The intent of OS/2 CONNECT is to become your desktop repository for sources of OS/2 information. Having been an OS/2 user since 1990 (version 1.2) we appreciate the need for developing and maintaining contacts in support of the operating system. What we are trying to do is become the authoritative source for OS/2 contacts in the world. We do not consider ourselves in competition with any other publication. In fact, we welcome the opportunity to cooperate with other publications in promoting OS/2. Being an independent company, not related in any way to IBM, we believe we can be a fair and impartial source of information for all vendors related to OS/2, not just IBM.

Our staff constantly sifts through a wide range of books, magazines, mailing lists, computer networks, bulletin boards, news/press releases, and other industrial contacts to research the current names, numbers and addresses of vendors and institutions supporting OS/2. But we realize that we are not perfect and people tend to change jobs and addresses frequently. If there is a name or number we have overlooked, or something requiring correction, please let us know about it as soon as possible. In this day and age of electronic communications, there should be no reason why you cannot send us correspondence or a press release. In other words, please do not hesitate to contact us regarding ideas for improving the newsletter or to send us updates and corrections.


Although the newsletter at our web site is constantly being updated (with the exception of the Editorial Page, World Reports, and Graphics of the Month, which are updated once a month), the newsletter is distributed monthly as a set of HTML files suitable for use with standard web browsers, such as the Netscape Navigator.

Throughout the HTML version you will see text highlighted in blue characters; this represents links to other internet sites (either http, ftp, or e-mail). Simply click on these links to access the other sites. NOTE: Some web browsers do not support e-mail protocols and, as such, will prohibit processing.

Sound files (WAV) have also been laced throughout the HTML publication and can be invoked by pressing certain pictures or buttons. This will only work if your computer and web browser supports sound.


The newsletter is distributed to the major computer networks and bulletin boards. This specifically includes:

NOTE: The publisher does not maintain a formal business relationship with any of the above listed carriers, other than purely as a distribution channel for the newsletter.

The OS/2 CONNECT HTML files can be distributed free of charge. The name of the file is CONmmyy.ZIP (where "mm" represents the month and "yy" represents the year; for example: CON1198.ZIP represents the November 1998 issue).

NOTE: Due to file size constraints, the HTM files contained in the ZIP file may make reference to WAV and other ZIP files that will not be included in the zipped packet of files. This may also include the "Graphic of the Month."


Because OS/2 CONNECT is an evolving document where our lists are constantly updated to remain current, we really do not encourage maintaining past issues where the data may be obsolete. However, there are some people who would like to reference past issues. In this situation, we suggest you access back issues through Hobbes, Walnut Creek, America Online, or any of the bulletin boards listed above.

We wish you every success in your use of OS/2. If you have any questions in the use of the product, here is your source for finding the right answers. Good luck!

- M. Bryce & Associates, Inc.
Palm Harbor, Florida