These negatives pale in comparison to the features you are getting with the product. Is 4.04 bug free? Probably not, but I haven't run into anything significant yet. Other than a good FTP transfer facility, such as EmTec's Network Suite, everything else is there to transverse the Internet. Should you download it? Yes, absolutely. This is the one MUST HAVE piece of software you should be using with OS/2 (besides, you can't beat the price!). So what are you waiting for? GO GET IT NOW!


Yes, the Netscape Communicator is good, as is FixPak 8, and Java 1.1.6. Thank you IBM and Netscape for your efforts. In all sincerity, it is greatly appreciated. But if I were to ask for anything else for Christmas, it would be for more native Java apps. As I mentioned in last month's editorial, IBM is pushing towards Java, which is good. However, I have yet to go into a local computer retailer and see shrink-wrapped Java programs on the shelves. This is most disturbing to OS/2 users who have been patiently waiting for Java apps for some time now. Other than InnoVal's J Street Mailer, where are the Java based word processors, terminal emulators, fax packages, etc.? I would particularly like to have a Java version of the RealPlayer from the RealAudio people. All I want for Christmas, as I suspect a lot of other OS/2 users want, are some native Java apps!

Keep the faith!

- Tim Bryce
Editor, OS/2 CONNECT

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