internet connectivity from a network (such as America Online), but we do not have a specific Internet Address listed in our database. So, the number of Internet-connected users is much higher than appears here: Electronic Network Teamers America Online 67 Compuserve 711 Delphi 19 Fidonet 414 Genie 33 IBMMAIL 106 IBM Internal (VNET) 233 Internet 708 MCIMail 7 Prodigy 197 OS2BBS (IBM Talklink) 65 Other 172 No Email capability 390 Team OS/2 Members by Country Team OS/2 is now in 42 countries as follows: Country Teamers Argentina 4 Australia 44 Austria 8 Belgium 12 Brazil 11 Canada 178 Chile 1 Denmark 18 Finland 3 France 3 Germany 62 Guam 1 Hong Kong 5 Israel 1 Italy 17 Japan 1 Latvia 6 Litchenstein 1 Mexico 6 Netherlands 39 New Zealand 3 Norway 9 Peru 1 Philippines 1 Portugal 3 Qatar 1 Russia 6 Saudi Arabia 3 Scotland 3 Singapore 5 South Africa 4 Spain 17 Sweden 15 Switzerland 3 Taiwan ROC 1 Trinidad & Tobago 1 Turkey 3 UK 50 Ukraine 3 USA 1667 USSR 2 Virgin Islands 1 ═══ 3. PC Week view of Team OS/2 ═══ PC Week view of Team OS/2 Ziff Communications Company gave us permission to reproduce their articles on Team OS/2 that were in the issue of PC Week Inside on February 7, 1994 by Robert L. Scheier. We thank them for letting us share these with Team OS/2 members around the world. However, please read the copyright notice on each of the two articles in the next two sections of this newsletter. These can NOT be reproduced or redistributed. Permission was only granted for this newsletter. ═══ 3.1. "Team OS/2 wants to rescue the OS they love" ═══ Team OS/2 wants to rescue the OS they love From PC Week Inside for February 7, 1994 by Robert L. Scheier ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │PC Week News for February 7, 1994. Contents Copyright (c) 1994 by │ │Ziff Communications Company. All rights reserved. Material may not │ │be reproduced or distributed IN ANY FORM without express written │ │permission. Contact CompuServe mailbox 72241,1776 for further │ │information. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keith Wood is a true believer. A Sunday pilgrimage to Phoenix in search of converts left him stranded like some prophet in the desert -- his battered 1980 Subaru sputtering to a smoking stop in 115-degree heat off Interstate 17. What mission called for such self-sacrifice? Bringing the truth and the light to DOS and Windows users. You see, Wood is a self-appointed evangelist for OS/2. And he's not alone. Wood is part of Team OS/2 -- 2,000 fanatics scattered from Los Angeles to Latvia who tout OS/2 to anyone and everyone who will listen. They hand out OS/2 T-shirts at computer stores. They demonstrate OS/2 at ham radio fests and air shows. And they drive through the night to Comdex, just to coax vendors onto the OS/2 bandwagon. And all for little or no material reward. Team OS/2 is made up mostly of non-IBMers from all walks of life -- like Wood, a computer dealer from Cottonwood, Ariz., who moonlights as a part-time local TV news anchorman. Through sheer effort, Wood and his Team OS/2 brethren have given a colorful and welcome boost to what was initially a bumbling IBM marketing effort. They helped keep OS/2 alive in the public mind while industry pundits declared it all but dead. They formed a dirt-cheap but highly effective marketing force aimed at the very people IBM either wouldn't or couldn't woo: user groups, small software vendors, consultants, and retail stores. Today, John Soyring, who watched over OS/2 as director of software development for IBM's Personal Software Products division, credits Team OS/2 for the company's "substantial" presence in the consumer/small office market -- a presence it established without devoting a single ad to that market until this year. Now, the Team OS/2 approach is being cloned. The concept is being borrowed by none other than IBM Chairman Lou Gerstner, who has called for 5,000 volunteers to help him reform IBM from the inside. And a group of ISVs who have written OS/2 apps recently launched their own grass-roots effort to promote OS/2 in retail stores. But before anyone gets too carried away, be warned that the all- volunteer approach has limits: For one, Team OS/2 isn't about blind allegiance. While Gerstner has pledged his support to OS/2, he warns that all IBM products must prove themselves quickly in the marketplace or face the ax. If IBM corporate cuts development funding or otherwise curtails support to OS/2, teamers could turn their zeal into a frenzy of IBM bashing. "There's no love lost between me and IBM," Wood admits. "If OS/2 came from some three-fingered guy from Latvia, I'd be supporting an operating system from some three-fingered guy in Latvia." No Grubby Things In the hearts of most true believers, Team OS/2 isn't about business, either. It's not about grubby things such as gross profit margins, market share, or return on investment. Instead, it's about the sheer love -- the unfettered enthusiasm -- for OS/2 and its stability, its multitasking, and its object-oriented features. On another level, though, it's about much, much more. Just ask Dave Whittle, an easygoing 10-year IBM veteran regarded by many as the father of Team OS/2. There's no truer believer than Whittle. Get Whittle talking about the grass-roots, all-volunteer Team OS/2 and he eventually gets around to philosophy, idealism -- even the Mormon volunteer ideals that led him to serve as a missionary for two years in Japan. "Team OS/2 is about people, things of the spirit, not of the crass material world," he says. "They're not so much promoting IBM or OS/2, they're promoting their values, as in 'This is the direction I want to see computing go.'" Borland Chairman and CEO Philippe Kahn gets a little wistful about it, too. As he told a Team OS/2 party at Comdex/Fall, "This is the way the industry used to be." Teamers themselves feel much the same way. Ask teamer Richard Frank why he spends 30 hours a week promoting OS/2. "Personal satisfaction," says the 32-year-old software developer. "When I see other people who are using it, they're happy, they're excited." Why did consultant Arylnn Poczynek drive 25 hours from his home in Alberta to Comdex to pitch OS/2? No reason, except "maybe the inner knowledge that we made somebody an OS/2 customer today." In The Beginning Team founder Whittle didn't plan it this way -- and admits he probably couldn't have. He started what became Team OS/2 in February 1992 by opening a forum on IBM's internal conferencing network, just to let IBMers share their marketing ideas for OS/2. "A lot of Team OS/2 members were very disappointed with their careers, with what had happened with OS/2, with what had happened to IBM," says Whittle. With plenty of marketing ideas but no budget, "I started putting these ideas as 'to-dos' on the forum, and people began jumping on them," he says. "Doogie" Power Among the thousands of early ideas: selling OS/2 over the Prodigy communications service and planting a box of OS/2 on the set of the "Doogie Howser" TV show so it would show up while the main character was typing his journal entries. Even the name "Team OS/2" came from some now-forgotten contributor who began adding it to E-mail messages. In the early months, Team OS/2 was made up largely of volunteers from IBM's own OS/2 development group. It vied for attention with the OS/2 Ambassador program -- another OS/2 "volunteer" effort. Unlike the very unstructured Team OS/2, the Ambassador program featured a system of bronze, silver, and gold performance levels and offered question-and-answer sheets for the IBMers to use. Then Team OS/2 began attracting non-IBMers to the cause. At first, their arrival raised eyebrows among cautious IBM marketing types. They would cringe when teamers approached them for help with their field demos. "IBM couldn't fathom Team OS/2," said Doug Azarrito, a longtime IBM consultant and Team OS/2 member. "They couldn't fathom the fact that some independent guy was going to just come out and independently support one of their products." Whittle won a victory for Team OS/2 when he convinced a speech writer to include an implicit endorsement of Team OS/2's grass-roots marketing efforts in a March 1992 speech announcing OS/2 2.0 by then-Personal Systems Chief Jim Cannavino. By Comdex/Fall of 1992, a "Swat Team" of a single OS/2 advocate was collaring passersby and convincing exhibitors to install OS/2 on their previously Windows-only machines. The Ambassador program passed into history, and by Comdex/Spring in 1993 IBM was hosting parties to thank the teamers, hosted by bigwigs such as PSP President Lee Reiswig. By last year's Comdex/Fall, a group of 50 teamers were crawling all over the show floor evangelizing about OS/2. IBM executives -- aware of the crushing effects of the Big Blue corporate culture -- have been careful to stay out of the teamers' way. Team OS/2 has always been somewhat of an underground organization. It is not headed by a big-name executive, nor does it have the big budgets typical of an IBM marketing campaign. "We do no mailings; they don't even get a membership card," says Janet Gobeille, one of two IBMers who sends out literature and helps coordinate the teamers' efforts. "Team OS/2 is really an electronic users group." Gobeille broadcasts major news over the national Fidonet network, while local teamers coordinate over local Fidonet "echoes." Guerrilla Pride The distance from IBM helps the teamers' maintain a guerrilla pride. They relish doing a better job of marketing OS/2 than gigantic IBM could. "Team OS/2 made all the people inside [the OS/2 development team] feel better, because they were saying all the things their own IBMers couldn't or wouldn't," says Mike Kogan, a former OS/2 developer who is now a consultant in Atlantic Beach, Fla. "As everyone knows, IBM's marketing isn't the greatest," says Kevin Royalty, a 27-year-old Team OS/2 member and senior software engineer with the Computer Task Group Inc., a Cincinnati-based consultant and systems integrator. "They're more used to talking to corporations, rather than Joe Average." No Amigas Why should teamers care if IBM does