SMART MOVE: Use Ctrl+D to add this web address to your Netscape Navigator Bookmark or Ctrl+A to add this document to your IBM WebExplorer QuickList.

This listing includes all other OS/2 related Internet sites and addresses NOT sponsored by IBM and is sorted by name alphabetically from A to M. For other sites, please see&colon.

2d3D, Inc.                       http://www.shadow.net/~senja
 (color QuickCam driver)

2Rud Software and Consulting     http://www.netusa.net/~rmahoney/
  (SpellGuard OS/2 spell checker)

Aachen University (Germany)      http://www-users.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~mizimm/os2-allg.html

Accessing ports and devices      http://femto.ssp.ameslab.gov/os2/os2.htm
  in OS/2 WARP

Adobe Systems, Inc.              http://www.adobe.com
  Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2  http://www.adobe.com/Amber

Advanced Idea Machines           http://www.xmission.com/~aimgames
  (TENSOR game)

Alachua County Computer U.G.     http://www.afn.org/~gberry/accug2.html
  OS/2 SIG                       http://www.afn.org/~accug/files/os2files.html
  E-Mail                         gberry@afn.org or accug@afn.org

Albuquerque OS/2 User's Group    http://www.cybeeria.com/OS2/index.html
  SIG, New Mexico Computer Soc.  markb@abq-ros.com

America Online                   http://www.aol.com/

American Shopping Mall           http://www.greenearth.com

Annapolis OS/2 Support Group     http://fox.nstn.ca/~pskipton/os2.html
  (Nova Scotia, Canada)          brody@fox.nstn.ca

Andi's Homepage                  http://www.student.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~portele
  (Andreas Portele; Germany)

Animouse                         http://www.sentience.com.au/animouse/animouse.html
  (animated mouse pointers)

The Anti-Microsoft Home Page     http://www-mcb.ucdavis.edu/people/hemang/ms.html

Apache for OS/2                  http://www.slink.com/ApacheOS2/
  (HTTP Server Project)

APS Technologies                 http://www.apstech.com/

Arawak CD Solutions              http://www.icis.on.ca/homepages/arawak/

Arcada Software, Inc.            http://www.arcada.com
  (OS/2 backup/recovery software)

Ardana's Home Page               http://www.autoroute.net/~arciel/

The Art of OS/2 Warp Programming http://os2man.netsysdev.telerate.com/theartof/theartof.htm
  (Larry Salomon)

Artisoft, Inc.                   http://www.artisoft.com/main/support.html

ASU's Unofficial OS/2 Warp Page  http://www.eas.asu.edu/os2
  (Vic's OS/2 Support Page)
  (Vic Oppleman)

Atlanta OS/2 Users Group         http://www.goldencode.com/atlos2.html

Auburn University                http://www.auburn.edu/~lestewm/os2.html

Auckland OS/2 User Group         stevee@kcbbs.gen.nz
  (New Zealand)

Austin City Limits (Texas)       http://www.quadralay.com/www/austin/austin.html

David Barnes' Warped Gallery     http://www.os2bbs.com/David_Barnes/

Be OS/2 Campaign                 http://citus.speednet.com.au/~daeron/BeOS2
  (to create a BeBox (PowerPC) 
   with OS/2)

Les Bell and Associates Pty. Ltd http://www.moreinfo.com.au/lesbell
  (Forestville, NSW, Australia)  lesbell@ibm.net
  (OS/2 Training and Consulting)

Below Zero/2                     http://www.wimsey.com/PacificaBlue/belowzero
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada       http://www.pacificablue.com/belowzero
  (OS/2 software retailer)

Berkeley OS/2 Users' Group       http://warp.eecs.berkeley.edu/os2
  Home Page

"The Best" OS/2 Links & News     http://www.geocities.com/~bestos2/

The Best of OS/2 on the          http://www.bestofos2.com
  Worldwide Web                  
  (InnoVal Systems Solutions)    

The Best OS/2 Software           http://www.os2ss.com/bestos2/

The Best Shareware, Freeware     http://www.netaxs.com/~jeanluc/os2/
  and Beta Software for OS/2

