The Warped SOHO- by Collin W. Summers

Welcome to The Warped SOHO. This column has been an idea of mine for quite some time, but now thanks to OS/2 e-Zine! it's a reality. My reasons for writing this are simple, OS/2 Warp is great for the SOHO environment and few if any places seem to show it in that light. I have run my business on OS/2 since I started it, which is about 3 years now. In addition I have used OS/2 before that in various environments (as well as just about every other OS that has been in existence for the personal computer, from Commodore 64s to TRS-80s and many other which are even less remembered). I have been using computers since I was in 5th grade and I am not sure I could get by without one. Since I was raised on a computer, like many of you, I have come to believe that it should and can do almost anything I need it to accomplish. That's why I fell in love with OS/2 even in its 2.0 incarnation. I learned that with true 32bit multitasking and multithreading and a powerful yet comparatively easy language, such as REXX, I could be much more productive.

Now that I have given you much more background on myself than you probably ever wanted lets get down to the nitty gritty. This column has some simple objectives. The Warped SOHO is meant to be informative. It is meant to be interactive. And most of all it's meant to help you exploit OS/2 and get more things done with it.

I have lots of things that I am always trying to get done using my PC and OS/2 Warp. I figure others probably want to do the same types of things, so why not share these ideas? This is where interactivity comes into play. I want to know what kinds of things you want to do with OS/2 Warp. I want all kinds of ideas. I already plan on talking about how to use Warp to answer your phones, control lights and other electronics, automate common tasks, run your computer via voice, access your computer remotely, and many other such things. I also want to cover some topics which may seem easy, such as faxing and word processing, and expand on them to use Warp's power to make them easier as well as more useful. I am sure that there are many other things people want to learn how to do and that's why I want to hear from you. So drop me a line with a subject of "Lets Warp It" and let me know the Warped ideas you have.

For every topic that I cover I plan to include as many ways to get it done as possible. For example, if I talk about using Word Processors to create your own business cards, I'll use Describe, AmiPro, IBM Works and any other WP I can get hold of. I will also make any necessary files available for download so that you can start using my suggestions quickly without redoing all of my work and so you can easily expand or improve on what I have done. I hope that you'll send me copies of whatever you come up with so I can share them with others.

One last request I have is that if you know of a product for OS/2 which you think is useful (most are in some way) let me know and I will try to figure out how to take advantage of it. If you develop or market an OS/2 product, let me know as I want to make sure I use as many native apps as I can to do any and all tasks I talk about. Most importantly, I don't want anything to be an open and shut case. I hope to get people talking about what things I missed or how to make what I do even more efficient. If I get enough good ideas or revision to ideas I'll revisit the topic in a later issue.

All in all I hope this column appeals to you as I feel that we can all use some tips to take advantage of OS/2 Warp's power. So let the ideas begin and I hope to have you all on "The Warped SOHO" soon. Oh yeah I am sure that some, maybe many, of these ideas will help anyone using OS/2, not just SOHOs, so feel free to read and comment even if you don't actually have an office--small or other!

Collin W. Summers is president of CSSolutions Inc., a small computer consulting firm in central Illinois, specializing in OS/2 and related products. Currently he spends much of his time doing technical support/marketing for IBM. He also contributes to OS/2 Warp Monthly.

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