a good job selling OS/2? In some cases, it's because they use OS/2 and don't want to see it die through poor marketing. "Every new customer IBM gets for OS/2 is one more reason for an application developer to write software, is one more reason for a hardware developer to write a device driver for their product," says Canadian consultant Poczynek. Software developer Frank uses OS/2 to juggle multiple copies of the computer-aided manufacturing applications software he writes for clients. "I couldn't do half of what I do without running it under OS/2," he says. "A lot of us Ыremember| the Amiga a fantastic machine that was poorly marketed. I don't want to see that with OS/2." Many teamers also seem to take a perverse satisfaction in their role as David against many Goliaths, including Microsoft Corp., industry pundits, and the press. "I like to get a jab back at the media, because I'd like to think the grass roots can do more to promote a product than the media can do to harm it," says Poczynek, who spends 15 hours a month on various Team OS/2 activities, such as demos at computer shows and local computer superstores. There's one thing teamers insist they don't do -- use Team OS/2 to promote their own businesses. Royalty says his Team OS/2 work may have generated some work for his company, but that "it's kind of an unwritten rule that you don't go there specifically to find work." When Cottonwood computer dealer Wood works a user-group meeting, he doesn't take his business cards. People might "think I'm trying to sell them OS/2," he says. "I don't care where they get it -- I just want them to get it." Where Team OS/2 has had its most dramatic successes is in heavily focused, local sales efforts. Laura Lynde, who owns Office Solutions in Long Beach, Calif., says she was following the crowd as an adherent to Windows. "My perception was this IBM operating system ... would really never take off." She had a few copies of the OS/2 2.1 upgrade package in her 1,000-square-foot retail outlet, "but it was kind of a slow mover -- I didn't know how to sell the product." That was before teamer Jim Kennedy, a retired Navy veteran who ran river patrols in Vietnam, started visiting her store last July. When he arrived, he began offering the kind of attention product managers dream of. Kennedy, who jokes that his old job of assembling mines "made me very good at following directions," has been an OS/2 user since the days of Release 1.3. He's been a fanatic nearly as long. "He comes in here three or four times a week, just to check up on me," says Lynde. "We have coffee and bagels. He's fixing my OS/2 demo machine Ыand| putting me through a total training program on OS/2 and all the applications." Fewer Fears And how's business for Lynde? From selling five copies per month of OS/2, she's now up to 200. OS/2-related products make up 35 percent of her software revenue. While she makes only slim profits on the operating system itself, she says, "I can almost guarantee" an OS/2 customer will come back for the more profitable applications. Even those instances that aren't such sky-blue successes have a silver lining. Cincinnati software engineer Royalty and a group of fellow teamers gave an "outstanding" OS/2 demonstration last November at Micro 1 Corp., a hometown hardware and software retailer. "He actually taught us a few things we didn't know about OS/2," says Manager Andrew Closson. His store may not be selling any more OS/2 these days, "but we're less apprehensive about selling it," he says. Still Crazy? With high-profile consumer pitches such as its sponsorship of the Fiesta Bowl, IBM is finally doing the job the teamers used to do themselves. As OS/2 wins respect among analysts and the media, there's almost a sense of sadness that success may make OS/2 just another product. "Now, I feel like I have this real special thing," says Long Beach retailer Lynde. If major chains such as CompUSA start aggressively pushing OS/2 and OS/2 apps, "then it's no fun, when you're having to compete with these guys." As IBM picks up more of the marketing slack, Team OS/2 may be becoming less critical. Time was, when "Team OS/2 was IBM's marketing," sighs consultant Poczynek. "Now, Team OS/2 is just a bunch of grass-roots people who help IBM in marketing, and before long, we'll be just a bunch of crazy people supporting OS/2." But then he remembers what it's all about: satisfaction, people, ideals, even fun -- the way the industry used to be. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't fun," he says. "Of all the things I do, I enjoy being a teamer the most." ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │PC Week News for February 7, 1994. Contents Copyright (c) 1994 by │ │Ziff Communications Company. All rights reserved. Material may not │ │be reproduced or distributed IN ANY FORM without express written │ │permission. Contact CompuServe mailbox 72241,1776 for further │ │information. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 3.2. Close Up: How to Attract Your Own Following ═══ Close Up: How to Attract Your Own Following From PC Week Inside for February 7, 1994 by Robert L. Scheier ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │PC Week News for February 7, 1994. Contents Copyright (c) 1994 by │ │Ziff Communications Company. All rights reserved. Material may not │ │be reproduced or distributed IN ANY FORM without express written │ │permission. Contact CompuServe mailbox 72241,1776 for further │ │information. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ -------------------------- WANTED: Field reps for underdog operating system. Offers chance to meet nice people and keep some cool T-shirts. Mostly night and weekend work. Lots of travel. No expense allowance. No pay. Contact .... -------------------------- IBM never ran such an ad. It didn't have to, because Team OS/2 was largely the result of spontaneous combustion. But that raises a question: Could Team OS/2's missionary zeal be re-created for, say, SunSoft's Solaris? Probably not. The ardor that fueled Team OS/2's extraordinary efforts can't be manufactured. It is possible, however, to nurture it. How? Some lessons from the Team OS/2 experience: CREATE A CLUB A strong group identity is essential. A name like "Team OS/2" clearly separates the infidels from the real insiders who hold secret insights into a great product. Remember the feeling of camaraderie is what keeps people so involved. "I felt like I had 45 brothers after Comdex," says Janet Gobeille, the Team OS/2 liaison with IBM's Personal Software Products division. STEER CLEAR Don't put too much of a corporate stamp on your true believers. Volunteers have to feel they're making the difference, not you. Keeping your distance has its benefits. Says teamer Keith Wood: "I can tell the truth about Windows NT; IBM can't, because IBM would get sued." KEEP IT LOOSE There's no requirement for joining Team OS/2. And don't forget that you're not paying these people and can't make them meet deadlines and file contact reports. Whenever marketing types get too demanding about asking teamers to do grunt work, they get "friendly reminders that we're doing this for fun," says teamer Doug Azzarito. THINK TRINKETS IBM has two full-time people who keep teamers supplied with easy- to-carry brochures, demo disks, and doo-dads such as key chains, Post-it Notes, and T-shirts. Keep it simple -- flashy and official is less fun. SHUT UP AND LISTEN Even if your volunteers are a flop at evangelizing, make sure you listen to their feedback. Teamers helped convince IBM to delay a beta release of OS/2 2.1, because they felt it wasn't stable enough. As teamer Kevin Royalty puts it: "We see ourselves as the eyes and ears of the public." ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │PC Week News for February 7, 1994. Contents Copyright (c) 1994 by │ │Ziff Communications Company. All rights reserved. Material may not │ │be reproduced or distributed IN ANY FORM without express written │ │permission. Contact CompuServe mailbox 72241,1776 for further │ │information. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 4. Team OS/2 Merchandise ═══ Team OS/2 Merchandise Lees Keystone will be stocking special items for Team OS/2. You can contact LK for orders and pricing information at the following: Phone: (800) 717-7666 (USA only) Phone: (914) 273-6755. Fax: (914) 273-9187. They are now carrying white Team OS/2 tshirts (with a large 6-color logo on the front). They also have golf shirts with the colored Team OS/2 logo embroidered on the front where a pocket would have been. The golf shirts are available in green, red, and blue. They also carry embroidered Team OS/2 patches (2 1/2" x 2 3/8"). It would be great on hats, jackets, etc. You'll be seeing these shirts (both the golf shirts and the tshirts) as more OS/2 demos and other public events are planned. From now on, IBM Team OS/2 support will be sending these out for the "uniforms" for the teamers who are working these events instead of the shirts with the OS/2 logo. The OS/2 shirts will still be used for other purposes, but Team OS/2 shirts will only be sent for the volunteers. At this time, we're not planning to send out the embroidered patches. Yes, they look very good. But they were designed and stocked based on many requests by Teamers. ═══ 5. Cyrillic Based OS/2 Related Fido Conferences ═══ Cyrillic Based OS/2 Related Fido Conferences By Harry Bush This contains some updated information for the article submitted by Harry Bush in the December issue of the Team OS/2 Newsletter. In TEAM9312.INF, there was my note about the Cyrillic-based OS/2 FidoNet Echoes in ex-USSR. Unfortunately, the most popular conference somehow managed to hide away from the list. The right list should be as follows: o SU.OS2 - Common OS/2 related discussions o SU.OS2.DRV - Discussions about Device Drivers in OS/2 o SU.OS2.FAQ.D - Discussions about FAQ's on OS/2 o SU.OS2.MARGINAL - "Near" OS/2 Discussions These conferences are available in Zone 2, Regions 45 (Belarus), 46 (Ukraine), 47 (Lithuania), 49 (Estonia), 50 (Russia), 51 (Latvia), and probably more. ═══ 