═══ 1. Welcome Team OS/2 ═══ Well, hi everyone, and welcome to this months Team Brief of June 97. Is it going alright for all of you ? It is for me, I have gone back to work from my stay at home, due to some surgery, and it feels great to be back. Just a little painful. This month is the last one to find the clues, and secret, and then do the action that it takes to put your name on the list to WIN the performance program. That's right, performance. It seems that the one problem that bugs most people is tuning their OS/2 System to run at top speed. So we have made the decision to give away Performance Plus v4, from Clear:Simple. So keep your nose clear, eye open, wake-up, and have excitement, and think back if you have not solved the clues as yet. Funny, this sounds like one too!! Be ready, it may be under your nose, or some one else's nose. This issue has questions from readers, that you can reply too, by sending in your answer to me at DANNYGOS2@AOL.COM. Your name and reply will be published (used in the Team Brief). Summer starts this month, for a lot of us, who have children or grandchildren, or both. If you would like them involved with computers, see if they would like to share their knowledge on computers with others. Have them write up a page or two on what they like about computers, how they use computers, how they think they will use them in the future, and to what extent can they program with their computer. No addresses, or phone numbers, none will be published. Just name and article they write will be in Team Brief. You can use a stage name if you like, or real name, up to you. The articles will be in the July Team Brief for review by us all. Hint One who clicks will find, but must use all the clues to solve. Progress In The News Were looking around, to see what is going on with Team OS/2 We will cover and report our findings. This news letter is for all Team OS/2 Members and those who use OS/2. It is up to you and me, those of the OS/2 Community to move ever forward, with the support of the operating system that is above all others. The dedication of the Team Brief is in this spirit. It is published for those people and in that content, it's advancement of OS/2. All those who strive for this goal, and join in this task, I give you my thanks and cheers, keep up the good work. Team OS/2 End This Section ═══ 2. What's New Or Up And Running ! ═══ What's New And News For Review. A Out Side Review Of Lotus SmartSuite 96.....or part of it Word Pro 96 for OS/2 Warp One of the programs you get when you purchase SmartSuite 96 for OS/2 is Word Pro. Productivity for teams, and more power for individuals, is what they are saying about this new program. As the first true Team Word Processor, Word Pro 96 edition for OS/2 Warp, enhances the way people will create, review and edit documents. What sets it apart is that it encourages both individual creativity along with team development. Writers maintain full control over their work. At the same time, it's easy to solicit, receive and review input from others. As a result, the best ideas emerge more quickly and are presented more persuasively than ever before. From a individual's mind to a group development, Lotus Word Pro 96 for OS/2 Warp makes it easy to share, collaborate, and work together. With Word Pro you can open HTML documents direct from the Internet, and save documents in HTML format direct to an Internet server. Create your own home page without having to learn HTML code. This is a very good feature for those who use the web for such things. I my self, would like to download a HTML page and then convert it's content to a readable solution. Teamconsolidate, displays, edits made by each team member. View all edits on-screen simultaneously and quickly consolidate them into a single document. TeamReview, enables one to set editing rights for the entire team or each individual. Control the who, what, and how, of document distribution. Keep track of multiple versions of a document, with all versions stored in a single file to conserve hard drive space. Mark-up Tools Comment notes, or electronic sticky notes, let you comment on a document without affecting its text. Drag-and-drop between notes and documents. Electronic highlighting pen draws attention to specific parts of the document, I think this is a big plus. TeamMail, has built-in, single-click access to Lotus Notes, cc Smart Word Processing It has SmartMasters, Pre-formatted templates for professional-looking memos,(something I need letters, newsletters, labels and more! Just enter text into the click here text blocks and go from there. Preview before you choose and SmartControls are integrated features that make it easy to manage long documents, including, divider tabs. Organize lengthy documents into discrete, manageable sections. Page Sorter, allows display all pages as editable thumbnails. For those who get lost, Word Pro has Page Gauge. Which shows you precisely where you are while scrolling through a long document. It also has Special Document Views, letting you view different parts of a document at one time, or select multiple views of documents. Giving on real usability and formatting power for their work. Lotus InfoBox InfoBox provides all the tools needed for formatting, and all changes are displayed in the document as they're made. Easy control of page layout, including margins, columns, snaking columns, page size, page orientation, and placement of rule lines. Cycle keys quickly cycle through attributes such as bold, italics, font size, or alignment using the keyboard or what they call SmartIcons. Word Pro also has a Task-Sensitive Interface. A technology that provides the tools you need exactly when you need them such as, Spell Check, (misspelled words are highlighted all at once or as you type), SmartCorrect, (automatically corrects common typing mistakes on-the-fly), SmartFill,(automatically adds sequences of data in a table), Parallel Columns, (create parallel columns to organize and display information), Automatic Table Formatting, (format text or numbers in cells and create basic math formulas. Image Processing Import graphics files (TIFF, CGM, PCX, HPGL, AutoCAD & reg;, EPS, WMF, PIC, Freelance, DrawPerfect, BMP and clipboard). Edit imported Freelance, PIC, DrawPerfect and Metafile graphics. And Word Pro includes clip art symbols. Built-in image processing to import and enhance TIFF files. Allowing you to adjust contrast, sharpness, brightness or smooth edges. Word Pro comes with SmartAssistance, drag-and-drop in text, tables and frames, for fast format to copy and paint