GAME(GNUCHESS) GAME(GNUCHESS) NAME game SYNOPSIS ggaammee [start [end]] filename ] DESCRIPTION _g_a_m_e creates a board by board postscript output file on stdout for all or part of a chess game. Input is a 'chess.lst' file output by _g_n_u_c_h_e_s_s. When combined with the _C_h_e_s_s_F_o_n_t file and sent to a postscript printer it will show all boards in the range specified. For each board the move and the current score are also printed. CChheessssFFoonntt is courtesy of Andy Walker, Maths Dept., Nott'm Univ., UK. ( and is copyrighted by him. Moves starting at _s_t_a_r_t and ending with _e_n_d are printed. If no start or end is given all moves are shown. If only 1 number is given it is assumed to be the start. To use: ggaammee ggaammeeffiillee >>ttmmpp ccaatt CChheessssFFoonntt ttmmpp || llpprr FUNCTION LETTERS SEE ALSO gnuchess(6) chesstool(6) xboard(6)