6. Team OS/2 Activities and Events ═══ Team OS/2 Activities and Event We encourage Teamers to list their activities with us (IBM Team OS/2 Support) in order for them to be included in this newsletter. Contact us well in advance in order to get your event added to our database, even if you do not require additional support from IBM. By listing your event in our database and letting people know what you are doing, you can help give others ideas where they can also help in their communities. And it's a good way to find additional volunteers if you need them. Note: we've started requesting some additional descriptive information about each event so that we can include it in the newsletter. If you have further suggestions about this, please send it to teamnews@vnet.ibm.com. ═══ 6.1. Bulletin Board Highlights ═══ Bulletin Board Highlights PSP Executives Online Conference - CompuServe PSP executives participated in another Ziffnet Executives Online Conference the week of January 3rd on the Ziffnet gateway of CompuServe. The topic for this conference was OS/2 for Windows and corresponded with their First Looks review of the product. Executives from divisions other than PSP participated as well, such as CM/2, OS/2 compiler development (Toronto) and Time : Place/2. Overall there were approximately 1000 messages during this week long conference. The major topics included clarification of exactly what OS/2 for Windows is, IBM's press relations and uninstalling OS/2. Press relations was by far the most talked about topic, since this conference was mainly a media event. PSP received good marks from the press for the changes they said would be made as a result of the conference and our willingness to listen to their suggestions. Do you have other news about Bulletin Boards or OS/2 specific boards? If so, send it to me via Internet at 76711.1123@compuserve.com and I'll get it included in the next issue. Vicci Conway IBM/PSP Bulletin Board Program Manager ═══ 6.2. Call for Volunteers: CompUSA OS/2 Application Days (USA) ═══ Call for Volunteers: OS/2 Applications Day March 5, 1994 - CompUSA stores in the USA by the OS/2 Vendor Council To Team OS/2 Members (USA) The OS/2 Vendor Council, IBM, and CompUSA are currently planning an OS/2 Application day on Saturday, March 5, 1994. This will be a full day to do in-store OS/2 and application demonstrations and let people see and try OS/2 products. We're looking for volunteers who may be interested in helping out so we can feature OS/2 and applications in as many CompUSA stores as possible nationwide. The Vendor Council is a group of 16 independent vendors of OS/2 applications who work together to help promote and distribute their products. A recent agreement with CompUSA means that these products are now starting to appear in CompUSA stores everywhere. So, this is a great opportunity to help show off OS/2 applications to OS/2 users as well as show off OS/2 to everyone else. Of course, this will be a lot of work. But, as many of you know by know, it can also be a lot of fun. Especially since we'll have real applications to show off to potential customers. We're looking for help in doing these demonstrations and answering questions. The vendors will also have representations at stores where possible. And, we need a person willing to be the Lead Teamer for each store to coordinate the volunteers, merchandise, software, and general communications for the local teams. Those of you who are interested in participating should contact: Katy Kerr at Footprint Software Compuserve 73501,513 fax 416-860-1780 phone: 800-465-8470 or: 416-943-4652 (Toronto, Canada) by Monday 21 Feb 1994, or as soon as possible, so that we can start making final arrangements with the stores. Please give her your name, city, phone number, and email userid and fax number (if you have them plus the location of the CompUSA you'd like to take. Please indicate if you're willing to be the lead rep for this store. She'll get back to you letting you know what to do or who to contact from that point on. Once again, let's show CompUSA and computer users around the country that "OS/2ers have more fun". We'll announce more details when we have them. However, following is the current list of CompUSA stores with the people who have already volunteered to be team leaders. If you would like to volunteer for one of the stores with a leader in place. please call that person directly. CompUSA OS/2 Applications Day, March 5, 1994 Last Updated: 19 Feb 1994 AZ Mesa CompUSA #227 (1357 South Alma School Rd & Holmes Ave.) AZ Phoenix CompUSA #281 (1535 West Bethany Home Road) CA City of Industry CompUSA #217 (18575 Gale Building, #153) Team Leader for City of Industry is: Richard Frank Phone: 919 597-8769 CA Culver City CompUSA #211 (11441 Jefferson Avenue) Team Leader for Culver City is: Eusebio Preciado Phone: work: 213 749-3031 x 17 CA Fountain Valley CompUSA #241 (9380 Warner Road) Team Leader for Fountain Valley is: Rollin White EMail: Fidonet: Rollin White at 1:102/132 CA Newark CompUSA #621 (5234 NewPark Mall) CA Oxnard CompUSA #587 (Rose Shopping Ctr, 2241 North Rose Ave.) Team Leader for Oxnard is: Paul Duncanson Phone: work: 805 584-8732 CA Redondo Beach CompUSA #581 (1611 Hawthorne Blvd.) Team Leader for Redondo Beach is: Fred Zimble Phone: work: 213 621-5181 CA Sacramento CompUSA #271 (2000 Howe Avenue) Team Leader for Sacramento is: Charles Cote Phone: work: 916 641-4007 CA San Bernadino CompUSA #277 (625 Hospitality Lane) Team Leader for San Bernadino is: Toni Ricciotti Phone: 805 258-4312 CA San Bruno CompUSA #297 (1250 El Camino Road, #M-3) CA San Diego CompUSA #251 (5830 Keamey Mesa Road) CA San Marcos CompUSA # 307 (2085 Montiel Road) CA Santa Clara CompUSA #291 (3561 El Camino Road) Team Leader for Santa Clara is: Dean Klingler Phone: 408 284-6865 EMail: Internet: dklinger@vnet.ibm.com CA Woodland Hills CompUSA #301 (8400 Owensmouth Ave.) Team Leader for Woodland Hills is: Geroge Saavedra Phone: work: 818 586-1727 CO Aurora CompUSA #161 (15880 East 6th Avenue) CT Norwalk CompUSA #511 (380 Connecticut Ave.) Team Leader for Norwalk is: Kimberly Bobrow Phone: 212 465-3367 EMail: Internet: kimberly@genie.geis.com CT Orange CompUSA #517 (401 The Boston Post Road) FL Deerfield Beach CompUSA #431 (1835 W. Hillsboro Blvd. Trail Plaza) Team Leader for Deerfield Beach is: Robert Rose Phone: 407 443-0730 FL Miami CompUSA #311 (600 Parkcenter Blvd, #400) FL Tampa CompUSA #337 (3617 West Hillsborough Avenue) Team Leader for Tampa is: Rebecca Williams Phone: work: 813-872-2144 FL West Palm Beach CompUSA #611 (2021 Okeechobee Blvd) GA Atlanta CompUSA #497 (3400 Wooddale Drive, Suite A210) GA Duluth CompUSA #147 (3825 Venture Drive) Team Leader for Duluth is: Steve Dolthyn Phone: work: 404 835-5143 GA Marietta CompUSA #491 (2201 Cobb Parkway) GA Roswell CompUSA #487 (1425 Market Blvd, Suite 200 (King Market Shopping Center)) IL Downers Grove CompUSA #181 (3000 Finley Drive) IL Schaumburg CompUSA #171 (1057 East Golf Road) IL Skokie CompUSA #177 (7011 North Central Avenue) IN Indianapolis (CastletoCompUSA #451 (8280 Castleton Corner Drive) Team Leader for Indianapolis (Castleton) is: Jeff Lautenbach Phone: 317 464-3173 KS Overland Park CompUSA #141 (7316 West 119th Street) LA Metaire CompUSA #461 (8855 Veterans Memorial Blvd.) MA Brighton CompUSA #447 (205 Market Street) MA Framingham CompUSA #327 (500 Cochituate Road) MA Woburn CompUSA #361 (335 Washington Street) MD Glen Burnie CompUSA #397 (6833 Govenor Richie Hwy, #G3A) MD Rockville CompUSA #391 (1776 East Jefferson, #203) Team Leader for Rockville is: Cliff Nadler Phone: work: 301 640-5501 EMail: Internet: cnadler@vnet.ibm.com MI Detroit CompUSA #357 (18440 Ford Road) MI Madison Heights CompUSA #351 (31601 John R. Road) MI Novi CompUSA #591 (43135 Crescent Blvd.) MO Maryland Heights CompUSA #131 (12632 Dorsett Road) NC Charlotte CompUSA (6301 Independence Blvd) NC Greensboro CompUSA #561 (500 Four Seasons, Town Center, Space 2039) NJ Edison CompUSA #571 (1130 Route One North) NJ Mt. Laurel CompUSA #437 (1100 Nixon Drive) Team Leader for Mt. Laurel is: Dan Bullock Phone: 809 484-2590 NJ Paramus CompUSA #407 (South 50 & Rt. 17 Buehler) NJ Parsipanny CompUSA #431 (U.S. Rt. 46 (Troy Hills Shopping Cntr)) NJ Roseville CompUSA #197 (2480 Fairview Ave North) NV Las Vegas CompUSA #221 (3535 W. Sahara Avenue) NY Garden City CompUSA #347 (623 Stewart Ave.) Team Leader for Garden City is: Jeff Bakalchuck Phone: 212 978-8042 EMail: Internet: boomer@realexposure.com NY Haupauge CompUSA #531 (526 Route 111) NY Rochester CompUSA #567 (400 Jefferson Road) OH Beachwood CompUSA #417 (Pavillon Shopping Cntr) OH Cincinnati CompUSA #421 (301 Forest Fair Drive) Team Leader for Cincinnati is: Kevin Royalty Phone: 513 745-8490 x8547 EMail: Internet: k.royalty@genie.geis.com OH Columbus CompUSA #541 (7588 North Market Center Way) Team Leader for Columbus is: David Jackson Phone: 614 225-3555 EMail: Internet: djackson@vnet.ibm.com OH Dayton CompUSA #427 (221 Springboro Pike) OH North Olmstead CompUSA (25425 Great Northern Shopping Ctr.) PA King of Prussia CompUSA #367 (176 W. Delcalo Pike) PA Philadelphia CompUSA #371 (103 Franklin Boulevard) RI Warwick CompUSA #321 (945 Bald Hill Road) TX Arlington CompUSA #121 (1301 North Collins #315) Team Leader for Arlington is: Ken Rocker Phone: work: 817 963-9991 EMail: Fidonet: 1:130/65 TX Austin CompUSA 521 (Gateway Square Shopping Center #503, Research Blvd at Stone Lake Blvd) Team Leader for Austin is: Patrick Pearce Phone: 512-918-2643 TX Dallas CompUSA #111 (15182 Marsh Lane) Team Leader for Dallas is: Tracy Poffenroth Phone: work: 817 931-3136 TX Houston CompUSA #527 (330 FM 1960 W.) TX Houston CompUSA #151 (12230 Westheimer #60) Team Leader for Houston is: Beth Otillar Phone: Work: 713 282-7636 EMail: Internet: Otillar@houvmscc.vnet.ibm.com TX Mesquite CompUSA #127 (1515 Town East Blvd, #168) VA Alexandria CompUSA #477 (5901 Stevenson Ave.) VA Norfolk CompUSA #471 (5957-15 E. Virginia Beach Road) VA Vienna CompUSA #381 (8357 Leesburg Pike) Team Leader for Vienna is: George Inness Phone: 301 640-2673 WI Brookfield CompUSA #191 (17300 Blue Mound Road) ═══ 6.3. Chicago OS/2 User Group Event: "Who's Who in OS/2" ═══ North Suburban Chicago OS/2 Users' Group by James Schmidt The North Suburban Chicago OS/2 Users' Group, Chicago's largest OS/2 Users' Group presents: An OS/2 Event: "Who's Who in OS/2" Date: April 5, 1994 Time: 5:30PM until approximately 8:30PM Location: Allstate Corporate Headquarters, Northbrook, IL This event will be totally free of charge and limited to only those with an honest interest in OS/2. A series of moderated route table discussions comprised of possibly the largest collection of OS/2 luminaries and experts ever gathered in one place outside of IBM. These expert panels will discuss and debate various aspects of OS/2. Then the participants will field as many questions as possible from the audience. Currently scheduled to appear (in alphabetical order): Marty Cawthon (Author of 'Chip Chat', OS/2 communications software) Randell Flint (Author of 'Relish', PIM for OS/2) Peter Hayes (IBM PSP, Director of Communications) Rick McGuire (IBM Endicott, Senior Programmer, REXX) David Moskowitz (Author and Editor, "OS/2 2.1 Unleashed") Chris Novak (IBM Chicago, Software Technology Specialist) Timothy Sipples (Author if Internet's OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions) Richard Swadley (Publisher, SAMS Publishing) David Whittle (IBM PSP, OS/2 Advisor) Bill Wyatt (IBM PSP, Grassroots Marketing) This is a VERY PRELIMINARY list with new additions almost daily. Coincidently, the CAMP (Corporate Association for Microcomputer Professionals) EXPO is being held the very next day. If you were planning on attending, this would be an excellent opportunity to attend both events with a minimum of travel and lodging expense. For further information or to request participation in this event, please contact NSCOUG at 708-317-7405, Internet mr.os2@gco.com, Compuserve 73447,607, or James Schmidt at Greater Chicago Online BBS (708 895-4042). Advance questions can be submitted to any of the above addresses. Respectfully submitted, James Schmidt Founder / Co-ordinator NSCOUG OS/2 Accredited ═══ 6.4. Scheduled Team OS/2 Activities or "What's coming soon?" ═══ Scheduled Team OS/2 Activities or "What's coming soon?" This is the list of events currently scheduled in our Team Event database starting in February 1994. There are often other Team OS/2 activities planned, but these are the ones we know of. If you'd like to help out on any of these, please contact the lead Teamer given in the list. --- Country: Brazil --- March 22, 1994 (for 4 days) in Rio de Janeiro Comdex-RJ: Brazilian Comdex For information, contact: Marcio Alexandre --- Country: Germany --- March 05, 1994 in Saulheim OS/2 Presentation: OS/2 Presentation to AMC Managers (Alfa Metalcraft) For information, contact: Norbert Pott --- Country: Japan --- February 21, 1994 (for 5 days) in Tokyo LANExpo '94 For information, contact: Steve Bellamy --- Country: UK --- February 221, 1994 (for 4 days) in Olympia, London, UK Windows Show: Planning to try to get OS/2 installed on as many machines as possible, distribute device drivers, and assist vendors to set up their applications under OS/2. For information, contact: David Partridge, +44 (0)926-464323 Internet: dave_p@vnet.ibm.com --- Country: USA --- Arizona February 26, 1994 in Tucson, Arizona Tucson Computer Society's Computer Fair: "The fair's theme is 'Explore the World of Personal Coputers'. For information, contact: Dave Battelle California February 19, 1994 in North Ridge, California North Ridge Computer Show For information, contact: Robert Worne March 18, 1994 (for 3 days) in Pomona, California Los Angeles Computer Fair For information, contact: Richard Frank Florida March 05, 1994 (for 2 days) in Boca Raton, Florida Meet Me Downtown: Large festival in Boca Raton, FL. Usually For information, contact: Doug Azzarito April 10, 1994 (for 7 days) in Lakeland, Florida Sun-N-Fun: This event is the "SHARE, GUIDE, COMDEX" equivalents for private pilots. Sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft Association. For information, contact: James F. Agnew Indiana February 24, 1994 (for 4 days) in Lafayette, Indiana Tippecanoe County Home Show: "This is their biggest show of the year, which several thousand local people attend" For information, contact: Phil Polstra at polstra@physics.purdue.edu Michigan February 24, 1994 in Grand Rapids, Michigan Product Show: Show to demonstrate new systems and new software to the agents. For information, contact: Janeen Weinstock North Carolina February 24, 1994 in Raleigh, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: OS/2 weekly demo at Egghead For information, contact: Stephen Riley Texas February 19, 1994 in Irving, Texas Infomart: Computer show with free education and a vendor area. For the last 18 months, Team OS/2 has been in that vendor sale area promoting OS/2 and winning converts. For information, contact: Gerald Meazell ═══ 6.5. Past Events (Before February, 1994) ═══ Past Events (Before February, 1994) We're including this list of activites in the past couple months so you can see what has been happening recently. Since some of these events were scheduled after we posted the last list, this gives you a more complete picture of what Teamers were doing. --- Country: Canada --- Alberta October 30, 1993 in Edmonton, Alberta OS/2 Day at CompCanada For information, contact: Arylnn Poczynek Ontario November 07, 1993 in Windsor, Ontario Ontario Computer Fair: A circuit computer show For information, contact: John Roesner --- Country: Mexico --- October 04, 1993 in Mexico City OS/2 in '93 (Mexico): OS/2 Demo in Mexico City For information, contact: Tere Rojas at MEXVM2(EROJAS) --- Country: Netherlands --- November 06, 1993 in Amsterdam ZyZ: Store demo For information, contact: Anton Versteeg at VERSTEEG@UITVM1 November 19, 1993 (for 2 days) in Utrecht Hobby Computer Club Days: PC-oriented organization demo For information, contact: Anton Versteeg at VERSTEEG@UITVM1 December 01, 1993 in Tilburg University of Tilburg: University demo For information, contact: Anton Versteeg at VERSTEEG@UITVM1 --- Country: Trinidad & Tobago -- October 25, 1993 (for 5 days) in Trinidad & Tobago NABEX For information, contact: Keri Alleyne at trinvm1(gbmkeri) --- Country: USA --- December 06, 1993 in (No City) Miller Brewing Co.: Miller Brewing contacted Sukalyan Saha, and asked him to conduct an OS/2 demo for their employees. For information, contact: Sukalyan Saha California October 09, 1993 (for 2 days) in Pomona, California Computer Marketplace Show: Largest Computer Show in US For information, contact: Richard Frank October 30, 1993 (for 2 days) in Pomona, California Computer Market Place: Computer Fair For information, contact: Richard Frank November 01, 1993 in Camarillo, California OS/2 Teachers Demo For information, contact: Len Zakas November 06, 1993 in Huntington Beach, California Egghead: Store demo For information, contact: Rollin White November 13, 1993 in Camarillo, California All City Software & Computers: Store demo For information, contact: Len Zakas November 20, 1993 (for 2 days) in Los Angeles, California Computer Market Place For information, contact: Richard Frank November 30, 1993 in Walnut, California CAL-POLY: OS/2 demonstration for students at CAL-POLY. For information, contact: Jim Ames December 04, 1993 in Costa Mesa, California Team OS/2 Presents Lotus Smart Suite: Demo being held at IBM Costa Mesa, CA. See the first complete desktop suite of 32 -bit applications to harness the full power of the OS/2 2.1 operating system. Each application is designed to take advantage of OS/2's 32-bit memory management, the graphical environment of the Workplace Shell, the time saving benefits of multithreading, and the security of a true multitasking operating system. For information, contact: Rollin White December 08, 1993 in Long Beach, California Office Solutions: OS/2 store demo in Long Beach, CA For information, contact: Jim Kennedy December 11, 1993 (for 2 days) in Pomona, California Computer Market Place: Large fair in Pomona, CA. Held every 3 weeks and usually draws an attendance of 2000 For information, contact: Richard Frank Colorado October 24, 1993 in Jefferson, Colorado Jefferson County Fairgrounds: Swapfest usually draws between 2,000 - 5,000 people. For information, contact: Jim Flannery Connecticut October 27, 1993 (for 2 days) in Hartford, Connecticut Hartford Computer & Electronics Show: Computer show For information, contact: Lisa Souza November 20, 1993 in Hartford, Connecticut IEEE Consultants Conference: Demo at University of Hartford For information, contact: Rich Chernock Florida October 14, 1993 in Palm Bay, Florida Open House @ C&C Computer Services: Store Demo For information, contact: Daniel Fisher October 23, 1993 in West Palm Beach, Florida Hamfest in West Palm Beach For information, contact: Frank Hall November 06, 1993 (for 2 days) in Miami, Florida Com/Bus - Miami: Fair For information, contact: Frank Hall Indiana October 20, 1993 in W. Lafayette, Indiana Purdue University: Demo for Dept. of Psychological Sciences For information, contact: Eliot Smith at esmith@psych.purdue.edu December 08, 1993 in Greenburg, Indiana Greenburg Area Data Processing Assoc.: Team OS/2 Cincinnati OS/2 2.1 Demo at Greenburg Area Data Processing Association For information, contact: Kevin Royalty October 16, 1993 in Baton Rouge, LA Louisianna State University: Univeristy Demo For information, contact: Sukalyan Saha October 23, 1993 in Baton Rouge, LA Cajun Clickers Computer Fair: Demo @ LA State Police Academy For information, contact: Keith Duke December 04, 1993 in Baton Rouge, LA OS/2 Day: OS/2 demo at Formosa Computers , Baton Rouge, LA For information, contact: David Arbour Maryland November 17, 1993 in Bethesda, Maryland Commonwealth of Virginia: Conference being attended by all Virginia state agencies providing services to the blind. Demo will also support ScreenReader/2. For information, contact: Geoff Waaler Minnesota October 02, 1993 in Roseville, Minnesota Vendor Days (Egghead): Store Demo For information, contact: Markus