THE OS/2 WARP WEEKLY ISSUE 51 - 2/9/96 (A real collector's item) A production of PSP World Wide Marketing Support Covering information relevant to OS/2 Warp and LAN Server ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** The OS/2 Warp Weekly and OS/2 Warp Monthly Newsletters are available on the Internet at ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** CONTENTS 1. THOMPSON REVEALS STRATEGY AND PLANS AT TELESEMINAR 2. WINDOWS API CONSIDERED FOR WORLDWIDE STANDARD STATUS 3. DEVCON FOR OS/2 SOON TO OFFER AUDIO TOOLS LIBRARY 4. DESKTOP MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE LOOKS AT SERVER MANAGEMENT 5. OS/2 WARP SERVER MAKES MOBILE COMPUTING MUCH EASIER 6. OS/2 WARP SERVER UPGRADE PROTECTION 7. LEAP ABOARD VOYAGER WITH ATHENA 8. PLANNED FUNCTIONS FOR UPCOMING RELEASES OF OS/2 WARP 9. WARP'D HUMOR ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 1. THOMPSON REVEALS STRATEGY AND PLANS AT TELESEMINAR John W. Thompson, General Manager of IBM's Personal Software Products Division, outlined his vision for OS/2 Warp and the role OS/2 will play in IBM's network-centric computing strategy via a live TeleSeminar. John was joined by Robert Spicer, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Office of Chevy Chase Bank in Maryland, and Amy Wohl, of Wohl Associates an independent consulting firm. Mr. Thompson boiled PSP's goals for 1996 down to four simple things. - Position OS/2 Warp Server as a server operating system that will span the range of application requirements our customers will choose -- - Make sure that OS/2 Warp as a client operating system functions well with all servers -- not just OS/2, but other servers that will be available in customer environments. - Make sure that OS/2 as a client is the preferred client to an OS/2 Server solution. - Position OS/2 as a product that will compete aggressively in the connected consumer space -- the space where people want to be able to migrate work between their offices and their homes. The strategy to meet those goals has three basic elements. - Protect the investment that current OS/2 customers have made and protect IBM's position in those enterprises while we look for opportunities in the marketplace to grow share. - Deliver technology, such as Java, that's relevant -- that customers can use to extend their IT capabilities to a broad range of users both within and outside enterprises. - Be crystal clear and very consistent in our communications about OS/2, its future direction, and its importance to the IBM company and to the IBM company's customers. For more information about what was discussed at the teleseminar visit off the OS/2 Warp homepage ( ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 2. WINDOWS API CONSIDERED FOR WORLDWIDE STANDARD STATUS The European standards development organization, ECMA, has submitted the Windows API to ISO for fast-track approval as an open standard. If ISO approves this, any changes or additions will have to be to be made through an open, public process. Additionally, ECMA is encouraging the creation of test suites that will verify compliance with the new standard. This standard has many positive implications for the software industry. Having the Windows API public will make it much easier to port programs written for the Windows interface to other operating systems such as UNIX, OS/2 or MacOS. Furthermore this standard would level the application software playing field. Ray Noorda, former Novell CEO and chairman, stated "This is truly an important win for the industry. It's a pleasure to see technology vendors working together to achieve standards consensus, particularly in this area. This cooperation will help foster a healthy competition in the applications marketplace. This is the epitome of 'coopetition'." ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 3. DEVCON SOON TO OFFER AUDIO TOOLS LIBRARY Human Machine Interfaces has agreed to include HMI's audio tools libraries in the IBM Developer Connection for OS/2 (DevCon) in the first half of 1996. The HMI Sound Operating System (SOS) provides many tools so that the development community can integrate sound effects, vocals, music and hardware compatibility into their game platforms. It provides features that allow games or other applications to change sound characteristics. These features include 32 channels of real-time digital mixing, independent volume controls, panning and pitch-shifting. The system also provides interactive music playback that allows the music to change according to gaming action. The HMI SOS is expected to enhance OS/2 Warp's audio capabilities. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 4. DESKTOP MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE LOOKS AT SERVER MANAGEMENT The Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) announced they have completed the standards definition that will enable vendors to build system manageability into their products. The Systems Standard Groups Definition goes beyond the original specification of desktop PC systems to address server-specific features. While the original specification encompassed the basic desktop components such as motherboard, CPU, and operating system, the new attribute group extends to server components such as environmental monitors, automatic system reset/re-boot capabilities, redundant power supply capabilities and diagnostic programs. One of the enhancements is the availability of server structure information, not maintained by operating systems. This information provides the component dependencies within any server configuration. Dependency information is useful for overall management and maintenance of server systems. Another standard recently finished by DMTF helps manage video monitors. The Video Monitor Standard Groups Definition addresses elements such as scan frequency, resolution, and identification information. DMTF is an industry-wide task force created to develop standard frameworks of intelligence and manageability to be built into desktop PC products and systems. