The X11 - Files

Last update: Saturday, 1 Jul 2000 11:59:31pm

Window manager

To use XFree86/OS2 you will need additional programs, the so-called window managers. These programs determine the look of window title bars and frames as well as reaction to certain events like mouse clicks and keyboard presses. The window managers can roughly be compared to the WPS, though they don't provide its functionality by far.
To reach that level of functionality the use of so-called desktops like KDE or GNOME which are far more complex becomes necessary. An interesting fact is that the goal of the GNOME project is to bring the functionality of OS/2's Workplace Shell to UNIX systems. Most of the GNOME parts have been ported to OS/2 meanwhile. The port of KDE is still in alpha phase.

The following paragraphs give you an overview on some of the available window managers. Which one you are going to use is a question of personal taste and the computational resources. Most of the window managers but Enlightenment can be aquired from The Poweruser's BBS.

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