Krumpholtz October 06, 1993 in Mancato, Minnesota Mancato State University: University Demo For information, contact: Steven Teller North Carolina October 02, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina For information, contact: Donald Woods at DWOODS at RALVM11 October 28, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly store demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley November 04, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly store demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley November 09, 1993 (for 2 days) in North Carolina PC Expo: Computer Fair For information, contact: Steve Gallagher November 11, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly store demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley November 13, 1993 in Myrtle Beach, North Carolina Myrtle Beach HAMFest & PC Fair For information, contact: Steve Gallagher at SJGALLA at RTP November 18, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly store demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley November 19, 1993 in Raleigh, North Carolina North Carolina State Univ.: New Shade of Blue Tour asked Team OS/2 NC to coordinate an OS/2 demo for NCSU For information, contact: Michael Ward at N$MIKE@RALVM29 November 20, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead: Store Demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley November 27, 1993 (for 2 days) in Greensboro, North Carolina Greensboro Hamfest: Fair in Greensboro, where 2000+ people are expected to attend. For information, contact: Stephen Riley December 02, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly Store Demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley December 04, 1993 in Raleigh, North Carolina Elbos: OS/2 demo for computer store in Crabtree Mall, Raleigh, NC For information, contact: Stephen Riley December 09, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly store demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley December 12, 1993 in Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh PC Fair: HAV Productions will be sponsoring their third PC Fair of the year at the Kerr Scott Building at the Raleigh Fairgrounds on Sunday, December 12, 1993. Team OS/2 will be in the house in full force! We will have booths with test drive machines, demo diskettes, and free "stuff". Indelible Blue, a local OS/2 mail order house, will be nearby selling OS/2, apps, books, etc. Additionally, the Triangle OS/2 Users Group will have a booth where they will be recruiting new members. Finally, HAV Productions have kindly extended to Team Os/2 the use of the second-floor meeting rooms, where we will be running OS/2 seminars non-stop all day. Something for everyone! For information, contact: Steve Gallagher at sjgalla@ralvm29 December 16, 1993 in Cary, North Carolina Egghead Weekly Demo: Weekly Store Demo For information, contact: Stephen Riley New York October 09, 1993 in Farmingdale, New York A Computer Master: Store Demo For information, contact: Adolpho Candray November 29, 1993 (for 6 days) in Armonk, New York Corptax Conference: IBM conference For information, contact: Ron Garrett at RGARRETT at RHQVM07 Ohio October 02, 1993 in Cincinnati, Ohio Egghead: Store Demo For information, contact: Kevin Royalty October 09, 1993 in Cincinnati, Ohio Electronics Boutique: Store Demo For information, contact: Kevin Royalty October 16, 1993 in Cincinnati, Ohio Software Etc.: Store Demo For information, contact: Kevin Royalty October 16, 1993 in Cincinnati, Ohio Egghead Software: Store Demo For information, contact: Kevin Royalty October 30, 1993 in Cincinnati, Ohio Micro 1,Inc.: Store Demo For information, contact: Kevin Royalty December 02, 1993 (for 2 days) in Marietta, Ohio OS/2 Presentation to Marietta College: The university is interested in using OS/2 for their future curriculum, and asked alumni Dan DeVault to demo OS/2. For information, contact: Dan DeVault at devault@bcrvmpc1 Oregon October 30, 1993 in Aloha, Oregon OS/2 Demo Day @ Software Electonics: Store Demo For information, contact: Albert Gaylord at albertg@beacon.rain.com Pennsylvania November 06, 1993 in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania Shiva Computer Systems OS/2 Day: Store Demo For information, contact: Barry L. Kline October 05, 1993 (for 3 days) in Dallas, Tx Networld For information, contact: Floyd Langley Texas November 26, 1993 (for 2 days) in Arlington, Texas CompUSA: Store demo at CompUSA in Arlington, TX, on the largest shopping weekend of the year. For information, contact: Floyd Langley West Virginia October 08, 1993 (for 3 days) in Huntington, West Virginia PC & Network Svcs: 3-day demos of OS/2 and networking products for 400-500 corporate clients For information, contact: Mike Erwin at 72604,1350 (Compuserve) ═══ 7. Team OS/2 Event Reports or "What's been happening?" ═══ Team OS/2 Event Reports or "What's been happening?" Event reports are selected from various reports sent in to teamos2@vnet.ibm.com or posted on electronic conferences. Also, if you wish to specifically send in a report or letter that you'd like included in this newsletter, please send it via the Internet to: teamnews@vnet.ibm.com or internally within IBM to: teamnews at ausvm1 As you submit reports, we would appreciate photographs suitable for scanning and including in this newsletter. It is always nice to see the team in action!!! ═══ 7.1. A Great Start for Team OS/2 Sweden ═══ Team OS/2 Sweden By Mats Pettersson On Saturday the 12th of February, Team OS/2 in Sweden had a flying start! 3 days before OS/2 for Windows was available in Sweden, Team OS/2 started to sell OS/2 for Windows in cooperation with one of the resellers in Stockholm. Not to stop with that. Team OS/2 had a special deal for the first 15 SysOps to come during the day. The shop opened at 10. At 8:30 in the morning, SysOps started to arrive. It was a cold day (about -15C). When the doors opened at 10, all 10-15 SysOps stormed in, and grabbed their own copy of OS/2 for Windows. They had one problem though - how on earth would they be able to install OS/2 for Windows with frozen fingers?!? The rest of the day, Team OS/2 was busy demonstrating and showing how to install OS/2 for Windows. The result for the day was: o 13 for the SysOp deal o 28 packages OS/2 for Windows sold o 1 package stolen. This means that a user is willing to do anything to get his own copy!!! And - some packages with OS/2 2.1 Fullpack were sold. Some visitors decided to wait for the CD-ROM version or the UK-version, which we unfortunately didn't have available. ═══ 7.2. Northridge Computer Show ═══ CSUN Northridge Computer Show. by Robert Worne Ok, to fire this off, this report was delayed due to the computer being thrown off the desk during the earthquake. (Good enough excuse?) ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Note from editor: Yes (*smile*). │ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ People present at the show for OS/2 demo: Robert Worne (myself) and Joe Mesirow I teamed up with Office Solutions who is a local dealer that supports OS/2 in a big way. They were kind enough to donate table space so that I would not have to set up outside the show. Paul Duncanson and the LA OS/2 users group were there as well. During the demo (1 day show), about 20 copies of OS/2 were sold (all were OS/2 4 WIN) and 2 suprisingly went to people who wanted the Full GA Upgrade. A more suprising fact was that it was a BIG day for OS/2 applications. Deskman/2, Backmaster, and the Hobbes CDROM hit it big and a few people were interested in picking up Describe (was out of stock) and AMI Pro. This notably had one of the best selections of OS/2 software, applications present: AMI-Pro, Backupwiz, PMComm, HobbesCD, Arcadia, PM FAX, Corel v2.5, Gammatech, WP OS/2, and many others. Parts of the show that went well: Demos and Q&A, My machine carries my OS2 BBS on it and I performed on-the-spot tech support and driver distribution, plenty of OS/2 trinkets were available for the masses. What didn't go well: I woke up late, The event was also covered by LA OS/2 user's group (I passed them some stuff to hand out as well) and we needed a bit more communication with the LA OS2 group. The following earthquake. Overall reaction to OS/2 was quite positive, over the last few months I have noticed less and less of the OS/2 bashers visiting the demo area. ═══ 7.3. Charlotte, North Carolina, Store Demo ═══ TEAM NC: Charlotte Day One By Steve Gallagher WOW! This makes my thing at Computer Directions seem like nothing. My only solice is that I think we totally impressed the sales staff. They are OPEN to try OS/2 now where they were openly anti- a few weeks ago. The demos went fine and even a problem made converts. We used one of their machines; a 486/dx2-66 but only 8mb ram! I said no problem (they snicker; like "sure he can run in 8meg"). They also installed it on a machine with a Mitsumi CD-ROM (single spin 300ms access) and 120 mb hard drive, Cirrus SVGA chip on vesa local bus, and a Sound Blaster clone that failed the midi support install. I think: no problem, plenty good for demos. I ask why isn't the machine in SVGA 1024-780 mode and they snicker again; no Cirrus dirvers available for OS/2 (hehe, sez I ; they're included with 2.1, and I promptly install them from DSPINSTL. They were suitabley impressed. Next, I ask where they got Mitsumi drivers? Sez they: they called a local BBS and downloaded them. I said "Wasn't that easy? You didn't have to call the manufacturer for them" (ding - another point goes on the scorecard). They had the machine in a back corner next to a killer machine with MS Video and set up to maximize Multimedia. Guess what I decide to concentrate on? Give up? MMPM/2!, that's right! They couldn't find the disks for the demo or I would have loaded the INDEO.AVIs to compare apples to oranges. But I had chess, two solitaires, and the Laster .AVI running at the same time. People who came to look at the MS multimedia ended up spending a bit of time looking at the OS/2 version. Then they found out that ALL this was in 8meg, and