Bishop's University              http://cyniska.ubishops.ca/os2/os2.html
  OS/2 Warp Version 3.0

Black Pine Development           http://www.halcyon.com/blkpine/
  (Drop Zone vendor)

BluePaint for OS/2               http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~pczarny
  (freeware paint and animation 

BMT Micro                        http://www.wilmington.net/bmtmicro
  (distributor OS/2 shareware)   orders@bmtmicro.com
  Workplace Security OS/2 Warp   http://www.wilmington.net/bmthtm/wsec.htm

Borland                          http://www.borland.com

Boston Computer Society, OS/2    mg@world.std.com
  Users' Group (Marcia Gulesian) http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/os2/bcs.html

Boycot Microsoft                 http://www.vcnet.com/bms/

Bradford Information Systems     http://www.icp.com/bradford
  (Vendor IDPS)

Dave Briccetti's OS/2 Warp       http://www.davebsoft.com/Programming/tips/index.html
  Programming Tips and Samples

Brisbug PC User Group,           paul@madhouse.brisnet.org.au
  OS/2 SIG - Brisbane,       or  paulm@ozemail.com.au
  Queensland, Australia

Brown University OS/2 User Group http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/jmk/os2ug.html
  (Providence, RI)               jmk@cs.brown.edu

BT&T Consumer Technology         http://www.electriciti.com/bttech/os2jobs.html
  (OS/2 Job Openings)

California Institute of Tech.    http://www.ccsf.caltech.edu/~kasturi/os2.html
  (OS/2 Internet Resources)

Canadian Internet Handbook       http://www.csi.nb.ca/handbook/handbook.html

Cape Town OS/2 User Group        http://os2.co.za
  (South Africa)

Capital PC User Group, OS/2 SIG  http://cpcug.org/
  (Rockville, Maryland)

Carnegie Mellon University (PA)  http://www.club.cc.cmu.edu:800/~jgrande/cmuos2.html

Carsten's OS/2 Springboard       http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bcrwhims/os2.html

CDP/2's OS/2 Review              http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/cpratt

Central Alberta OS/2 Users'      http://www.caos2.ab.ca/
  Group Association (CAOS/2)     caos2@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca

Central New York PC Users Group, http://www.dreamscape.com/cynpcug/pcughome.html
  OS/2 SIG (Liverpool, NY)

Central Pennsylvania OS/2 User   uswv8k26@ibmmail.com
  Group                          76260.2166@compuserve.com

CFS Nevada, Inc. (Las Vegas)     http://www.cfsrexx.com

Channel Islands PC Users'        len@vcnet.com
  Group, OS/2 Corner
  (Canoga Park, California)

Alex Chapman's Pre-load List     http://budgetweb.com/os2/

Cheyenne Software, Inc.          http://www.cheyenne.com/
  (ARCsolo vendor)

Childs, Peter (Australia)        http://www.apanix.apana.org.au/~pjchilds
  (Inf-HTML converter)           pjchilds@apanix.apana.org.au

ChipChat Technology Group        http://www.chipchat.com

Chollian OS/2 SIG (South Korea)  picard@chollian.dacom.co.kr

Citrix                           http://www.citrix.com

Clear & Simple, Inc.             http://www.clear-simple.com

Cleveland OS/2 Users Group       http://www.trnet.com/cos2ug
                                 cos2ug@trnet.com or jalcorn@trnet.com

Client Server Networking, Inc.   http://www.tiac.net/users/csn
  (WATCHIT vendor)

ClubOS/2 (Argentina)             http://www.ftc.com.ar/ftc/clubos2

The Cobb Group                   http://www.ziff.com:8019/~cobb/

COBIUS/CMR/SOFTWARE              http://www.euronet.nl/users/histimum
  (OS/2 catalog; Rotterdam, 
   the Netherlands)

The COBOL Foundation             davem@cobol.org
  (Indian Wells, California)                   

Colorado Springs PC User Group,  http://rainbow.rm11.com/cosug/cosug.html
  OS/2 SIG

