THIS WILL BE AN INTERESTING NEW EXPERIMENT, something we've wanted to do for a long time. As customers, we have all wanted to give IBM input for improving OS/2. However, there hasn't been an effective vehicle allowing users to input suggestions and come up with a prioritized list for review by the vendor, until now.

Using OS/2 CONNECT as the vehicle (and the form below), we invite OS/2 users to input their suggestions for improving OS/2. In turn, we will catalog each request in the OS/2 based Repository accompanying our "PRIDE" Information Factory®. Pursuant to this, the Factory includes a unique "Priority Modeling" tool used to calculate the priorities of business objectives (and projects). In turn, we will display the "Priority List" and all related suggestions in the next issue of the newsletter for all the world to see (as well as IBM). From this, we can establish a dialog between ourselves as customers and also with the vendor. Inevitably, changes will occur in the importance of the various suggestions. Fortunately, the "PRIDE" Information Factory® recognizes that change is constant and is able to re-compute priority changes, which we will do on a monthly basis with each issue of OS/2 CONNECT. The "priority list," therefore, will be a "living document" that will evolve over time and be kept up-to-date.

Ideally, we want to be able to communicate our interests to the vendor as to the direction of the product and, in turn, allow them to comment on our requests. This "suggestion box" thereby should be viewed as a means to provide positive feedback to the vendor (not negative). It is not the intent of this web page to allow customers to "rant and rave" about the product (see the Sound Off! section for this). Rather, we are soliciting legitimate and thoughtful suggestions for improving OS/2.


To properly evaluate suggestions, each has to be defined in a structured manner for input into the "PRIDE" Information Factory®. A form has been designed and is included below providing guidelines for defining your suggestion. Simply follow the instructions on the form below and press the "Send" button to e-mail it to us. NOTE: Users of the WebExplorer (which doesn't support the form posting method) should e-mail the details to us instead at TimB1557@aol.com. We will not accept fax entries. We will acknowledge receipt of all suggestions (if you do not hear back from us, we didn't get it). Click HERE to review a SAMPLE suggestion for form and content.

We will then enter each suggestion into the "PRIDE" Information Factory® here in Florida. Initially, there will probably be voluminous suggestions sent in to us. Of course, we will analyze each and act as referee to validate each suggestion and clean up text where necessary. We will also look for redundant suggestions and merge them where appropriate (I can't wait to see how many suggestions we get for Win 32 support alone).

Perhaps the biggest difference between the "OS/2 Suggestion Box" and the IBM PSP Requirements submission form is that the suggestions and their assigned priorities will be published for public review in the next issue of OS/2 CONNECT. Just prior to the next issue, we will pull the trigger on the "Priority Modeling" tool in the "PRIDE" Information Factory® and compute a prioritized list of suggestions (which will be referred to as "Business Objectives"). We will then post the prioritized list in our web pages, along with full descriptions of the suggestions.

One last Note: Like last year's "Connect the World with Merlin" project, the "Suggestion Box" will be a purely voluntary effort by OS/2 customers. IBM does not sanction or sponsor this "Suggestion Box." However, it is hoped that this will lead to an effective line of communications between the customers and the vendor. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

- Tim Bryce
Editor, OS/2 CONNECT

Note: "PRIDE" and INFORMATION FACTORY are the registered trademarks of M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. IBM and OS/2 are the registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation.


Please complete ALL DETAILS below and press the SEND button to transmit your suggestion. Incomplete or vague specifications will be cause for rejection. If your web browser does not support "forms", e-mail the details directly to the OS/2 CONNECT Editor directly. (Please no faxes).

Your Name

Location (City, State/Province, Country)

Company (optional)

E-Mail Address


Please provide a concise name for your suggestion (in CAPS):


Please give this some serious and honest thought; these attributes will be used to assign a "priority weight" to your suggestion.


  • MAINTENANCE (to correct a defect/error)
  • MODIFICATION/IMPROVEMENT (an enhancement or change to the existing product)
  • NEW DEVELOPMENT (a feature not currently included)


  • HIGH - critical (must have), for competitive advantage
  • MEDIUM - not critical but highly desirable
  • LOW - nice to have but not absolutely required


  • Should be made available for downloading ASAP (as soon as possible)
  • Should be issued in NEXT available "FixPack" or "Developer Connection"
  • Should go in next MAJOR RELEASE


    Please, only product specific suggestions (not sales or marketing ideas) and please no trivialities.


    1. Describe the suggestion as concisely as possible. Stick to the point and do not provide rambling text.
    2. Although the suggestion box is open to OS/2 users worldwide, please write your suggestion in ENGLISH. Sorry, we don't have facilities for translation. Don't worry about grammar, we will review and correct where necessary.
    3. Describe which PRODUCT (OS/2 Warp, OS/2 Warp Server-Entry or Advanced) and VERSION (2.1, 3.0, 4.0, etc.) you are referring to.
    4. Describe the AREA of OS/2 affected (e.g, the base o.s., the Workplace Shell, a particular program accompanying the product (such as the Enhanced Editor or WebExplorer), the BonusPak, etc.
    5. Describe WHO the suggestion effects (e.g, end-users, developers, etc.). Will this effect all OS/2 users on a global basis, or just within a certain geographical region?
    6. Describe the BUSINESS RATIONALE for the suggestion; for example, how will it improve OS/2's market standing?
    7. AVOID STATING SOLUTIONS - stick to problem/opportunity definitions, not necessarily how to solve them.
    8. Define BENEFIT$ (sell your idea) - List both the tangible and intangible benefits derived from implementing your suggestion. HINT: Ask yourself, "What would happen to customers if they didn't have this feature." When describing benefits, observe these rules:
      1. Begin the benefit with a transitive verb such as: Improve, Maximize, Minimize, etc.
      2. Substantiate your claim; do not simply say something like, "Improve computer efficiency." Instead, say something like, "Improve computer efficiency by maximizing use of memory and reducing required disk space."


    Press Send to transmit your suggestion.

    Thank you for your suggestion! We will review it carefully.
