The following is a current list of OS/2 related user groups in the Far East:


Hong Kong OS/2 User Group
(address unknown)
Hong Kong
Tel:  Unknown
Fax:  Unknown
BBS:  Unknown
WWW:  http://www.os2.org.hk/
E-Mail:  hkos2ug@os2.org.hk
Meeting Schedule:  First Monday of the month; 7:30pm.
Location:  IBM on 10th Floor, Telecom Tower, Quarry Bay
   (take Quarry Bay MTR exit at Taikoo Place, take footbridge 
    to Taikoo Place and walk to the end).
Contact:  Emmanuel Yiu 
Committee Members:
  Emmanuel Yiu
  Alexander Que (on leave)
  Ignatius Tam 
  Ben Yuen 
  Derek Fu - support from IBM 
  Andy Wong - support from IBM 
Dues:  None (free)
Founded:  December 1995
Description:  Group formed to share experiences and help
  each other in using OS/2.  To join, you have to subscribe to 
  our mailing list; just send an e-mail to our mail server 
  and in the body write the following: 
  subscribe hkos2ug (your e-mail address) (your name)


Singapore OS/2 User Group
IBM Singapore
80 Anson Rd 0207
Tel:  65-772-3657
Fax:  Unknown
BBS:  Unknown
WWW:  http://sunsite.nus.sg/pub/os2/
Meeting Schedule:  First Friday of the month; 7pm - 9:30pm.
Location:  IBM Towers, 80 Anson Road
Contact:  Yap Keng Ann
President:  Dr. N. Sriram (772-3657) (swknasri@leonis.nus.sg)
Treasurer:  Brendan Ng
Team OS/2 Liaison:  Alvin Tan (467-4794) (swkgohcp@leonis.nus.sg)
Dues:  None (free)
Founded:  1993
Description:  The Singapore OS/2 User Group consists of
  enthusiastic members who meet to exchange information, 
  tips and tricks about OS/2. 


Chollian OS/2 SIG
Kyoung-Nam Town 8-303
Su-Sung Gu
Hwang-Gum Dong
Taegu, South Korea
Tel:  +82-53-743-7158
FAX:  None
BBS:  CHOLLIAN (telnet:  chollian.dacom.co.kr -> GO OS2)
E-Mail:  picard@chollian.dacom.co.kr
Meeting Schedule:  Varies
Location of meetings:  Varies
President:  Sang-Won Song (Benjamin W. Song)
Contact:  Sang-Won Song (Benjamin W. Song)
Description:  Open to all interested OS/2 users.
Dues:  Free

Seoul Computer Club, OS/2 Support Group
PSC 303 Box 24
APO AP  96204-0024
Tel:  02-7915-7332
Fax:  Unknown
BBS:  Unknown
E-Mail:  Unknown
Meeting Schedule:  Unknown
Location:  Unknown
Contact:  James Mckenzie
President:  Unknown
Dues:  Unknown