CON0496.ZIP contains the OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for /April 1996 in INF file format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility program (VIEW.EXE). Requires OS/2 2.x or higher. NOTE: Windows users can now view INF files using the new INF Viewer from SingaLab Pte. Ltd. of Singapore. Patterned after the OS/2 VIEW facility, the Windows version provides the same functionality. The utility can be freely obtained from a variety of sources: * Look for WIN_INF.ZIP on most computer networks and bulletin boards. * A copy of the product is available in IBM's Hyperwise (see LIBIPFX.EXE). * Use the version of the product accompanying "Just Add OS/2 Warp" (see VIEW.EXE). Also, IBM PC DOS 7 users can view it under DOS (without pictures) using the VIEW.EXE supplied with that OS. In addition to the main INF file, the zip file includes the file, FILE_ID.DIZ, which is used by BBS Sysops to describe the newsletter. OS/2 CONNECT is THE authoritative source for contact information in the universe of IBM's OS/2 32-bit operating system. Sections in this issue include: Title & Publisher What's New in this Issue? Sound Off! Editorial Page Article: 25 Years of "PRIDE" World Reports (Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) Calendar of Events Bulletin Boards Internet Addresses & Locations Telephone & Fax Numbers Team OS/2 OS/2 User Groups Who's Who of OS/2 Publications - Books - Periodicals - Videos News & Press Releases Graphic of the Month OS/2 Tips, Tricks & Keys Software Shopper Classifieds There are two ways of implementing and executing the OS/2 "View" program: 1. Open an OS/2 Window or Full Screen. From the command line, type: VIEW CON0496.INF 2. Create a "View" icon on the OS/2 desktop (either Copy an existing OS/2 program icon or use the Program Template from the "Productivity" folder). Provide the following "settings" for the program: Program Settings - Path and File Name: C:\OS2\VIEW.EXE (or wherever the program is located) Optional Parameters: CON0496.INF Working Directory: enter the drive\directory path where the INF file resides; for example - C:\ or C:\CONNECT General Settings - Title: OS/2 CONNECT NOTE: If you leave the "Optional Parameters" blank, you can drag and drop the INF file to your icon. NOTE: Windows users can perform the same commands as mentioned above by using the "Run" pull-down-choice from the Windows Program Manager or by establishing a separate icon. For questions regarding OS/2 CONNECT, contact the Editor & Publisher at: M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. (MBA) 777 Alderman Road Palm Harbor, FL 34683 United States Tel: 813/786-4567 Fax: 813/786-4765 BBS: 813/786-4864 E-Mail: IBM Link: MA00890 CompuServe: 76235,2364 Tim Bryce - Editor Since 1971: "Software for the finest computer - the Mind" OS/2 CONNECT is distributed electronically to the following: 1. Commercial Networks: A. America Online Under "OS/2 Newsletters" B. CompuServe In the "IBM OS/2 Users+" Forum (GO OS2USER), go to the Library & Browse the "Documentation" section. C. IBM Link In the "BBS1" section (OS/2 BBS section); "SOFTWARELibrary"; "NEWSletters". D. NiftyServe (Japan) - in the FOS2FAN forum. 2. On the Internet: FTP Sites: (/os2/newsltr) or (/incoming) or (/new) (/pub/os2/incoming) or (/pub/os2/newsltr) (/pub/incoming) (/pub/os2/incoming/) World Wide Web: 3. On Fidonet: File Requestable using magic name CONNECT from 3:690/354 at 28,800 V.Fast. Downloadable by all callers, from +61-9-454-6970 at 28,800 V.Fast. 4. Bulletin Boards: Fort Weyr BBS (Sauk Rapids, MN) 612/654-8516 Gateway/2 (St. Louis, MO) 314/771-9280 Greater Chicago Online (Chicago, IL) 708/895-4042 Mid-Atlantic OS/2 BBS (Virginia Beach) 804-422-8462 New England Online (Boston, MA) 617-961-7870 OS/2 Connection (San Diego, CA) 619/549-4215 OS/2 Northwest (Bellevue, WA) 206/957-4513 OS/2 Shareware;Pete Norloff's BBS (Fairfax, VA) 703/385-4325 The "PRIDE" Network, MBA's BBS (Palm Harbor, FL) 813/786-4864 Programmer's Mark BBS (Brooklyn, NY) 718/921-9267 Pyramid/2 (Palo Alto, CA) 415/494-7497 Tiara Information Services (Perth, West. Australia) +61-9-454-6970 The OS/2 CONNECT INF file may be copied and distributed free of charge.