For OS/2 Users - By OS/2 Users

MAY 2000
Volume 6, Number 5

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Tim Bryce - Editor
E-Mail: timb001@attglobal.net
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...it appears IBM has announced they are going to try and bundle several updates and fixes into a release for the Fall. Although it is most likely not the major "Warp 5" release OS/2 users have been longing for, it will represent a significant release for IBM who has basically stalled on OS/2 development in recent years.

(See this month's Editorial Page for related story)

Warpstock 2000:  Celebrate Freedom in Philly, September 9-10
Supporting Warpstock 2000
Download the OS/2 version of Navigator Download other versions of Navigator Click here to access the IBM OS/2 Warp web page.

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Click here to access the IBM OS/2 Warp web page.