Serving Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
by Kaare Thor Olsen
Odense, Denmark (English version)

Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2 Warp 4 has been released, as you probably know. Communicator is available in 18 languages, including Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish. Download it from the IBM OS/2 Warp 4 homepage at

JMA Software Technologies in Sweden maintains two English language pages related to the future of OS/2 Warp. The Warp NT FAQ (formerly the Warp 5 FAQ) describes the near future, more precisely what's planned for the next version of OS/2 Warp: The WarpX page deals in rumours about OS/2 Warp, many of these may never become reality, but the page is worth a visit none the less:

Stig Nygaard has created a page with "OS/2 Links and Hot Spots", the page is only available in Danish and can found at

FixPak 38 for Warp 3 has been released, it is available in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish, and a number of other languages. You can find general links to all Scandinavian FixPak directories on my Scandinavian-realated OS/2 links page at

Please do not hesitate to send me any news related to OS/2 from around the Scandinavian area.

- Kaare Thor Olsen

Kaare Thor Olsen is a programmer in Odense, Denmark. He has been using OS/2 since version 2.0 and is a member of Team OS/2. He is also the SysOp for the NightCall BBS at +45-63 12 10 74, +45-63 12 11 74, and +45-63 12 12 74.