PROS1096.ZIP contains the PROS/2 Newsletter for October 1996. PROS/2 is the official newsletter of the Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG). The newsletter is provided in the following formats: PROS1096.TXT - in ASCII text format, suitable for display with your favorite editor. PROS1096.INF - In INF format suitable for viewing with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). From the command line, sImply type: VIEW PROS1096.INF FILE_ID.DIZ - Used by BBS Sysops to describe the newsletter. NOTE: Windows users can now view INF files using the new INF Viewer from SingaLab Pte. Ltd. of Singapore. Patterned after the OS/2 VIEW facility, the Windows version provides the same functionality. The utility can be freely obtained from a variety of sources: * Look for WIN_INF.ZIP on most computer networks and bulletin boards. * A copy of the product is available in IBM's Hyperwise (see LIBIPFX.EXE). * Use the version of the product accompanying "Just Add OS/2 Warp" (see VIEW.EXE). Also, IBM PC DOS 7 users can view it under DOS (without pictures) using the VIEW.EXE supplied with that OS. Sections included in the TXT and INF versions: Title & TBOUG Officers * Meeting Announcement - October 2nd * Welcome New Members * TBOUG Membership Log Calendar of Events * New on the TBOUG BBS * Names & Numbers Graphic of the Month OS/2 Here & There TBOUG Bylaws TBOUG is one of the largest OS/2 user groups in the country with over 150 corporate and individual members. For questions regarding PROS/2, contact the Editor at: Tim Bryce M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. (MBA) 777 Alderman Road Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Tel: 813/786-4567 Fax: 813/786-4765 BBS: 813/786-4864 E-Mail: CompuServe: 76235,2364 WWW: The PROS/2 files (in ASCII format (TXT), INF format, and PostScript (PS) format are distributed to the major computer networks and bulletin boards. This specifically includes: Commercial Networks: America Online - In the OS/2 Forum (Ctrl+K, "os2"), under "Newsletters" CompuServe - In the "IBM OS/2 Users+" Forum (GO OS2USER) go to the Library & Browse the "OS/2 User Groups" section. On the Internet: "Anonymous" FTP sites: (/os2/newsltr) or (/incoming) or (/new) (/pub/os2/incoming) or (/pub/os2/newsltr) Bulletin Boards: MBA's The "PRIDE" Network (Palm Harbor, FL) 813/786-4864 Clarion BBS (Tampa, FL) 813/832-3851 OS/2 Shareware; Pete Norloff's BBS (Fairfax, VA) 703/385-4325 The PROS/2 files may be copied and distributed free of charge.