CONTENTSApril 1996 Volume 1 Number 6

OS/2 e-Zine!

The on-line OS/2 magazine

Welcome back to the Internet's premier site for up to date news, reviews, interviews, tips, articles and opinions on OS/2--the world's favourite 32bit OS.

In this issue we take a look at popular e-mail clients for OS/2 and bring you a bucket-load of other reviews, articles and opinions. And don't forget to check out our first looks at Object Desktop v1.5 and WordPro 96 for OS/2! Enjoy!

 * Editorial the Rants... Chris' | Trevor's  *
 * the Beta Filethe Rave *
 * Heath's TipsLinfield's Line *
 * the Warped SOHOThe Second Coming of OS/2 *


 * e-mail Clients
Now that the OS/2 Internet e-mail client market has matured there are many alternatives to IBM's Ultimail Lite. We take a look at Knightware's MR/2 ICE v0.99u2, SouthSide Software's PMMail v1.5 and InnoVal Systems Solutions' Post Road Mailer v1.03a and let you know how they compare. We've also included a handy comparison table so you can quickly check the features of the various mailers against each other!

 * Miscellaneous Reviews:
Our hodge-podge of reviews this month includes a replacement dialer, a home finance package, a communications application, a scientific calculator, a Windows 3.1 enhancer and OS/2 Essentials.

 * Games:
Now that Stardock has released Shipyards v2 for Galactic Civilizations 2 we take a look at the enhancements to this popular upgrade. Also, our reviewer takes his chances with addiction by trying out Matrix from CodeSmith Software.

First Looks:

 * Object Desktop v1.5
Stardock Systems is readying the first major update to their "Next Generation" operating environment phenomenon, Object Desktop, and we've got a first look for you--complete with screen shots!

 * WordPro 96 for OS/2
Lotus is busily testing its replacement for the dated AmiPro for OS/2 and this month we had a look at what's coming in the new product. Get the details and pictures of the word processor the OS/2 world is waiting for!


 * Connect the World with Merlin - Tim Bryce
Tim Bryce has a plan and he wants to let you in on it. Pay attention, this looks good!

 * How to Become an OS/2 Certified Engineer - Martin Ross
So you've thought about taking the certification plunge. Martin tells his story and how you can meet IBM's seal of approval too.

 * GNU: OS/2's Hidden Treasure - Murray Todd Williams
There's a world of software for OS/2 that's free for the taking. Here's how to get it and what to do with it once you do.

 * OS/2 and X-Windows... Come Again? - Chris McKillop
Making the big commitment to OS/2, Dr. Holger Veit has undertaken to port the XFree86 GUI to OS/2. Chris McKillop spoke with him...


 * Help Desk--the Comic Strip - Chris Wright
A new cartoon strip brought to you by OS/2 e-Zine! and guaranteed to make you laugh!

Odds & Ends:

 * Hot Sellers 1 - the top 10 selling OS/2 commercial applications.
 * Hot Sellers 2 - the top 10 selling OS/2 shareware applications.
 * How to Subscribe to OS/2 e-Zine! for FREE.
 * How YOU can Sponsor OS/2 e-Zine!
 * The Sponsors that Make this Issue Possible

 * Coming up in the next issue: *
A bigger, better, and bolder
issue with more reviews,
interviews, columns
and articles--
April 30th!

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Copyright © 1996 - Haligonian Media
ISSN 1203-5696