text formats on the screen. Interactive status bar enables on-screen font, size and style selection. Ask the expert is Word Pro's personalized way for you to get help. Ask your question in your own words, not computer terminology, and receive step-by-step instructions. Lotus Assistants part of Word Pro, enables step-by-step instructions for complex tasks such as Mail Merge, TeamReview, and Index. Integration And Programmability Conversion filters,let you read/write WordPerfect, Microsoft, Word and DCA/RFT files. No re-keying or reformatting. LotusScript, common across all SmartSuite 96 products, LotusScript, lets you automate and customize Lotus Word Pro 96 for specific business processes. And support for REXX language, (OS/2 native programming language). call REXX routines from within a LotusScript, giving integration with OS/2 Warp. It also has support for long file names, drag and drop printing as well as the speech navigation and dictation features of OS/2 Warp 4. Count on Lotus support, you can see this from their web site and others, plus a 60-day money-back satisfaction guarantee. Introductory toll-free support hotline and a Lotus Customer Assurance Plan 90-day warranty. System requirements for Word Pro and the Suite, are as follows: IBM-compatible 80486-DX2 66MHz or higher (Pentium recommended). OS/2 Warp compatible VGA or higher adapter and monitor, OS/2 Warp compatible CD-ROM drive, 16MB of RAM (24MB recommended), 23 Mb disk space (47 MB for full install), and a mouse is highly recommended. Take Note, The Following Information Operating system requirements are OS/2 Warp Version 3 or OS/2 Warp Version 4. OS/2 Warp Version 3 users: Installation of FixPack 26 or higher is needed and OS/2 Warp Version 4 users: Installation of FixPack 1 or higher is needed. These fixpacks (FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp V3 and FixPak 1 for OS/2 Warp V4), are provided on the SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp and Word Pro/Freelance Graphics 96 CD-ROM Some early editions of the Suite and Word Pro/Freelance Graphics CD-ROM do not contain FixPak 1 for OS/2 Warp V4. This FixPak is available from IBM at http://ps.software.ibm.com Or you can call IBM Personal Systems Solutions Software Center at 1-800-992-4777 and choosing the order corrective service diskettes option (press 3). If you are using this new program for OS/2 for home of business, write us and let us know how you like or dislike it. Your thoughts are important to others, and your views on how well the product is or is not can give others insight. Please take the time to write and give input. This is part of being Team OS/2, taking a part in helping others, and sharing your views. This ends the side review and report of one of the features of SmartSuite 96 for OS/2. Performance And A Plus ? My review this month is the program PerformancePlus ver 3, from Clear & Simple Inc, P.O. Box 130 W.Ximsbury, CT 06092, phone number is (806) 658-1204. There is a version 4 out now, but I am reviewing version 3. For some years now, when it came to tuning my OS/2 system, I have relied on PerformancePlus from Clear & Simple. This kit comes with a book and software, the book being one of the best aids I have found in performance tuning to date. The version that I'am using and reviewing is 3, although version 4 is the only one sold now. I last mentioned Performance Plus in the first Team Brief, when it would not install on OS/2 Warp 4. There is a fix out for this on their web page at http://www.clear-simple.com, you can download it there and also other fixes for version 4. They have a very nice site, with good support, good information on other products and updates. When I called them to ask about the differences in version 3 to version 4, they where very helpful, and cared about my thoughts, and asked if I knew about their fixes, to the bugs I had mentioned. The gentleman I spoke with was very polite and guided me to the fixes. He took his time talking to me and was pleased to know we where looking at their product. He even asked me if I had heard of or used Disk Jockey ? I had not on both counts. So to my surprise, I was now going to review version 4 of Performance Plus and Disk Jockey too. But let's go with the older version or Performance Plus first. If you have this program, and have not been able to install it, you can download the fix install exe or at install time, wait to enter your system information, until the install program is done. The later work around is how I have been solving the problem. The download of the fix is a much better way to go, as they have added some things to help make Performance Plus run better, and gauge performance more accurately. Below is the install screen that greets you when you install, giving you the choices you see. You Pick Drive And To Update Config The choices are for installing Performance Plus, bitmaps, cpu monitor, or not, and if you would like for the install program to update your config.sys file (this is for those who just don't trust anyone). It also lets you pick the drive you want it installed on. The second screen takes your name and other vital signs. See below for screen shot. That Looks Nice The screen shots are from the new install program and not the older one. The older version of install did not have all the nice tab spaces to put information into, and it did not have the sniffer comments to screen when it checked for a previous install. It now pops up with a very kind and polite statement, see below. By far the web support and phone support Clear & Simple offer, are very good measures of gauging how this company feels about the product and those who use it. However this statement (seen above) show even more the concern this company has towards those who purchase their program. A job well done, well done ! Now You Verify With a last check on your information, the install program is now ready to do just that, install. At this time, you will put in your systems information, cpu, speed, ram installed, and then the program is installed. This is where the older install executable would hang. You see, the install runs in the back ground of having you answer the questions on the above screen shot. And when you would click away at the choices, it would hang, so I would wait tell the install was finished to answer any questions. NOTE that the older window looked different, as seen below. After the install you need to reboot the system before you run Performance Plus. Now when your ready (and who isn't), to fine tune your system, press on Simply Count first. This will run