ColoradOS/2 WWW page             http://www.colos2.com

Columbia-Baltimore Users Group   http://millkern.com/cbug/
  Rick Cook                      rickcook@millkern.com
  Alan Morris (President)        73720.2441@compuserve.com
                                 and asmorris@millkern.com

Columbia University OS/2 WWW     http://www.columbia.edu/~chs11/cuos2.html
  Home Page

Central Ohio OS/2 User Group     http://www.osc.edu/os2

Comdex Home Page                 http://www.comdex.com:8000/

Commercial Services on the Net   http://www.directory.net/

The Committee to Fight Microsoft FightMS@aol.com

The Complete OS/2 Links Page!    http://www.augusta.net/~aphillips/ong.html
  (ONG SoftWare)

Component Integration Lab's      http://www.cil.org
  (CI Labs) OpenDoc home page

CompUSA Online                   http://www.compusa.com

CompuServe's WWW Home Page       http://www.compuserve.com/

CompuSource                      http://www.compusource.co.za
  (PowerWeb Server++ vendor)

Compustat                        http://www.os2.iaccess.za/
  (South Africa)

Computer Associates              http://www.cai.com

Computer Data Strategies         http://www.cds-inc.com/
  (vendor, Back Again/2)

Computer Interface Corporation   http://www.computerinterface.com
  (OS/2 ISV)

Compuware PREDITOR (Editor)      http://www.compuware.com/preditor

Corel Corporation                http://www.corel.com
  Corel Office for Java          http://officeforjava.corel.com/
  Useful Info on Running         http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/2045/coj1.html
    Corel Office for Java
    under Warp

Cornell University               gopher://gopher1.cit.cornell.edu/00/.cit_files/MTOS2

Cramon Utilities (Denmark)       http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c948129

Creative Assistance Software     http://www.vnet.net/casoft/
  (NetPM vendor)

Creative Labs                    http://www.creaf.com
  (the Creative Zone)
  OS/2 FAQ                       http://www.creaf.com/wwwnew/tech/faqs/os2.html

Custom Design Software           http://www.comox.island.net/~rbil
  (OS/2 application developers &
  vendor of IPF Builder &
  HTML Builder for OS/2;
  British Columbia, Canada)

CyberBlue OS/2 Online            http://www.cyberblue.com/
  Exploration Guide   

Czech OS/2 User Group (COUG)     http://www.codalan.cz

Dallas/Ft. Worth OS/2 User Grp.  70007.6267@compuserve.com
  (Jim Stuyck)                   jstuyck@computek.net

Danara Software Systems, Inc.    http://www.danara.ca
  (Ottawa OS/2 consultants)

Dansk OS/2 (in Danish)           http://home4.inet.tele.dk/mija/

Darrel's Home (Vantage game)     http://optima.cs.arizona.edu/people/darrel/darrel.html

DataMirage Software              http://www.datamirage.com
  (LiveWire vendor; data
   communications software)

DATAROM districom Oy             http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/ttt
  (OS/2 distributor - Finland)

Deja News                        http://www.dejanews.com/
  (Usenet Search Utility)

Dell Computer Home Page          http://www.dell.com/

Denver OS/2 Page (Brazil)        http://www.braznet.com.br/~denver/os2/

DeScribe, Inc. Word Processor    http://www.describe.com/wp/home.html

Desktop Tips for OS/2            http://www.webbuild.com/~neice/desktip.htm
  (Michael Neice)

Designer Software, Inc.          http://www.dbexpert.com
  (DBExpert Database for OS/2)

The Developer's Source for AIX   http://www.mfi.com/os2dev
  and OS/2; Software solutions 
  for programmers - sponsored by 
  IBM and Miller-Freeman, Inc.

