Shareware of the Month -- May PMMail Looking for an easy way to check your Internet or other UNIX electronic mail? Perhaps a program that provides all the convenience of a point and click OS/2 program? PMMail is the first shareware product for OS/2 for this purpose. PMMail connects to a POP (Post Office Protocol) electronic mail server generally residing on the Internet (or in your UNIX host) and delivers it to your OS/2 machine. PMMail can work over a local network connection and via the IBM Global Network or SLIP/PPP connection that come with OS/2 Warp. PMMail works with OS/2 2.x and OS/2 Warp. Installing PMMail is a snap. You tell PMMail the address of your electronic mail servers and your login name and password. After the install, each time that you start PMMail it logs into your electronic mail server and retrieves all your electronic mail. You can even have it automatically check your mail every couple of minutes for new messages. One of the many benefits of OS/2 is the multitasking abilities. PMMail takes advantage of these abilities by multithreading the receiving of electronic mail. The direct result is while your electronic mail is being collected from your electronic mail server, you can start reading your new messages and even replying to them. You do not have to wait for all your messages to come in before interacting with them. PMMail is also packed with features that make receiving electronic mail easier. One of these features is filters. Filters allow you to screen messages and appropriately route them. With filters, I can automatically send all messages with a certain subject to a certain PMMail folder or I can automatically delete messages from certain senders. Another great feature is canned replies. This allows you to filter a message and then automatically send back a reply. This is a great way to distribute information. For example, if I am having a party at my house, I can just tell everyone to send me electronic mail with "Party" in the subject field. Then, I can set up a filter to look for "Party" in the subject header and automatically send back a canned reply with directions to my house. PMMail also has support for off-line electronic mail creation. If you have to pay for your Internet connection by the amount of time you are hooked up, this feature can save you money. You only connect to the Internet to receive and send your messages. You can read them and compose them without being connected and paying services fees. Also, notebook users can compose and read messages while they are away from their offices. Once they plug into their network, the mail will be sent. PMMail was written by Robert Novitskey, a junior Computer Engineering major at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He has been using OS/2 since he tried a beta version of OS/2 2.1. Even though he has programmed for DOS, UNIX, and X-Windows, he has been an OS/2 programmer since OS/2 2.0. He even learned C so that he could write Presentation Manager applications. He programs for OS/2 over other operating systems because he feels that the OS/2 API is very robust. According to Robert, PMMail demand has been fantastic. He receives over 200 messages per day about the software, which is a lot more than he can handle. Since its first release on March 28, 1995, Robert has fixed some bugs and the latest release is version 1.05. Before May 15, Robert plans on releasing a new release, 1.1 which will add a few features and fix some bugs. He will take a hiatus from developing PMMail during the summer months because he is going to be busy working. However, he is planning a major release, version 1.5, sometime in the fall with support for Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachments, drag and drop support, and a new revamped interface for dealing with the address book. Soon to follow will be a version that is fully Workplace Shell compliant. His company, Southside Software, is planning on coming out with a suite of internet applications for OS/2 including a FTP client and a threaded newsreader. Take a look at this great addition to OS/2's software library. The shareware version is available from: To order the registered version, which includes other features such as uuencode/uudecode of attached files and free upgrades to version 1.5: Send check or money order for $30 US (payable to Robert Novitskey) to: SouthSide Software 7915 Linden Street Mentor, OH 44065 USA When sending in your registration, please provide the following information: Name: Address: Phone Number: Email address: How you heard about PMMail: Suggestions/Comments: Method of Distribution of registered version: (Snail Mail or via FTP) Or call: Voice: 1-800-414-4268 (US and Canada) 1-910-791-7052 (World-wide)