a series of test, five times. The test are as follows: Program Load CPU Disk Video You can see the graph above, showing the four test in five sets, and it is in color. This gives the Optimizer part of Performance Plus a best case starting point for fine tuning your system for top, and I mean fast, reliable performance. When this is done, and you then click on Optimizer for fine tuning, the screen shot below shows what you will see, or I should say, you will see something like it, your fun will very. This is where Performance Plus, shows you what it thinks can make your system run faster and smother. You can look over all the settings and make changes and then change them back. When your ready, click on the Apply Changes button to make the changes that will hopefully give you a fast and smooth running machine. The best tune-up part of the kit is the book, yes the software is outstanding, but the information that is in the book that comes with Performance Plus is one of the best sources for tuning information. The book gives even a no brainier a lesson in system performance, and system functions that effect it's performance. Like the Unleashed Books this book can be used by beginners and pro's alike. The reader is introduced to the basic concepts of OS /2 as a system, and how it runs applications. You are then taken through the system functions as a 32bit operating system and what that means. Here, we are just reviewing another program, as to try and give you all the information in this well written book, is beyond this reviews purpose or scope of intent. However we do cover tuning in the tip section of the Team Brief from time to time. Looking at the icons in the Performance Plus folder, we can go thru the many different programs Clear & Simple bundles in the Performance Plus package. Lets take a look.......... What You Get, And What It Does Remember this is version 3 not 4, version 4 offers more. ┌───────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Program │What Is It │ ├───────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │SimpleCt...... │system measurement tool,time test Video,Cpu,Disk,Program load test │ │Optimizer..... │looks at the test, then recommends values and config changes │ │Stats......... │gives you a graphic display of data collected by SimpleCt │ │DosBlackBox... │drag a dos progam icon to this, and it will help with settings │ │ViewBmp....... │does what it says │ │OS2Boot....... │helps you make a boot disk or partition for OS/2 │ │AutoSet....... │saves time by creating program objects for startup folder │ │Map........... │displays storage information about disk partitions │ │SeeSwap....... │lets you see your swap size │ │DeskSave...... │keeps a copy of your desk top and settings in a archive, easy restore │ │ElimDir....... │does just that │ │Free.......... │command line utility, shows free space on disk │ │MMD........... │makes multiple directories │ │EaSpace....... │calculate extended attributes space │ │SetIcon....... │easy change icon associations │ │SimplBak...... │makes simple backup of files and directory in a backup directory │ │AutoDsav...... │this puts a auto desk backup command in the startup folder │ └───────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ End Of Table When I turn the power switch on to start my computer, as most people do, rather in my head or intently watching. I start a count down of when the system lets me start using applications or the system itself. At times this can seem forever, right ? Well this can be true, until you tune your system for performance, speed, and in order. When I say in order, I mean a startup sequence that does not effect application load verses readiness to operate any application or your system. A program my take a lot of resources at startup, thus taking away speed at system startup. I use to hate and still do not use AMI Pro for this reason. AMI Pro would put its system needs into the startup folder so it could have them from startup on. This would slow my system so much that control of icons and folders would not be given to me for 2 minutes or more after the desktop was up. When I first purchased Performance Plus from Clear & Simple, I could not believe the difference in performance. My system gave me almost instant response to icon clicks, folders had real zing on opening. It was again fun to operate my computer and all of it's applications. The tune-up Performance Plus gave my system was worth the small price over and over. The popularity of this performance kit has grown since then, with many advancements made, and new applications packaged with the kit. From the reference book on tuning, to the high performance software, Clear & Simple has my vote for being number one in OS/2 tuning software, and information. If you want a top notch system, the small price they ask($49.95, with Disk Jockey)upgrade price, for this program makes it a best buy. Next Team Brief I will update the review to version 4 of Performance Plus, as I had not received it in time for this issue. End Performance Plus Review Daniel Goggia (Team OS/2) The next Clear & Simple Program This program is a real surprise to me, not just the name, but the functions and how it performs them. If you like simple things and a low, very low learning curve, this is a program for you. And I am going to have to say it too, a must for those who work with a lot of drives, files, zipped files, wav files, inf, get the picture ? In this issue of the Team Brief I am reviewing two file utility programs, and how they function. Their ease of use and installation. I work with many files in writing the Team Brief. From searching the web, to downloading zipped files in search of information and different programs. All to sort and pull, finding what will hopefully be of interest for others reading the Team Brief. I have heard of file utility programs before, FileStar just to name one, the other in for review too, X-File. However I have never used or purchased any of them. So this review will be from the beginning, to the how they function, do I like them. With that out of the way I'll finish the review on Disk Jockey from Clear & Simple. Install Screen Installing Disk Jockey is very easy, and was over before I knew it, at least on my computer, the time was under one minute. The install program gave me a icon on the desktop, and looked like the one at the beginning of this review. I then clicked on the icon, and a window opened, screen shot of that window below. Study the above shot, to the left you can see an area with vertical drive letters, above them a window