they were BLOWN AWAY! We only had about 100 people come look and they were casual at best. BUT, we spent the majority of our time with the SALES STAFF answering questions and letting them try to blow it up. It never crashed the whole day, although it did slow to a crawl after someone opened about 7 chess games. All in all, I would say that the objective to penetrate the store staff and provide education and first hand exposure was a resounding success. When we left, we were invited back to do another day, and this time they will do some advertising for the event. Sounds like a worthwhile time to me. Thanks to all that helped out - Rich Cottle Martin Brosman Carl Lackey and behind the scenes - Jeff at LUVOS2 Stephen R (for providing moral support and Carl) ═══ 7.4. Software Etc Demo, Winston-Salem, North Carolina ═══ Software Etc Demo, Winston-Salem, North Carolina January 15, 1994 - Team NC By Victor R. Kruger, Jr. Well, it is done - and it went well! Sold 3 of their 4 copes of OS/2 for Windows while there, with a couple people that will probably be back within a week to buy. Thanks to closet Teamer Mark Fay and Erick Waterworth (who didn't make it, but loaned his 486 multimedia machine to the cause - now all he has to do is pry it from my hot little hands to get it back. Joel Canon even managed to drop by for a couple minutes. This is one pro-OS/2 store (employee wise). The manager knows and uses OS/2 and can talk about it beautifully. The other employees are also very enthusiastic. One employee unbuttoned his dress shirt to reveal an OS/2 t-shirt beneath that he would be playing soccer in after work! I nominate this store as most pro-OS/2. We had primo position with this demo. They had a pedestal/cabinet smack dab in front of the door as people walked in, so you couldn't miss us. With the current popular games running (DOOM, Alone in the Dark, Simcity 2000, Prince of Persia, etc), I had to pull the mouse away from more than one distraught child to show interested parties OS/2. Now that I think about it, the adults weren't too happy either. All in all a very good day! One customer at a time. ═══ 7.5. GenTech (Genealogy Technology) ═══ IBM and Team OS/2 at GenTech IBM's Personal Software Products Division and Team OS/2 teamed up at GenTech (a Genealogy Technology conference held yearly) to show off OS/2's superior multi-tasking abilities. GenTech focuses on the latest technology for the genealogist, whether a professional or a hobbyist. OS/2 was definately a hit with this crowd of computer literate users. Genealogists use a variety of software; from specialized genealogy programs to databases, phonebooks to word processors and a multitude of others. Most also use communications programs of one sort or another to connect into bulletin boards such as CompuServe or local boards for Internet access. There is an unbelievable amount of data available electronically for the Genealogist. The OS/2 booth was always crowded in between the lecture and demo sessions. Everyone who dropped by was excited about OS/2 and many of them indicated they had been considering it. Well, we helped make up their minds by giving away 100 copies to those that had computers with the right hardware setup and/or were upgrading in the very near future. We had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone there. I'd like to especially thank the GenTech Board of Directors who worked so hard to put the show together and invited IBM to be a particpant. I'd also like to thank the IBM'ers who took time away from work and their personal lives to help me out. A big Thank You to Gerald Meazell and Floyd Langley for helping out with the equipment and setup. Also thanks to all those who worked in the booth: Jason Blakely, Chris John, Floyd Langley, Gerald Meazell, Ken Roberson, Jam Smolenski, Dave Whittle, and Oprah Wisham. We hope this grass roots effort flourishes through families across the world. Vicci Conway PSP Marketing (and Genealogy Hobbyist) ═══ 7.6. CompUSA, Virginia ═══ CompUSA in Tysons Corner, VA By Joe Gilvary The OS/2 Day at CompUSA in Tysons Corner, VA was a great success. We had several Teamers come out and give of their time despite the cold weather (wind chills in the negative 20s). We also had reps from Attachmate, Lotus, and Computer Associates there to show their OS/2 solutions and tools. Many people got an eye-ful, as we (Team OS/2) were posted right inside the front door. OS/2 Professional magazine was there to give away back issues of the magazine, and CompUSA carries the current issue for sale on their shelves. Our Teamers included - o Pete Norloff, sysop of OS/2 Shareware BBS o Timur Tabi, contributing editor for OS/2 Monthly magazine o Patrick Zilliacus, vice-chair of the local OS/2 SIG o Kirby Thornton o Michael Kilby o Luis Garcia o Joe Gilvary Several other members of the SIG dropped in and helped out fielding questions. I spoke with Rich Ochs, the software manager, yesterday. He told me that Saturday's sales stacked up like this - o OS/2 for Window, 3.5" disks, 27 copies o OS/2 2.1 upgrade, 3.5" 6 copies o OS/2 2.1 upgrade, 5.25" 2 copies o Full pkge. 2.1, 3.5" 5 copies o Full pkge. 2.1, 5.25" 4 copies He said that there were "lots of OS/2 apps" sold as well. Who knows how many next day purchases we may have influenced! Since the OS/2 for Windows promo ends Feb. 9, there's just enough time to get back out there on Feb. 5, the last Sat. of the promotion. And, this time we can try to hit all 3 DC area CompUSA stores. I've already gotten several replies of people who'll work, and I know that as we left on the 15th, several of the others were asking about doing something at the Rockville store at least, so I'm fairly confident that we'll be back in force on Feb. 5. Then I HAVE to retire for awhile while I still remember what my family looks like. g. ═══ 8. Appendix - Questions and Answers ═══ Appendix (Questions and Answers) The Appendix will contain information that will be updated in future newsletters to provide valuable reference information. ═══ 8.1. Appendix A: How do I contact IBM Team OS/2 Support ═══ How do I contact IBM Team OS/2 Support IBM PSP Grass-Roots Marketing supports Team OS/2 and other activities. The people involved are: Vicci Conway Vicci is in Boca Raton, Florida. Her primary job is BBS coordination, coverage thereof, and communications for IBM PSP. Her secondary responsibility is helping with Team OS/2 support. She also works with vendors to provide them with the Team OS/2 mailing list and coordinates the Team OS/2 Reception at Fall Comdex. In addition, any vendor wishing to get their press releases distributed electronically should contact her as well. Janet Gobeille Janet is in Austin, Texas. She works to define and coordinate world-wide Team OS/2 support for IBM PSP. If you have a problem with IBM Team OS/2 support, call her. She also creates this newsletter each month, works to provide international support and coordination for Team OS/2, and maintains the databases used to support Team OS/2. Jeff Mallon Jeff works with Janet in Austin. He handles the and day-to-day support for Team OS/2 including shipping, database updates, and responding to phone, fax, and email inquiries. When you send a note to either TEAMOS2@VNET.IBM.COM or LUVOS2@vnet.ibm.com, Jeff is usually the person who will read and answer it. User Group Relations: Gene Barlow, Kathy Fanning, and Bill Wyatt form our PSP User Group Relations team. See Appendix F for more info on IBM PSP User Group Support. You can contact Team OS/2 Support via the Internet address given below from most electronic networks. If necessary, contact us via fax or telephone, but electronic mail is definitely preferred. Internet (Team OS/2 Support): teamos2@vnet.ibm.com Internet (Team OS/2 Newsletter): teamnews@vnet.ibm.com Internet (BBS support): vicci@vnet.ibm.com Internet (PC User Group Support): ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com IBM (internal) (Team OS/2 Support): TEAMOS2 at AUSVM1 IBM (internal) (Team OS/2 Newsletter): TEAMNEWS at AUSVM1 IBM (internal) (BBS Support): VICCI at BCRVM1 IBM (internal) (IBM PC User Groups): IBMPCUG at AUSVM1 You can also contact us at any of the following addresses and request that your note be forwarded to the correct person: CompuServe: Vicci Conway at 76711,1123 Fidonet: Janet Gobeille at 1:109/347.3479Y IBMMAIL: Janet Gobeille at USIB45RN at IBMMAIL OS/2 BBS: Vicci Conway at USIB55J9 at IBMMAIL Fax: Send your request to Janet Gobeille, Team OS/2 Support, at (512) 823-3252 Mail: Janet Gobeille IBM PSP - Bldg 808 Internal Zip 2996 11400 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78758 USA Telephone: Jeff Mallon, Team OS/2 Support, at (512) 823-1682 If you have problems reaching Team OS/2 Support, contact Janet Gobeille at (512) 823-3247. ═══ 8.2. Appendix B: How can I join Team OS/2? ═══ How can I join Team OS/2? The IBM Team OS/2 Support group keeps a database of members as a service to Team OS/2 members world-wide. We then sort and upload them to the electronic networks so that you can find each other. For this database, please send the following information to one of the addresses given in Appendix A: 1. Your Name 2. Mailing address (only the city, state, and country will be published) May we release your address to vendors who wish to do mailings to Team OS/2 members? (Yes or no) 3. userids and networks 4. Optional: you can include a short (1-2 line) description to be included with your name. Sometimes software developers like to mention which products they've written or BBS operators include how to reach their BBS. 5. For our private records (these will NOT be published), please also include your phone number (home/work), Fax, etc. Also please let us know what you've been doing to help promote the use of OS/2. ═══ 8.3. Appendix C: Where can I find Team OS/2 Members? ═══ Where can I find Team OS/2 Members? The majority of people associated with Team OS/2 can be found somewhere online, participating on a Bulletin Board. Since the fastest and easiest method of communicating with a large group such as Team OS/2 is via electronic networks, this