The Digital Sound & Music        http://test.dfwmm.net/madbrain/
  Interface for OS/2 (DSMI/2)

DGA (London, UK)                 http://www.dga.co.uk
  (OS/2 communications software)

Document d'accueil OS/2          http://wwwi3S.unice.fr/~lafaix/os2.html
  (OS/2 en Francais!)
  (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)

David Dupre                      http://www.cdc.net/~dupre/
  (Element.ary for OS/2 weather 

East Tennessee PC Users Group,   http://apacweb.ag.utk.edu/os2
  OS/2 SIG (Knoxville)           phethmon@utk.edu
  (Knoxville Warp User's Group)

EDM/2                            info@iqpac.com
  (Interactive OS/2 newsletter)  http://www.edm2.com/
  (Larry Salomon, Jr. - Editor)

Egghead (software retailer)      http://www.egghead.com

EmTec (Home of ZOC)              http://www.emtec.com

Enhanced Software OS/2 Links     http://www.neosoft.com/~mred/os2links.html

EurOS/2 (London, U.K.)           euros2@ibm.net
  (user group)                   

EurOS/2 Magazine (U.K.)          http://www.moorestephens.com/euros2/magazine.htm

Faheem Ahmed's                   http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk/~phueg/os2/index.html
  Get Warped with OS/2 

FAQ: Should I buy OS/2 Warp 3.0? http://psych.colorado.edu/~rsmith/buy-os2.html
  (by Roderick W. Smith)

The Fiddler's Green Online       http://calvin.stemnet.nf.ca/~ekenny
  (Sasketoon, Saskatchewan, 

Floppy Shots Ltd.                http://www.floppyshots.com
  (company will scan your 35mm 
   negatives or photos to diskette)

Footprint Software, Inc.         73501.513@compuserve.com
  (Toronto, Ontario)

Frankson Information Management  http://www.frankson.aus.net
  (The Warp Confederacy)

The Frobozz Magic Software       http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pvk
  Company (Netherlands)

Frontier Technology Systems      http://www.ftscorp.com

The Frontier Home Page           http://divot.ps.uci.edu/frontier.html
  (OS/2 game)

G&A Consultants Home Page        http://www.ganda.com/
  (provide OS/2 & WWW consulting)

Galactic Civilizations 2 FAQ     http://www2.magmacom.com/~svirani/GalCiv2/gc2-faq.html
  (Mark Anderson)

Game Zero Magazine               http://www.gamezero.com/team-0

Gauteng OS/2 User Group          http://www-os2.rau.ac.za/os2ug.html
  (South Africa)

Get Warped!                      http://www.isisnet.com/tsst/os2/
  (the Greater Halifax OS/2 
    Special Interest Group)

Ghost Script for OS/2            http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/index.html

Gibbon Computer Products, Inc.   http://www.gibbon.com/

Glen's OS/2 Home Page            http://www.fic.gov.bc.ca/users/glittle/

Goran, Dick,                     http://www.cfsrexx.com/thevoice/welcome.htm
  The Voice of Las Vegas

Gotham OS/2 Alliance             http://www.intac.com/nnjos2/gotham.html
  (NY/NJ/CT Regional Org.)

Greater Chicago Online!!         http://www.gco.com
  (serves Chicago area 
   OS/2 user groups)

Greater Detroit OS/2 User Group  http://www.look-inc.com/GDOUG/
  (GDOUG)                        etrumbo@ibm.net

Greater Halifax OS/2 User Group  http://isisnet.com/tsst/ghos2
  (Nova Scotia, Canada)          tsst@isisnet.com

Greater Victoria PC User's       http://www.islandnet.com/~bigblue
  Association, Multitasking SIG  teamos2@islandnet.com
  (British Columbia, Canada)

Grinning Lizard Software         http://www.nrvcom.com/business/grinliz
  (BEM game)

Grupo de Usuarios de OS/2        http://www.mpc.com.br/guos2
  de Campinas (GUOS/2)

Grupo de Usuarios de OS/2        http://www.inf.ufes.br/~guos2es
  - Espirito Santo
  (Vitoria, Brazil)

GUI Corner Code Cache            http://www.prominare.com/prominare/guicorner.html

GUIDE International Corporation  http://www.guide.org
  (Chicago, IL)                  GUIDE_HQ@GUIDE.SBA.COM