with the drive letter that is active. Here you can see if in D: drive you are in a directory or not. The date and time are also shown just to the right above, along with another long window showing the drive and directory, note the different color of the tab window, this one shows all drives in a pull down menu, total capacity of the disk, , free space in bits, percentage of free space, label name. The little box at the top right is called Juke Box, and rightly so, as you can play wav files with it while you work with your other files. I played all my favorite demo music from the OS/2 demo disk and cd roms we use to get,(remember them?), it gave those demo's real zing. This is a real nice feature in Disk Jockey, it even has a volume control, this is a real nice feature, however it is only a small plus for this powerful program. From first opening the program and moving around the different functions of Disk Jockey, the learning curve was almost none, I really mean none. Exploring this program and how it works was easy, even the online help files are very well done. They use the INF format, like the Team Brief, and other online books. I use this format in my QikBac program, it's user interface is much better then other help systems used in the past. Disk Jockey has hypertext links for quick help access on the subject you are looking for. Help Screens Tell It, Simple. In the past I have never thought much of having and using a file management utility, always thought they were redundant. But after using Disk Jockey I have changed my mind. The ease one can move around hard drives and partitions is nothing short of amazing. Every file is at a click of a mouse, even files hidden in zipped files. Below is a screen shot of a zipped file, showing the files inside hidden, I even viewed the inf file inside the zipped file with out unzipping it, honest. For those of you who use such file utilities this may not be new, but I found this very time saving in file research. Setting the filter switch on, I looked for zipped files only, and then looked inside of them, I have used a zipped Team Brief I think you will see what I mean by the following. Filter Set For Zip Files Shows Right Mouse Toggle/Click Feature The next screen shots take you from the zip file to the Team Brief INF, so you can see it look into the zipped file format and still view the INF file with out having to unzip it. Picking The TMB0597.ZIP Looking At The Files Inside The Zip Starting The INF File Team Brief Opened While Zipped !!! Of coarse you can make directories from within Disk Jockey too, but if you looked over the help files in the screen shots you already know that,. Below, you can see this function. Programs can be started from Disk Jockey, even some that are in a zipped file. I started Type/2 a typing program I had downloaded almost a year ago and had forgotten about. Using Disk Jockey to look around my hard drives, I found the zip file and wondered what it was. Viewing it, I saw the Type2.exe and clicked it, to my surprise the program came on. So I practiced my typing for awhile, and boy do I need it. If you are using a file management utility now, and you like them, try the demo of Disk Jockey, and compare the ease and power of it to the one you are using now. On the other hand, if you are think the way I use to, do the same, I think you will be very surprised on this new way of operating the power in OS/2. Below is a quick run down of Disk Jockey and what it does, what they don't tell you is how much fun it is, or how easy it is to use. The information that Clear & Simple gives you, is only the half of it, and right now they are offering Performance Plus with Disk Jockey together for only $49.95, good deal. With the small amount (virtually none) of learning time, you will increase the power of your OS/2 system, operate at a higher level, cut down wasted time, and just have far more fun, running your computer, with Disk Jockey from Clear & Simple. Very good job, and very well done guy's, very good. Danny=G ( Team OS/2 ) The X-Files..................? The people who make the X-File file utility at this point probably think that I am certifiable, if not just plain perzerkcuss. It is a story I have to tell, but one that I am embarrassed by too, and who wouldn't be unless you were crazy. There are two X-Files out there, and finding the right one, can make all the difference in the world (no punt intended). In my research to bring you some programs for review, I found this file utility called X-File, and downloaded it. After the download and before unzipping the file, I contacted the makers, before unzipping their file, letting them know I was planning on doing a review of their file utility. This proved to be a mistake on my part, even if it was funny. It seems someone along the way some where, switched the X-File with another x-file program, only the one I got was for the tv show " The X-Files ". When I received mail back, I thought it was for Disk Jockey, and then looked at the x-file program, and laughed, then laughed some more. Now was my dilemma, I had told these people that I was going to do a review, so I wrote and told them, that I would keep my word (after all, I do love the program on tv). It was after I wrote back the second time, that my interest in looking to see what had gone wrong over took me. I found that I had two xfile.zip's, one was the utility and the other a fun summary to the tv series, that was really very well done. Now that I had written the author of the utility x-file, telling him that his program was ok, that I liked the tv show, I now had to write back and prove I was not crazy, that indeed his program was a file utility and not a tv show summary program. To this day, I have not heard from them,(gee I wonder way). Let's get to the review before you all think I've lost it too. This file utility, X-File, is different then Disk Jockey in that it works with the system editor, and take note, it does not work with the EPM editor. At least it did not on my system, I would only have use of X-File when using the system editor, and only then when I clicked on open. Below is a picture of how this file utility looked being linked to the system editor. When using the system editor and clicking on the pull down file menu, you click on open, to use X-File After clicking on OPEN, this is what you get, as you see below. I found the help for this program very frustrating, and to learn to use this program I needed help. I found it not to be user friendly, and almost harsh to use. The program gave me more power when I choose