is the perfect avenue to coordinate events, to report on what you or your group are doing, or to help others who have questions or problems. We also electronically brainstorm about new ideas. We also provide a list of Team OS/2 members and email addresses worldwide. It can normally be found wherever this newsletter is found. The next section in this Appendix shows how to address these users via the Internet no matter which electronic system they may be on. Below are the major networks where Teamers can be found. The lead Teamer on each network is usually a volunteer assisting in monitoring conferences and uploading files from IBM PSP. Note: these folks are *not* IBM OS/2 technical support. The following list is maintained by Vicci Conway (IBM PSP Bulletin Board Coordinator). Please contact her with corrections and changes. America Online: Go to the "Computing" icon, "OS/2" topic. The lead Teamer here is Ed D'Avignon and can be found with the userid "TEAMOS2 ED". AOL has regularly-scheduled OS/2 chats on Tuesdays at 11:30 p.m., Thursdays at 9 p.m., and Saturdays at 9:30 p.m.. All times are Eastern Standard Time. Compuserve: "GO OS2USER", Section 9, Team OS/2. Vicci Conway (76711,1123) is the lead Teamer here. To join CompuServe, call (800)-848-8199 (USA only). Delphi: Custom Forum 41 is where the Teamers hang out on Delphi. Steve Gallagher (S.GALLAGHER) takes the main Teamer liason role here. To join Delphi, call (800) 695-4005 (USA only). Fidonet: Join us on the TEAMOS2 echo conference (on the Fidonet zone 1 backbone but available internationally). Janet Gobeille (1:109/347.3479) is active here along with many other IBMers who join in on this conference. Steve Gallagher is the volunteer uploading IBM announcements to the International OS2 echo conference. GEnie: Go to the "OS/2" roundtable (page 1400). Kevin Royalty is an active Teamer here and sends in the GEnie announcements for this newsletter. Regularly scheduled RealTime Conferences (RTCs) are as follows (Eastern time): Monday 9:30P-11:30P Eastern OS/2 Help Desk with Jeff Elkins Tuesday 9:30P-11:30P Eastern Team OS/2 Nationwide Conferences with: Kevin Royalty and Stewart Hyde Wednesday 9:30P-11:30P Eastern General Meetings/Special Events To join GEnie, call (800) 638-9636 (USA only). Within IBM: See TEAMOS2 FORUM and TEAMOS2 CFORUM on the internal IBMPC conference disk. Also, check TEAMUK FORUM (UK) or TEAMCDA FORUM (Canada). Internet: No specific conference, but you will find Teamers on most of the OS/2-specific newsgroups. For Team OS/2 information on the Internet, send email to luvos2@vnet.ibm.com. OS2BBS (from IBM): Join us on the TeamOS2 CFORUM. Vicci Conway (USIB55J9 at IBMMAIL) is the forum Administrator. To join the OS2BBS, call (800) 547-1283 (USA only). Prodigy: The OS/2 Club. This Club on Prodigy has files available for downloading and messages are auto-posted. Check the "New Files" area weekly for new uploads. The Team OS/2 support liason is Gene Gough (DWJG89A). To join Prodigy, call (800) PRO-DIGY (USA only). Also, there are often Team OS/2 get-togethers or meetings at trade shows and technical conferences. If you plan to attend a conference, please check electronically for any Team OS/2 activity that may be planned. ═══ 8.3.1. Sending Email through the Internet ═══ Sending Email through the Internet We've had many requests asking how to contact a Teamer who is on a different electronic network. So, this table shows how to create an Internet email address for many of the systems where Teamers can be found: Network Sample address Sample re-formatted for Internet America tom214 tom214@aol.com Online Compuserve 76711,1123 76711.1123@compuserve.com (Note: change the comma (,) to a period (.) for the Internet address.) Delphi Barnesd Barnesd@delphi.com Fidonet Janet at 1:109/347.3479 Janet@p3479.f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org Janet Gobeille at Janet_Gobeille@f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org 1:109/347 (Note: not all Fidonet users have Internet netmail access. However, if the Fidonet address is in the Team OS/2 list, the person should have mail capability there. Fidonet addresses are reversed and prefixes added to create an internet address. The 'p' parameter is only used when sending a note to a Fidonet 'point': an address with the 4th set of digits). GEnie K.Royalty K.Royalty@genie.geis.com Prodigy abc12345 abc12345@prodigy.com ═══ 8.4. Appendix D: Team OS/2 International! ═══ Team OS/2 International! Team OS/2 is everywhere.... not just in the USA. Team members can be found around the world. Although the international conferencing is often done in English, there are Teamers active on local bulletin boards and other conferences in many languages (for example, see the write-up in an earlier section about getting OS/2 conferences in the formerly Russian countries). This section contains any country-specific information that we can collect to assist and publicize your efforts to help other OS/2 users. If you know of some specific Team OS/2 or OS/2 conferences in your country, please send me a short note with information on how to get to them. I will be happy to re-post that information here in following newsletters to help others learn where they can also join in the fun. More contacts will be added here as the we learn of others who have volunteered to be Teamer country coordinators. If you are active in electronic conferencing in your country, can send email reliably to us via Internet or IBM VNET, and are willing to spend some time supporting Team OS/2 and Teamers in your country, please contact Janet Gobeille via Internet at "janetg@vnet.ibm.com". Also, I'll put more about this function in the next newsletter, and I'll be electronically contacting the country and regional coordinators in early February. To this point, most of the country Team OS/2 coordinators have started up on their own, but we are learning to work together. We are trying to determine how we can best support Team OS/2 as the needs and requirements may be very different in each country. ═══ 8.4.1. Team OS/2 OZ : Australia ═══ Team OS/2 OZ - Australia Team Coordinator for Team OS/2 OZ: Scott Akinson IBM Internal: SCOTTA at SYDVM1 Internet: via Peter Kelly at: yellek@vnet.ibm.com IBM Liason for Team OS/2 OZ: Peter Kelley Internet: via Peter Kelly at: yellek@vnet.ibm.com Note from Janet Gobeille: I'd like to thank Dion Gillard in Sydney for setting up the Team OS/2 pizza dinner in January. I enjoyed VERY much meeting many of the Team OS/2 OZ members I had only known before electronically. Hi guys (*wave*). ═══ 8.4.2. Team OS/2 Canada ═══ Team OS/2 Canada IBM Team OS/2 Canada Liaison: France Loubier Canada has many active teamers, as well as a great BBS system.: BBS's and Electronic Conferencing IBM BBS Denis Tonn has been doing a great job supporting the IBM BBS OS/2 conferences within Canada (IBMNet). They are widely carried outside of Canada by Fidonet nodes. Within IBM: Teamers inside IBM have a Canadian-specific conference: TEAMCDA FORUM on IBMPC. IBM Canada Support Oh the IBM side, France Loubier of IBM Canada is very supportive of Team OS/2. If you plan to set up a public OS/2 event for Team OS/2 in Canada, contact France via Internet at "TEAM_CND@vnet.ibm.com" for support. Within IBM, you can reach her at userid "FRANCE at CANVM2". If you cannot send email to either of those addresses, send your information to Team OS/2 support in the US through normal channels (see Appendix A). France is our liason with IBM Canada and is working with Janet Gobeille to set up more formal support within Canada. ═══ 8.4.3. Team OS/2 Italy ═══ Team OS/2 Italy by Guiseppe Rossano Team OS/2 Italy Coordinator: Guiseppe Rossano (IBM). Looking at the great activities made by you all around the world, some people from the Italian OS/2 BBS, as well as from the Italian DAP BBS Front End and me asked ourselves: "why do we not create our own Team OS/2?". Nowadays we consist of about 10 people, whose are discussing about the Team itself, the experiences made by the other Teams everywhere and the activities we are planning to organize in the future. Don't worry all the discussion are made in Italian ..... ! ! Joining Team OS/2 Italy It is possible to join and participate to Team OS/2 Italy. How ? We usually meet on the IBM Semea PSP BBS in our local TeamOS2 Area, so if you would like to join us, you can find us there. Leave your name, address, e-mail address, phone numbers and OS/2 Activities in a message addressed to me, Giuseppe Rossano. The IBM Semea PSP BBS in Italy telephone number is 02 - 7534412 and the access is free of charge. If you are a DAP Member, you can do the same from the IBM Semea DAP BBS. BBS Network Support - Italy IBM DAP BBS (+39) 02 - 7534402 Since December 1992 is actively working the Italian DAP BBS Front End. It collects more than 250 members and supported about 5000 calls during this year. Please contact Giuseppe Rossano to get more information about the Italian Developers Assistance Program itself. IBM PSP BBS (+39) 02 - 7534412 The Personal Software Products BBS started during the "OS/2 Forum" event we had in Milan at the end of September. The BBS is dedicated to support and deliver as much as possible for OS/2 End User. The access is free of charge and more than 1.5 Gigabytes are on line !!!! The Pletora of OS/2 BBS es Yes, currently in Italy you can find many available BBS dedicated to OS/2 !!!!!!. They are making an huge job delivering files and conferences as well, supporting and boosting the OS/2 in ITALY. My personal greetings to them !!!! Note from newsletter editor: A new Team OS/2 Italy newsletter is now being distributed on these BBS's by Fabio Vinciguerra. Contact Information Team OS/2 Italy: Giuseppe Rossano ( nickname: Ross ) Mail Address: Giuseppe Rossano (MiSeg526) IBM Semea spa Circonvallazione Idroscalo 20090 Segrate Italy phone: +39-2-59625289 fax : +39-59629199 VNET (IBM Internal only): IT33201 at Vimvmoa Internet E-Mail: Giuseppe_Rossano@VNET.IBM.COM BBS: IBM Semea PSP BBS phone number: +39 - 2 - 7534412 IBM Semea DAP BBS phone number: +39 - 2 - 7534402 ═══ 8.4.4. Team