Harris Mountaintop               http://mtmis1.mis.semi.harris.com/os2.html

Heartland OS/2 Users Group       http://www.ionet.net/~bfesler/heartgroup.html
  (Oklahoma City, OK)            bfesler@ionet.net

Heartland Users Group (HUG)      http://www.tfs.net/~os2/hugsig/
  OS/2 SIG (Kansas City)         kkrieger@propoint.com

Scott Hellewell's OS/2 Warp Page http://www.pobox.com/~scotth/OS2.html

High Performance Cartridges      http://www.netpoint.net/hpcart/hpcart.html

The Highly Unofficial IBM OS/2   http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~kwilas/faq_top.html
  Beta FAQ (in English)
  (in German)                    http://www.os2forum.or.at/TeamOS2/

Hilgraeve                        http://www.hilgraeve.com
  (HyperACCESS Lite vendor)

The HitchHikers Guide to OS/2    http://venus.ee.ndsu.nodak.edu/os2/mharmless/hhgos2/hhgos2.htm

Hobbes (New Mexico State Univ.)  http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/
- Search Engine                  http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/search

Hobbes Virtual Mirror            http://www.teamos2.org/hvm/Hobbes/
  OS/2 Software Archive

The Hobbes Report                http://www.aescon.com/bestofos2/hobbes.htm
  (updated daily)

Hobby Computer Club (HCC)        mtillema@hccfido.hcc.nl

HockWare WWW Server              http://www.hockware.com/hockware/

Holland User Group OS/2 (HUGO)   http://www.dds.nl/~ibmplein/os2/hugo/

House of Technology              http://www.hotinc.com
  (Canadian distributor of       http://www.io.org/~hot
   OS/2 software)                info@hotinc.com

How to make a BBS Telnetable     http://www.ulix.net/freedom

HP SureStore CD-Writer &         http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/fcassia/hpcdros2.htm
  OS/2 FAQ (Fernando Cassia)

HPP HomePage Publisher for OS/2  http://www.apical.com/hpp.html
  (WYSIWYG web page tool)

HTTPD Systems Available          http://w3.ag.uiuc.edu/dlm/httpdforOS2.html
  for OS/2

Hugh's Home Page                 http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/~kennedy
  (Hugh Kennedy)                 http://www.escape.ca/~kennedy
  (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)   kennedy@escape.ca

Hunter Region OS/2 User Group    http://www2.hunterlink.net.au/~deras

The IAK Place                    http://apacweb.ag.utk.edu/os2/iak.html
  (Internet Access Kit)

ICP Software Information Center  softinfo@icp.com
  (Indianapolis, IN)             http://www.icp.com/softinfo

IDG Books Worldwide              Kaday@aol.com
  (publisher of OS/2 books)

The "I Hate Windoze" Web Page    http://digital.net/~scp_os2/ihatewin/ihatewin.html

Indelible Blue                   http://www.indelible-blue.com/ib

Info World                       http://www.infoworld.com
  (trade magazine)

Information Week                 http://techweb.cmp.com/iw/current
  (trade magazine)

Ini2URLs 3.0 for OS/2 Warp       http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/jroepcke

InJOY (OS/2 Internet Dialer)     http://www.belle.dk/~bj/dialer.html

Inland Empire OS/2 Users (IEOU)  scot@krupp.claremont.edu
  (Scot Gould - President)       70372.545@compuserve.com

InnoVal Systems Solutions Inc.   innoval@ibm.net

Innovative Software GmbH         http://www.isg.de
  (JAVA & Web development

Installing Internet Support      http://pclt.cis.yale.edu/pclt/winworld/os2.html
  in OS/2 Warp
  (Yale University)

Intel                            http://www.intel.com/

Interesting Business Sites on    http://www.rpi.edu/∙okeefe/business.html
  the World Wide Web

International DB2 Users Group    idug@mcs.com

International Management Systems http://www.imssvs.com
  (IMS; OS/2 consulting)

International OS/2 User Group    http://www.luna.co.uk/~os2ug/
  (United Kingdom)               os2ug@luna.co.uk