the open command in the pull down menu, however it was like driving a tank, rather clumsy in it's interface for the user. I had a hard time learning how to move around and make the program work the way I thought it should, at one point I became frustrated with it to the point that I thought maybe I should not review it. But then that was the whole point, if I found it to be like this, others may find it to be just that also. The program does add more power to the system editor, and it should receive good marks for that, however I found the power it gives the user to be short, and limited in it's use. X-File to me fell short of changing the way I feel about file utility programs, and at first seemed more trouble then it was worth. After making myself learn how to work the program, I was able to move and look at more in the system editor. This is something to remember, this program is not meant to be, or at least I did not find it to be, a stand alone utility like File Star, or anywhere close to Disk Jockey. It isn't that the program is bad, not at all, I just found it not to be as user friendly or as powerful as other file utilities. But you may find it just what you are looking for, the right added feature you need to give that system editor the touch you have been looking for. However if your a power user, then you may find that you never will use this program except on a limited basis. X-File does give you the option of making a directory, looking at directory history(ones that you have looked at), file history(ones you have used). And you can set a frequently used directory that you can pop into with a click of the mouse. The makers of this program are also the ones who make X-It, a well known utility that lets you exit from programs faster. I also discovered after starting this review, that X-File does work with Describe, when you click on open in the drop down file menu. Now that is a big plus. However it request that I use Describe to manipulate the files, not so good. When it did open a document, it would start another session of Describe. I just had to play with this program some more, it could provide you with some very good functions after all. In the screen shot above, I have opened a icon view of drive D:, from here I could move to files in the different directories. The next picture below is showing what is available by clicking on the right mouse button when the X-File is in operation. Making A Directory With X-File The following is some important information about X-File, it's cost, what it does, and those who make it. Take note and remember, you can try this program for free up to 31-33 days, to register it only cost $15.00. After reviewing X-File, I would recommend it if you had not other file utilities, or wanted to add some functions to the system editor. You may find it even more useful, and can download it from Hobbs or BMT Micro at http://www.bmtmicro.com on the web. If you try this program or have been using it and have a different thought on it. Please let me know, and I will put it in the next Team Brief. I want to thank Michael Shillingford for writing me, although after I went crazy, I have not heard from him. This program was designed with a lot of hard work, and is low cost for the job it does. This Ends The X-File Review by Daniel Goggia Update On Spellguard I found with Spellguard that if I have my WinOS2 running off the desktop, or just windows program from a seamless session, that it would function in part. When I reviewed this last, I commented how it would be nice to have in WinOS2 when working online. It does work in part, when you have your windows programs running from the desktop. Spellguard will warn you that you have misspelled a word but will not make the correction. So keep a dictionary handy, this is ok. If You Have A Program Review, Or Request, Let Me Know..... Send it to...DannyGOS2@AOL.COM. End Of This Section. ═══ 3. Main Brief ═══ The Commitment By Team OS/2 After ten years, you will still see us, still hear us, still catch that smile with the glow from the monitor, shinning off our teeth. Yes, Team OS/2 is still standing up for OS/2. Even the with the free stickers and cups, pens, and other goodies, gone, we keep voicing are belief, that OS/2 is number one. This, in the face of what is sometimes overwhelming odds, from others including IBM. We believe OS/2 to be the best, to perform the best, testing it's most outer reaches and limits, to bring ourselves that edge of competence far superior to that of other operating systems. Operating System /2, from IBM, but brought to life by Team OS/2 the years over, from users to developers alike, we hold the power at our finger tips. This week,(if I get this issue out in time), June 4, at the Spring Comdex, at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA, Team OS/2 is welcomed and invited to be there. And guess who is inviting? IBM, is calling to re-energize Team OS/2. The following is a statement that some of you should of seen on the OS/2 bbs or forums. Subj: Comdex Events Date: 97-05-30 02 From: Rpwoolsey RE-ENERGIZE TEAM OS/2! It's the tenth anniversary of the first release of OS/2 Warp and we're ready to party!!! During the week of Spring Comdex, at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA, IBM is sponsoring a special Team OS/2 gathering in celebration of the continued development and success of OS/2 Warp. We would like to encourage any Team OS/2 member who may be in the area to join us for this special event! Here are the details: Where: Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA When: Wednesday, June 4, 1997 Time: 6-8pm Speaker: TBA Topic: Resurrect Team OS/2! So come have refreshments on us and share your thoughts on OS/2, its beginnings and where it should go in the next ten years, as the grassroots followers continue their crusade to have OS/2 recognized as the superior product that it is! See you there!!! I myself being in California, will not be able to make the trek to attend, but would of liked to be there to talk and ask questions. But by far this is the best news Team OS/2 could hear, that IBM has once again turned it's attention toward those who give them the most support. We will have to wait and see just how far IBM is going to ride with us, will it be full support, maybe once again the level of helping us help them, with those free stickers and coffee mugs(I loved them all). With this call to Team OS/2 one at least can feel that they are going to keep updating OS/2 for awhile longer. This is the best news that I have come across since writing the Team