As we all know, OS/2 CONNECT contains the most comprehensive set of Internet addresses related to OS/2. Since the list was first published in April 1995, the list has grown and evolved. Despite the list's robustness, I'm regularly asked what Internet sites are the most important to support the product and stay abreast of developments. I've done a lot of soul searching in this regard and hereby render what I feel are the most important "must have" OS/2 sites on the Internet. The following sites were judged for their content as opposed to their graphical appeal (which isn't all that bad either). It is not my intention to offend anyone by omitting their sites from the list. I have just found the following Internet sites to be invaluable in terms of staying on top of OS/2. My reasons for selecting the various sites are explained in the list which, by the way, is not in any particular order (e.g, #1, #2, etc.). I hope you find the following sites useful. Enjoy!

- Tim Bryce
Editor, OS/2 CONNECT

* Yea, I know I'm showing more than ten sites but this isn't exactly a contest! The only winner is the OS/2 user. - Tim Bryce