International Software Solutions http://www.iss2you.com
  (PolyPM/2 vendor; Boca Raton)

Internet Adventurer              http://home3.inet.tele.dk/krasmus/

Internet Initiative Japan        http://www.iij.ad.jp/

Internet Link Exchange           http://www.filez.com
  (search engine)

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)        #os/2
  (provides round-the-clock,     http://venus.ee.ndsu.nodak.edu/os2/
   real time OS/2 Warp support 
   and information)

InterStream, Inc.                http://www.i-stream.com
  (Image tools and MPEG players)

IS International                 info@isii.com
  (OS/2 training)                http://www.isii.com.

J3 Computer Technologies         http://www.j3comp.com
  (OS/2 software retailer)       http://www.os2store.com

Jack Tan's OS/2 Information Page http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jt11635/os2/os2.html

Java Chat Room                   http://www3.pair.com/jsight/JavaChat.html

Java Database Connectivity       http://java.sun.com
  (Sun Microsystems)

The Java-OS/2 FAQ Page           http://www.teleport.com/~jcorigan/JavaFAQ.shtml
  (Corrigan Computers)

Java World                       http://www.javaworld.com/

JBA International                http://www.jba.co.uk

Jeff's OS/2 Links & Home Page    http://www.netcom.com/~jbshultz
  (Jeff Shultz)

JMA Software Technologies        http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-13247

Carsten Joost (Java + OS/2 info) http://www2.dk-online.dk/users/Joost_Ca

Jubii - EDB - OS/2               http://www.jubii.dk/edb/os2.htm
  (Danish Yellow pages)

Judy's Warped World Home Page    http://oeonline.com/~mandie1

JUMBO! - OS/2 Shareware Site     http://www.jumbo.com

The JumpGate - OS/2              http://huizen.dds.nl/~iggypop/os2.html

Just Add OS/2 Warp               http://www.austin.ibm.com/pspinfo/drk95.html

K3's Favourite Share & Freeware  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/5953
  Games for OS/2 OS/2 Share &
  Freeware Games

The Kawartha Computer Club       http://knet.flemingc.on.ca/~csilvest/the-kcc.html

Keller Group, Inc.               http://www.kellergroup.com
  (FaxWorks for OS/2 and PMfax)

Kentucky-Indiana PC Users' 
  Group (KIPCUG), OS/2 SIG       http://kipcug.org
  SIG Leader - Alan McCutchen    alan.mccutcheon@tfd.org

Kiyo Design, Inc.                http://www.kiyoinc.com
  (OS/2 retailer, Annapolis, MD)

The Knoxville OS/2 Warp U.G.     http://os2.ag.utk.edu/
  (SIG of East Tenn. PC U.G.)

Kommunedata (Denmark)            http://www.kmd.dk

Kris Kwilas' Home Page           http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~kwilas/

K-W OS/2 Corporate Users Group   http://www.sentex.net/kwos2cug
  (Elmira, ON, Canada)           jedwards@sentex.net

la Lettre d'OS/2 Magazine        http://www.os2boutique.fr/lettre/index.htm

Lake County Team OS/2 (Calif.)   http://members.tripod.com/~peterconrad/

Larry's OS/2 Archive at          gopher://bongo.cc.utexas.edu:3003/11/microlib/pc/os2
  the Univ. of Texas

Las Vegas OS/2 User's Group      http://www.cfsrexx.com/lvos2ug/welcome.htm

Las Vegas PC Users Group,        http://www.wizard.com/gibson/lvpcug.html
  OS/2 SIG

LeMay, John Home Page            http://mars.superlink.net/jlemay

LEO - Link Everything Online     http://www.leo.org/archiv/os2/
  OS/2 Software Archives         http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/
  (Munich, Germany)

Les Utilisateurs d'OS/2 de       http://www.consulan.com/os2
  Montreal/Montreal OS/2 Users   gdaigle@mtlserv.consulan.com
  Group                          lrosebe@ibm.net