Brief, and the most welcomed news that I could ever hear. Only the news of a new OS/2 version could be close, so pay attention to the following, because it does get better. It's Been Said, And Called, BlueBird From a magician called merlin, to blue called bird, is this the next name for OS/2? Well, lets just say that it is the name they are calling it for now. My thought and hope is, that's all it will be, just a temporary name,(I didn't really like the name Warp). I was always hoping they would just stick to OS/2, or go beyond and call it OS/3. But now that I am used to the Warp name and all, I guess OS/2 with a name tag is ok, and to tell the truth, I even like the name Warp now. But some how, BlueBird just does not sit right with me......blue...bird..hhuummmm.. This new product consists of two components: a client operating environment and a set of utilities to manage that environment, a not so far away cry from how Java is going to work is it? Remember, if you can have a LAN and a NET that runs and is managed by a basic system, or one that is converted to an easy interface, you will have the power to run your company fast, smooth, and profitable. Java is a key player in this concept, and the new technology called Blue Bird, is headed in that direction. The following is off a news release about IBM and it's Blue Bird(sorry). News Release: Ken Rucker, president of Trantor Technologies Incorporated, also attended the Business Partner meeting in Dallas. He found that the OS/2 strategy, "makes an awful lot of sense." In the work Trantor Technologies has done helping customers think about network computing they have discovered that up to 80% of the employees that have PCs use only one particular application (usually transaction-oriented). The real eye-opener for companies is that they are spending money and resource supporting more horsepower than is warranted. He was very excited about the demonstration of the product code-named Bluebird, which is perfect for workers who run very few applications. Mr. Rucker feels this product presents incredible opportunities for everyone. "It's big, big savings for lots of customers." Mr. Rucker also addressed potential savings in development costs from applying the network computing model, "A disproportionate share of the costs of developing applications comes from coding user interfaces for specific platforms." He explained further, "With the network computing model where interface code is separated from business logic, those costs can be reduced." This separation of function makes it easy to relocate the business logic and database access parts of programs to the appropriate processors. Trantor's president concluded, "The beauty of network computing is that portable and scalable software should fall out as a given." The word bluebird brings lots of images to mind, a sale that comes out of nowhere, a bird that brings happiness, a blue bird that's not a Blue Jay. Henry David Thoreau creates some wonderful imagery with his line from "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers" -- The bluebird carries the sky on his back. IBM's Bluebird, a new software technology demonstrated to the press at the 1997 Technical Interchange, brings whole new meaning to the word. While not burdened with the sky, it is carrying high hopes for reducing complexity and costs. Bluebird can fulfill the promise of network computing. This is probably the most literary of the "Lessons for the Less Informed" so far. And as a more artistic endeavor it seems appropriate to keep the audience guessing about what I'm describing until at least the third, maybe fourth, paragraph. (If you haven't seen prior "Lessons for the Less Informed", you probably should since I think they are funnier than this one is going to be. But it's so hard to judge one's own work.) Where was I? Oh, it's the fourth paragraph! Bluebird is an extension to the OS/2 family of products and consists of two components: a client operating environment and a set of utilities to manage that environment. Both components reside on a server running OS/2 Warp Server and allow client systems to boot, or start up, off the server and access the applications and user data that reside on the server. The Bluebird client operating system runs on new "managed PCs" and on traditional PCs used in a "thin client" mode. In this case, a "thin client" is defined as a diskless Intel-based PC which gets all of its software components from the server. A "managed PC" would be defined as an Intel-based PC with an inaccessible hard disk that provides temporary storage for performance improvements. Bluebird complements the existing line of OS/2 products and takes advantage of proven OS/2 technology. Actually companies, such as the Bank of Montreal, are already using OS/2 Warp 4 and OS/2 Warp Server in "Bluebird mode". Today's OS/2 implementation of Remote Initial Program Load (RIPL) technology allows organizations to better manage the cost of computing and improve systems manageability. This "do it yourself Bluebird" with Warp 4 and Warp Server addresses current computing needs and can launch the use of Java and network computing. Bluebird (the one IBM does) can then be introduced later to further leverage prior investments in OS/2 Warp Server. Bluebird includes the Java Virtual Machine built directly into the operating system, which allows users to run the increasing number of 100% Pure Java applets and applications. In addition, Bluebird supports native OS/2 applications, as well as Windows 3.x and DOS applications, and provides access to 3270 and 5250 host mainframe systems. Bluebird will help customers transition from a traditional client/server model to a network computing environment optimized for 100% Pure Java, the Internet, and corporate intranets. In addition to supporting newer network computing technologies such as Java. Bluebird will provide support for customers' existing application and hardware investments. This will allow CIOs and IS managers interested in Java and network computing to make the transition over time and at their own pace. So now when you think Bluebird, new images can come to mind , the hum of a well-managed, smoothly running network, the energy of satisfied and productive users and, the aura of lowered costs coupled with greater opportunities. ST. LOUIS -- IBM took the covers off Bluebird, the lightweight version of OS/2 Warp Server, but the company could not say exactly when the software will ship. IBM software executives offered a sneak-peek at the thin-client operating system -- with features ranging from diskless