OS/2 NL: the Netherlands ═══ Team OS/2 Netherlands Team OS/2 Coordinators: Michael Dag and Anton Versteeg Michael Dag and Anton Versteeg are the primary Team OS/2 NL contacts. (The photo shows Anton on the left, Michael on the right). Team OS/2 NL usually "hangs out" on the IBM OS/2 BBS in their local TEAMOS2 Area. To join, call the BBS at 030-334711 (access is free of charge). Leave your name, address, email address, phone number, and OS/2 activities in a message addressed to Michael Dag. There is also an IBM-internal conference for Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg called TEAMBNL FORUM on IBMPC. ═══ 8.4.5. Team OS/2 Singapore ═══ Team OS/2 Singapore Team OS/2 Coordinator: YAP Ken Ann (IBM Singapore) The new baby in Singapore is an OS/2 User Group. Many of the keen and vocal advocates of OS/2 are Fidonet BBS Sysops and university students, and they have requested Team OS/2 status. I'm sure we're all interested in hearing what they will be doing to encourage the use and spread of OS/2, and they will be providing further updates as to how to reach them in later issues of this newsletter. ═══ 8.4.6. Team OS/2 Sweden ═══ Team OS/2 Sweden We are very pleased to welcome a new Team OS/2 group that is becoming active in their own activities and in working with IBM to support them. Team OS/2 Sweden just wrapped up its first planned event on February 12. Please see the event report submitted by Mats Pettersson included in this newsletter. The Team OS/2 coordinator for the team is Mats Pettersson. Congratulations, Mats, are due to you and your team on a very successful day! To reach Mats Pettersson about Team OS/2 Sweden, contact any of the following: o Internet: mpettersson at vnet.ibm.com o IBMMail: seibm3nl at IBMMail o IBM internal: petter at stovm1 o Or leave a message on the IBM PSP BBS: 46-8-793-2200 ═══ 8.4.7. Team OS/2 UK ═══ Team OS/2 UK Team Coordinator for the UK: David C. Partridge (IBM) IBM Network: PARTRID at ASICVM We have support from various IBM UK organizations and David C. Partridge has volunteered to work with them and with other Teamers to try to provide better support for Team OS/2. He's coordinating Team OS/2 support for the Windows Show, Feb 22-25, at this time and is looking for volunteers. See the 'current events' list for details. If you are not on the Team OS/2 member list, please send in your information to Team OS/2 Support (see Appendix A) and let us know who you are. And if you have some specific suggestions of what you would like to do along with what support you would need from IBM to accomplish it, please send them as well. ═══ 8.5. Appendix E: Team OS/2 Activities support by IBM ═══ Team OS/2 Activities support by IBM This section contains information on specific activities and events where IBM PSP is actively supporting Team OS/2. However, if you are looking for support that doesn't fall within one of the following categories, please contact us and discuss it with us. At this time, major activities that are supported include: 1. Support for public OS/2 demos (including those at stores or universities) 2. Support for local OS/2 resellers ═══ 8.5.1. Support for Public OS/2 Demos ═══ If you're planning to do a demo for a group of people or for a public event, please contact IBM Team OS/2 Support. Examples of supported demos include public demos at universities, PC fairs, hamfests, shopping center malls, or OS/2 days at local retailers. We would like to know: o Where the demo will be done (name of school, store, etc) o Date and location of scheduled event (city, state, country) o Number of Teamers involved in doing or supporting the demo o Number of people expected to attend and see your demo o If this is a public demo at a software retail store, also send the number of store clerks expected to be working during your demo. o Your name, shipping address, and telephone number We would like to help with a 'Team OS/2 demo pack' with some things to support your demo and to give away during it. Since the contents will vary according to the event, we'll discuss what this will consist of after receiving your request. (Note: this 'demo pack' is not intended for user group meetings.) Then after your event, we would like a report on it including: o names and addresses of all the Teamers involved in the activity o pictures, pictures, pictures. Please take pictures of the Teamers in this activitiy, and send them to us with your report. We would like to include your pictures in future newsletters. o number of people who saw your demo or tried OS/2 during that time o How did it go? Tell us what went well, what didn't, what advice you'd have for others doing this? Also, what suggestions do you have for our Team OS/2 support in the future. ═══ 8.5.2. Team OS/2 Support for local retailers selling OS/2 ═══ If you have a local retail store that is selling OS/2, we encourage you to 'adopt a store'. Meet the employees, answer their questions on OS/2, encourage them to stock it, visit them on a regular basis if you can. If you adopt a store that is carrying OS/2 but doesn't have any OS/2 marketing 'support' (such as demo disks, OS/2 posters, etc), please contact us with the following information: o Name and address of store o Name of the store manager o Does the store have a demo OS/2 system (or will they?) We'll send you a 'Team OS/2 Store Pack' for you to give to them. This contains: OS/2 'Z-cards' (flyer with OS/2 information) OS/2 demo disks OS/2 post-its and pens for store employees OS/2 poster A 'monitor topper' if they are running OS/2 Catalogs from sources of OS/2 merchandise Note: at this time we are only prepared to offer this support within the US. However, if there are Teamers outside the US who are seriously interested in requesting one of these packs, please EMAIL or FAX your inquiry to us as given in Appendix A and we'll see what we can arrange. ═══ 8.6. Appendix F: Support for OS/2 demos at user groups ═══ Support for OS/2 demos at user groups The 'demo pack' is not intended for user group presentations of OS/2. To arrange for an OS/2 demo or to support a planned OS/2 demo for a user group, contact one of the following: Internet: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com Inside IBM: IBMPCUG at AUSVM1 Fax: Gene Barlow at 512 823-3252 Mail: Gene Barlow IBM PSP User Group Relations P.O. Box 201449 Austin, TX 78720-1449 ═══ 8.6.1. User Group and OS/2 SIG Registration Information ═══ TO: All PC User Group Officers, all OS/2 User Group Officers and OS/2 SIG Officers: Please help us (IBM) update our database. As we enhance our User Group support programs and explore alternate ways of communicating, we need to gather additional information on each user group as well as to update any obsolete information. Please fill out as much information as you can on your User Group or SIG. Then return the completed information to IBM PSP User Group Relations at one of the addresses below: Mail: Kathy Fanning IBM 11400 Burnet Rd. INTERNAL ZIP 2996 Austin, TX 78758 FAX: (512)823-3252, ATTENTION: KATHY FANNING Internet: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com To send to an Internet address from CompuServe, type the following on the 'send to' line: INTERNET: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com THANKS for your help! NOTE: Where the survey asks for an email address, please provide the full userid and name of the service (ie. CompuServe, Internet, Prodigy, MCI Mail, IBMLINK, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU ARE FILLING THIS FORM OUT FOR A SIG (SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP), PLEASE PUT THE SIG NAME, ADDRESS, OFFICERS, ETC. WHERE IT SAYS CLUB. --------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT YOUR GROUP AND HOW TO REACH YOU: WHAT IS THE CLUB OR SIG NAME AND PERMANENT MAILING ADDRESS? Club Name: Address: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Country: IF DIFFERENT, WHAT IS THE CLUB/SIG SHIPPING ADDRESS (FOR UPS SHIPMENTS, CANNOT BE A US POST OFFICE BOX)? Ship to Name: Address: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Country: HOW CAN PEOPLE GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR GROUP OR SIG? Information Phone: BBS Phone: Email: ---------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN YOUR GROUP: WHO IS THE CLUB/SIG PRESIDENT? Name: Daytime Phone: WHO IS THE PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON? Name: Daytime Phone: DOES YOUR CLUB/SIG HAVE A NEWSLETTER? Do you accept vendor advertising? Who is your editor? Daytime Phone: -------------------------------------------------------- OS/2 INVOLVEMENT: DOES YOUR CLUB HAVE ONE OR MORE OS/2 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (SIG'S)? IF SO, FOR EACH SIG, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: IGNORE IF ENTIRE FORM IS FOR AN OS/2 SIG. SIG Name: SIG Leader's Name: Daytime Phone: DID YOUR GROUP/SIG HAVE AN OS/2 PRESENTATION IN 1992/93? WHEN? Who presented? WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN AN OS/2 PRESENTATION BY IBM? IF THIS IS AN OS/2 SPECIFIC USER GROUP OR SIG, WHAT TOPICS WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE PRESENTED? ---------------------------------------------------------- MEETINGS, MEMBERSHIP, ETC.: WHAT IS YOUR MEETING DAY? WHAT IS YOUR MEETING TIME? WHERE DO YOU MEET (PLEASE INCLUDE NAME OF BUILDING AND ROOM NUMBER IF APPROPRIATE)? PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING FOUR QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO SIZE, BOTH FOR THE MAIN GROUP AND FOR EACH SIG LISTED ABOVE: What is the size of your membership? What is the largest number of attendeees you have had recently? What is the smallest number of attendees you have had recently? What is the average number of attendees at your meetings? --------------------------------------------------------- CAN WE GIVE YOUR GROUP'S INFORMATION OUT? We would like to make the list of User Groups public information to vendors, those users looking for local groups, etc. WOULD YOU OBJECT TO OUR MAKING THIS INFORMATION PUBLIC? *********************************************** We appreciate your help!