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 5. OS/2 WARP SERVER MAKES MOBILE COMPUTING MUCH EASIER IBM's OS/2 Warp Server operating system,currently in final testing, will include new features to make life much easier for users who spend a lot of time out of the office: Mobile File Synchronization, which updates server files with changes made to client files during remote use; and AskPSP, an on-line technical support tool that OS/2 clients can access remotely. The remote access features in OS/2 Warp Server allow users to remotely log onto the network, upload and download data and print documents to other facilities. Mobile File Synch builds upon these features by synchronizing client and server files when a mobile user reconnects to the server. When a user on an OS/2 client machine is connected to the server and performing normal tasks, the Mobile File Synch program stores all of the accessed files and directories to that client machine. This provides the user with access to those same files and directories, even when physically disconnected from the server, and allows them to read, update or delete the existing files and directories, or even to create new ones. The user can remain disconnected from the server for any length of time and, when reconnected, Mobile File Synch detects any conflict between the client and server files and automatically duplicates to the server any tasks performed at the client. Likewise, the client user is notified of any changes made on the server and is given the option to have the client files updated to reflect those changes. This ensures that users are always working with the most current data. AskPSP is an on-line system tool used to address technical issues with OS/2 Warp, Warp Connect, Warp Server and LAN Server. Now that AskPSP is a part of Warp Server, mobile OS/2 clients can get technical support on the road simply by accessing AskPSP when they remotely log onto the server. This eliminates the task of tracking down a technical support person and provides users with their own personal help desk, no matter where they are. With AskPSP, the user can choose among several databases, called "casebases," to quickly find solutions to common technical problems. The casebases are created directly from calls coming into IBM technical support centers, so they are always up-to-date.

The addition of AskPSP to OS/2 Warp Server will also allow system administrators to quickly and easily obtain answers to questions concerning their OS/2 clients. For example, if an OS/2 client is having trouble printing, the system administrator would simply access the AskPSP program and type in the nature of the problem in plain English. AskPSP picks up the descriptors (key words) in the request, performs a search and comes up with a set of answers ranked in order of appropriateness. If necessary, the program will also ask a series of questions to further narrow down the list of possible solutions to the problem. OS/2 Warp Server is IBM's business server solution for customers ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. It provides an integrated platform for the growing application server environment as well as a complete set of traditional file and print services by combining the battle-tested OS/2 Warp and LAN Server with a wealth of functional enhancements in systems management, backup, remote access and advanced print function. OS/2 Warp Server has been distributed to 40,000 beta sites and is scheduled to ship this quarter. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 6. OS/2 WARP SERVER UPGRADE PROTECTION Upgrade Protection on existing LAN Server 3.0 and 4.0 systems can protect LAN software investments. With it, customers pay less money for OS/2 Warp Server. To gain the protection for the first release of OS/2 Warp Server, customers need to buy it before February 26, 1996. After that, this insurance only reduces the cost of subsequent OS/2 Warp Server releases. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 7. LEAP ABOARD VOYAGER WITH ATHENA Everyone that buys the DeScribe Voyager CD package during the month of February 1996 ("Leap Year") will be entitled to a free, full function copy of the Mesa Spreadsheet v2.D.0 for OS/2 from Athena Design, Inc. This version of Athena Design's spreadsheet is a modification of version 2.0.4 with cut and paste as well as DeScribe/Athena DDE enhancements. The offer does not include printed documentation for Athena software, however, they included extensive online help. You can buy the printed documentation. DeScribe's Voyager sells for less than $50. The DeScribe Voyager Leap Year promotion adds significant value for OS/2 aficionados. Leap on this opportunity today] New Voyager CD Customers: In order to be eligible for this promotion the following conditions must be met: 1. The customer must have purchased a new Voyager CD through a bookstore or retail computer reseller. No other DeScribe products are eligible. 