boot-up on the client to emulation of dumb terminal "green screens. Anthony Brown, manager of new technology for IBM's Personal Software Products Division in Austin, Texas, said Bluebird is being tested by large account customers now. That testing will continue through the summer. "We're working with early-look customers during the summer," Brown said. An announcement will be "sometime" in the third quarter, but not delivery, he said. Brown offered a demonstration of the product at IBM's Technical Interchange conference for developers, held at The America's Center here. Bluebird will give clients the ability to access Java applets, the Web via Netscape Navigator for OS/2 and dumb-terminal environments through emulation support. It will use remote technology "to allow client systems to boot off of the server and access applications and user data anywhere on the network," according to an IBM fact sheet. The product, which will operate on multiple hardware platforms, including Network Stations, which are IBM's network computers, will compete in the same general space as Microsoft's Windows Terminal and Win CE-based systems. However, Brown said Bluebird is being targeted heavily toward applications written for OS/2. End of news release on Blue Bird by Edward F. Moltzen...from IBM FM Now I guess this is good news, it is certainly going to plan as stated by IBM some time back, remember the earlier Team Brief's and the extended attributes interviews with IBM. It looks like we are headed that direction after all, and this may be a good thing, but maybe not so good for the home user ? End Topic On Blue Bird At the beginning of May(97), IBM had a three day conference of OS/2 Business Partners. It brought over 100 enthusiastic individuals representing resellers, software distributors, consultant, and computer systems companies in the U.S.. These people where very knowledgeable and technical experienced with OS/2 and it's market, in the field of business. A new trade association for companies was uncovered, that will provide products or services based on the OS/2 Operating System. The strategy from IBM Technical Interchange is to provide. The association is called, International OS/2 Technology Trade Association (IOTTA), the acronym make me think that I do "give an I-OTTA"(sorry I couldn't pass it up). IOTTA has been founded to expand opportunity worldwide for OS/2 and the communications between company members and IBM. This is the out come of the conference we talked about the OS/2 Phoenix Society(POSSI), having earlier this last month or so ago. The corporation will be non-profit, and set up by Katy Ansardi,Vice President, Indelible Blue, Esther Schindler, A favorite of mine(co-author of Rexx 21 Days), Eileen Tognini, Vice President, DevTech, and Dudley Westlake, President MSR Development Corporation. These people have all been very active with OS/2 and it's market over the years. They will sit on the initial board of directors while membership is gathered and the bylaws are discussed and drawn. All of this, at a critical point in the ten years of OS/2, and it's new technology, it's advanced technology I should say. It is hoped, with IOTTA working with IBM, there will be increased awareness of OS/2 and it's development, having a continued strong performance as an operating system and a development platform. If this is built correctly, staged right, it will benefit users of OS/2, and the developers who supply programming for it. The technology and it's development for business and home computers can be expected to make dramatic improvements for user's and those who make that technology, from software to hardware. IOTTA is going to be independent of IBM, however Donn Atkins(Vice President of marketing IBM Personal Software Products Division) says IBM is pleased to see a broad based interest in forming the organization. If you remember, this was one of the guy's Esther interviewed in extended attributes. The whole point here is still development of the Java/Network computering, seen as the component of all components in the model for future developments of technology. All companies who provide goods or services for OS/2 technology are being welcomed to join IOTTA. With Moore Media Relations of San Diego to manage operations and media relations, during the initial organizational phase. If you are interested, you can receive information by calling (619) 274-5959. I still wonder, how it will work out... Danny=G (Team OS/2) From IBM Page With all said and done, it has been a wonderful 10 years for OS/2 and those who use it, and promote it as ambassadors. Myself, (only being involved with OS/2 for the last 7 years), I have become intrigued with it, hated it, loved it, watched with a child's mind, the depths of it's genius's, to the simplistic ease of use. For Team OS/2 members, I want to share some artwork, I am sure you will remember, it is to follow below, and is all from some of those demo disk that IBM would send to us. All credit goes to those at IBM and those who programmed for them, please enjoy it, I still do. 5.Warp Demo Disk OS/2 Demo Disk (Warp) Well that's all the pictures I have had time to pull out and convert for compiling, but maybe in the future we can put more of these forgotten treasures, into the Team Brief. It has been a wonderful 10 years, congratulations IBM And OS/2. We are going to keep the following project open one more time Here it is one last time, the latest project for Team OS/2 Members. Or anyone who wants to help out.(PLEASE DO) This is a letter writing project to SAMS Publishing Inc. This is a idea started by Tom Raar, and it is now e-mail and paper mail. We need you people to put some effort into this and give your input, and hopefully, get a book published. Here is the address and name, with an example letter from Tom: I hope this went to the right guy! Here's a copy of an e-mail that I just sent to Dave Holman at SAMS Publishing (according to a previous post). His e-mail address is dholman@mcp.com. I hope others will take a moment to do the same. And now we have a postal address as well. SAMS Publishing 201 West 103rd Street Indianapolis, IN 46290 is what you should send your postal mail to. Let's write those letters Team OS/2. Your letter can follow the EXAMPLE below. Tom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Holman, I have read several posts on the net that suggests that SAMS publishing is not planning to release the newest version of Warp Unleashed. Hopefully, I have addressed this letter to the appropriate person. I would like to add my name to any list of