OS/2 CONNECT is distributed electronically to a worldwide audience of OS/2 users via computer networks and bulletin boards. Advertising is accepted for the following categories:



The price for advertising is $50 (U.S.) per insertion. No discounted rates are available. Checks or money orders may be used for payment, not credit cards (e.g., American Express, Discover, Master Card, Visa). Pertinent sales taxes are the responsibility of the advertiser to assume.


Text is limited to 200 words plus one graphical image file (optional) such as GIF or JPG. Offensive language will be edited accordingly. Illegal activities, such as gambling and pornography, are prohibited. Submit your ad in the following format:

  1. HEADLINE (please be brief)
  2. Text narrative (200 words maximum)
  3. Contact information (to be displayed) - e.g., name, address, telephone, fax, E-Mail.
  4. Private contact (not to be included in the ad) - Optional; for the OS/2 CONNECT editor to contact you.
  5. Indicate which issue(s) of OS/2 CONNECT you wish to run your ad; (e.g., January thru April issues; June only, etc.)
NOTE: The publisher reserves the right to scale/crop the OS/2 bitmap to suit the publication. Every effort will be made to maintain the integrity of the graphic. If you cannot produce an OS/2 bitmap image, the publisher can convert most graphic files for a setup charge of $5 (U.S.). File formats supported include: OS/2 CONNECT will not take or be responsible for any phone calls or correspondence responding to advertisements.

Each advertiser is responsible for producing the artwork and text themselves and submitting it to the OS/2 CONNECT editor either on 3.5" diskette or transferring it via BBS or commercial network to the publisher: Publisher's Address & Numbers

DEADLINES: Ads will be accepted up until the second Friday of the prior month (e.g., for the May issue, have your ad in by the second Friday in April).

For questions regarding advertising, contact the OS/2 CONNECT editor.