2. The purchaser must submit proof of purchase of the Voyager Package either from a bookstore as the DeScribe User's Guide ISBN 1-56529-885-3 or a proof of purchase from one of DeScribe's computer resellers. The proof of purchase must be dated within the period from February 1, 1996 through February 29, 1996. 3. The original Voyager CD with proof of purchase must be mailed or shipped to DeScribe no later than March 5, 1996. The latest version of the Voyager and the Athena Spreadsheet CD will be forwarded via US Mail at no charge for US destinations or, for an additional $10, to all non-US destinations including Canada. There is no free support for either the Voyager CD version of DeScribe or the Athena Spreadsheet. Contact DeScribe via Compuserve at GO DESCRIBE or for further support plans. Current DeScribe 5 and Athena Customer Add-on: DeScribe 5 customers and all Athena/Mesa customers who purchased products prior to February 1, 1996 may purchase the latest single user version of DeScribe 5 on a Voyager CD together with the single user Athena Spreadsheet on CD for $39. No hard copy documentation is included. Shipping via US Mail is included for US orders. All other non-US orders including Canada are $10 extra. Add-on orders may be placed by mailing a copy or faxing the inside front page of the DeScribe 5 User's Guide or the User Guide for Athena/Mesa 2 to DeScribe at the address listed below. Include serial#, all shipping data and credit card information including expiration date and billing address of credit card if different than ship to address. Please include a phone or FAX number. All Add-on orders must be postmarked or received via FAX no later than February 29, 1996. All above offers expire on February 29,1996. FAX: 941-732-5414 Address: DeScribe, Inc. 4820 Bayshore Dr. Naples, FL. 33962 Payment can only be by Visa, Mastercard, American Express or a check drawn on a US Bank. Shipment will commence the first week of March. Checks and credit cards are processed when received. Please visit DeScribe's Web site for more information CIS users can also check on the DeScribe Forum at GO DESCRIBE. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 8. PLANNED FUNCTIONS FOR UPCOMING RELEASES OF OS/2 WARP John W. Thompson in the recently held PSP teleseminar spoke briefly about the OS/2 Warp Server and the next release of the OS/2 Warp client. On the server, he said,"... OS/2 Warp Server will be the first thing that you will see this year." It is based on the OS/2 Warp Connect base product shipped in 1995. It will include integrated file and print services, advanced printer functionality, enhanced and integrated system management capability, stronger backup and recovery functionality as well as "much, much stronger remote access". OS/2 Warp Server will be "Internet-ready", which will allow it to be used as a Web server. The principal focus of this offering is to reduce the cost of implementation of server-based technologies. The client product is also built on the Warp Connect base. This product will feature an enhanced user interface that allows users to easily see what is currently active in their systems at any given point in time. Some other important features will be: .expanded plug-and-play capability .the capability to run extended edutainment type products .integrated Web Explorer capability .the Open Doc run-time .the Developer API Extensions run-time that aides developers in building multi-platform applications .improved installation and ease of use It will also be a platform that facilitates writing expanded security capability for OS/2. ----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----****----$$$$----**** 9. WARP'D HUMOR The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by physicists at Whatsamata U. The element, tentatively named Administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have 1 neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice-neutrons, and 111 assistant vice-neutrons. This gives it an atomic mass number of 312. These 312 particles are held together in the nucleus by meson-like particles called memos. Since it has no electrons, Administratium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of Administratium causes one reaction to take 4 days to complete when it would normally take 1 second. Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately 3 years, at which time it does not actively decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice-neutrons, and assistant vice-neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that atomic mass number actually increases after reorganization. Research at other laboratories indicates that Administratium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to condense and concentrate at certain points such as government agencies and universities, and can usually be found in the newest, best-appointed and best maintained buildings. Scientists point out that Administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how Administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage. Results to date are not promising. Dr. William Skiba.