potential purchasers of the book. I currently operate two desktop machines running Warp 4.0 and I also support my father's system which runs OS/2 exclusively. The Warp Unleashed reference work is an invaluable tool to the OS/2 community, and I intend to purchase any new releases of the book. I believe that many people are under the misconception that OS/2 is only a niche market. This is not true. IBM has made it clear that it will continue to market, develop, and support OS/2. It's popularity continues to expand despite negative press and campaigns against it. Perhaps SAMS' perception of limited interest in this book stems from a lack of publicity for it in the OS/2 user base. In any case, I sincerely hope that you decide to go ahead with the original plans to release a version of Warp Unleashed for OS/2 version 4.0. Thank you, Thomas A. Raar(signed your name) If you have heard back from SAMS, let us know, we have not at this point, thank you. Are you planning something ? Do you have a tip ? Maybe a story ? Some code to share ? If you do........please send it in to me at DannyGOS2@AOL.COM and at some point I'll share it in the Team Brief. And if this keeps growing, that may take in a lot of people. Thank you...................................................... End Section ═══ 4. Ideas And Tips ═══ Tip Section !! It's A Fantastic June 97!!! The clue in Word Remember This ends all the clues, it's under your nose !! Or someone's ! For Tips This Brief This Team Brief we are going to have some shot's of the program we are giving away, and some fix information about Fix 1. For those who are having trouble with the fix seeing your partitions, this may be the answer you are looking for. Also, the question of the month will be asked here in this section, at the end of the section, along with the answer too in the future. Names will be used, unless other wise instructed, and even just comment of the month could be used in place of a question, am I talking to myself. It sure feels like it at times, when there is no response to letters sent to others, maybe they are lost some where out in cyber space..... No Partitions After Install Of Fix 1 ? Do you have a IDE partition or several, and they have disappeared after applying XR_M001 ? Well some other people have had the same problem, after loading on XR_M001 their partitions attached to secondary IDE channel have no longer been recognized by OS/2 If you have, it may very well be that the partitions are still there, its just that you are going to have to do a work around to make them available again. But it is a simple work around,(is anything really simple anymore). The problem is with the IBM1S506.ADD driver supplied with the new fix XR_M001. It is very sophisticated and can recognize the BIOS perform CHS(geometry) translation for drives in or on the second IDE channel, where before it would or did not do so. The problem comes from the drive on the secondary IDE channel, that has been partitioned and formatted using the older logic. Now the address values on the control blocks are no longer valid, now that the driver detects the BIOS is using translation. This makes a good thing, now a bad thing, yes the new driver is better, but not to the user of the system that has gone zorkcuss. Work The Fix Rename the file in FixPak 1 called IBM1S506.ADD to IBM1S506.FP1 and then restore back the driver how it was before you installed XR_M001, if this is your problem, then after you restore your driver, you will have your partitions back. If that was your problem, then you may be able to use the new driver after you do some editing to your config.sys file. But you will have to know all the specks for your drive, and how to put them in your config.sys file. We will look for information on this portion for the next Team Brief. The Following Is Performance Tips We did not recieve Performance Plus soon enough to put it's review in this Team Brief, so it will be in next months issue. At compile time today, we recieved in the mail both Performance Plus version 4, and DiskJockey from Anthony Pereira, Vice President Clear & Simple Inc., he is also the author of the book you get with the kit. Next month we are going to review and give away, Performance Plus version 4 for Warp. So find and send what you need to do, that does make sense, I hope. Question How do you set your config.sys file to see your partitions using the new IBM1S506.ADD driver in Fix XR_M001 ? If you have the answer, please send it in, and let us know........thank you. Do you have a favorite tune-up item you like, send it in and share with others your thoughts or ideas, DannyGOS2@AOL.COM. This ends the tips for this Team Brief Hope they are of some help...... End Section ═══ 5. Closing Until Next Time ═══ OS The Clown I look forward to input from any who wish, for the next Team Brief I could still use the help, a story, a joke (computer, no dirt), a hint for the hint section, and I am sorry that I have spelled Mickey Forster's name wrong,(twice), it is Mickey Forster, I got it this time Mickey I'll try to spell everyone's name's correct, but if I do not, let me know, and we will get it right. So if you are reading this Team Brief please take the time to write us, and let us know what you like or dislike about OS/2, the brief, or any other program you may have tried. It really only takes a small amount of time to write it down, and then send it to me at dannygos2@AOL.COM You will be helping others, and make for interesting reading, after all, people are more fascinating by the dozen. I will be watching for the mail, and look forward to meeting some of you, even if it is just a brief note. Next Team Brief will have the winner's name, and the review of the software that we are giving away, Performance Plus v4. With IBM's resurgence of interest in Team OS/2 things may get very busy for all of us, and that is great as for as I am concerned. If they support us like they use to, maybe we will be giving away those cool cups again, or the really cool T-shirts, or the pins. At any rate, we will have to wait and see, and only hope it will be at least a real supported effort, as in the past. That is just about it for this Team Brief, thank you to those of you who had input, and last month I did recieve some other helpful information. I did not get some of it in this Brief but will get it in the next one,( I have also lost two of them, sorry), if you have sent any thing in, and have not seen it published, please send it in again. Closing Is Hard To Do ! GO TEAM,,,,GO... See ya, Keep it huummiinnggg End Team Brief For June 97