Library of Knowledge             http://www.concentric.net/~wizdom-1
  (Wisdon's Homepage/Fred Boyle)
  (WebExplorer Animations)

LifeData Resource's OS/2 Support http://voy.net/~lifedata/os2site1.htm

Lindsay Computer Systems         http://www.jump.net/~lcs/
  (Austin, Texas)

Kevin Linfield's Favourite       http://www.to2.org/freeware
  OS/2 Freeware

List of Major OS/2               http://www.warwick.ac.uk/~phueg/os2/applications/major.html
  Applications and Versions

LogiSoft AR Ltd.                 http://logisoftar.netgate.net
  (RexxBOS, OS/2 Rexx interface)

Los Angeles OS/2 User Group      http://www.pacificnet.net/pci/laos2ug
  (Southern California OS/2      71021.2427@compuserve.com
   User Group) - Rollin White    rwhite@kaiwan.com

Lotus Development Corp.          http://www.lotus.com
  Configuring Lotus Notes Mail   http://home.istar.ca/~lorenb
  SmartSuite for OS/2            http://www.lotus.com/smartsuite/os2

Lueck Data Systems               http://www.lueckdatasystems.com

M. Bryce & Associates, Inc.      TimB1557@aol.com
  (Palm Harbor, FL)              76235.2364@compuserve.com

Madison (WI) PC User's Group,    http://mpcug.com
  OS/2 End-Users SIG             info@mpcug.com

Marco Maccaferri (LoraBBS)       http://www.execpc.com/~marco

Mass. Institute Tech. (M.I.T.)   http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/os2
  OS/2 homepage
  The MIT OS/2 User Group        http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/os2/os2.html

Master OS/2 Warp Update List     http://www.cincyteamos2.org/masterupdate.html
  (pointers to all OS/2 updates)

The Matrix - OS/2                http://www.marshall.edu/~bordner1/os2.html

Mensys (Belgium & Holland)       http://www.mensys.nl
  (OS/2 retailer)                
  (In English)                   http://www.mensys.nl/indexuk.html

Miami OS/2 Users Group (MOUG)    moug@shadow.net

MicroEdge, Inc.                  http://www.slickedit.com
  (Visual SlickEdit vendor)      

Micro Focus Ltd. Home Page       http://www.mfltd.co.uk

MicroLearn Nordic                http://www.microlearn.se/
  (OS/2 games and 
   edutainment software)

Microrim, Inc.                   http://www.microrim.com
  (R:BASE DBMS vendor)

Microstar Laboratories           http://www.mstarlabs.com/

Mid Atlantic OS/2 User Group     http://www.pinn.net/~reaper/maos2ug.html
  (Virginia Beach, VA)
  (Steven Grim - President)      (reaper@infi.net)

MidWare Technologies             http://www.os2.iaccess.za/midware/index.htm

Petr Mikulik's OS/2 page         http://www.sci.muni.cz/~mikulik/os2.html
  (Czech Republic)

Millennium Technology            http://www.millennium-technology.com
  (OS/2 Databook)

Miller-Freeman, Inc.             http://www.mfi.com

Minasi, Mark                     mark@smtphost.mmco.com
  (OS/2 author/consultant)       71571.264@compuserve.com

Minnesota OS/2 Warp Users        http://www.mirandacorp.com/minnwarp

Monitor Magazine                 http://www.monitor.ca/monitor/
  (@MONiTOR.CA - Canada)

Monk (game)                      http://cs.colgate.edu/dbraun/monk.html

Moskowitz, David                 davidm2@ibm.net
  (OS/2 author/consultant)       76701.100@compuserve.com

MSR Development                  http://www.msrdev.com
  (Back Master vendor)                    

Mt. Baker Software, Inc.         http://www.Mount-Baker.com
  (Mt. Vernon, WA)               beta@Mount-Baker.com

Multi-Player Computer Adventures http://www.io.org/~rjm
  (specialists in device drivers 
   and VisualAge C++)

Multitask Consulting             http://www.multitask.com.au
  (Australia; OS/2 software,
   education and consulting)