═══ 1. Printer Properties ═══ Printer Properties Printer Properties are used to describe your printer or plotter. The Printer Properties dialog contains a notebook with pages that describe what paper trays, paper sizes, media types, fonts and other options are currently installed in your printer. The following is a list of the Printer Properties notebook pages. Double-Click on the name of any notebook page to display more detailed information about settings available on that page. ■ Device Information Page ■ Form Connection Page ■ Paper Tray Page ■ Paper Size Page ■ Device Font Page It is important to keep Printer Property information as accurate as possible to ensure the printer driver creates the fastest, highest quality printouts. The Printer Properties dialog has the following buttons: Save Exits Printer Properties dialog and saves all changes made in all notebook pages. Cancel Exits Printer Properties dialog without saving any changes made to any notebook page. Default Job Properties Displays the Job Properties dialog and notebook. This is where you set Default Job Properties to apply to print jobs when none are supplied by an application. Help Displays Help panels for the Printer Properties dialog, the Printer Properties notebook, and all pages inside the notebook. Printer Properties Notes: Note: The Paper Tray and Paper Size notebook pages are subpages to the Form Connection page in the Printer Properties Notebook. Their tabs will appear when the Form Connection page is selected. Note: The Omni Printer Driver is a 32-bit IBM OS/2 Printer Driver requiring OS/2 Version 2.1 or greater to run. ═══ 2. Job Properties ═══ Job Properties Job Properties are settings specific to your printer that allow you to change how your printouts are formatted. The following is a list of the Job Properties notebook pages. Double-Click on the name of any notebook page to display more detailed information about settings available on that page. ■ Common Job Options Page ■ Monochrome Job Options Page ■ Color Job Options Typical Job Properties are: ■ Orientation (e.g. Landscape or Portrait) ■ Paper Size (e.g. Letter or Envelope) ■ Print Quality (e.g. 300 dpi or Draft Quality) ■ etc. Note: Job Properties can be changed to change the format for each printout if desired. (i.e. One printout can have Job Properties set to format for Landscape Orientation and the next for Portrait). ═══ 3. IBM Trademarks ═══ The following are trademarks of the IBM Corporation: IBM PS/2 OS/2 IBM OS/2 Omni Printer Driver ═══ 4. Non-IBM Trademarks ═══ The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this information, are trademarks of other companies as follows: AST is a trademark of AST Research, Incorporated. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Type Manager is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Digital Research is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Epson is a trademark of Seiko Epson Kabushiki Kaisha. Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Helvetica is a trademark of the Linotype Company. HP and Hewlett-Packard are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. LaserJet is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Times New Roman is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation, Ltd. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ═══ 5. Printer Properties ═══ Device Information Page This page contains basic information about the printer or plotter device and the driver you have installed. This page contains the following fields: Device Name shows a descriptive printer model name. Device Class describes the technology of the device. Available technologies are: ■ Vector Plotter ■ Raster Camera ■ Raster Printer ■ PostScript Driver Vendor shows supplier of device driver support. Driver Version shows the level of device driver support. This is useful for determining if you have the most recent copy of the driver. About This Device... displays a dialog that provides unique information about your printer model and driver when the information is provided by the Device Vendor. Installed Memory This field is available on printers that allow additional memory to be installed in them. Initially, the base memory size shipped in the printer is shown. This value may be adjusted upwards to reflect any additional memory installed. This value can help the driver decide how much data can be sent to the printer. ═══ 6. Printer Properties ═══ Form Connection Page This page is used to view Form Connections for your printer. A Form Connection is a combination of a Tray, a Paper Size, and a Media Type. Some devices allow you to create new Form Connections. When this feature is available the "Add Form Connection" and "Remove Form Connection" buttons will be enabled. To create a new Form Connection select a Tray, Paper Size, and Media Type from the lists on this page and hit the "Add Form Connection" button. To remove a Form Connection you have created, select it from the Form Connections list and hit the "Remove Form Connection" button. This page contains the following fields: Trays: lists all paper trays defined for this printer Paper Sizes lists all paper sizes (forms) defined for this printer Media Types lists all medias types available for this printer Form Connections lists all defined combinations of Tray, Paper Size, and Media Type for this printer Add Form Connection Creates a new form connection using the currently selected Tray, Paper Size, and Media Type Remove Form Connection Removes the currently selected Form Connection Form Connection Usages: The printer driver also uses Form Connection information to determine whether or not to allow a print job to be printed. Example: Let's say your printer has 2 Form Connections: Upper Tray : Letter : Plain Paper Lower Tray : Letter : Transparency But you send a printout from an application formatted for a Paper Size of "Monarch Envelope". Your print job will be held in the queue and you will be informed of a "Forms Mismatch" since no tray indicates you have "Monarch Envelope" sized paper installed in any tray. To resolve the "Forms Mismatch" you simply create another Form Connection that looks like: Upper Tray : Monarch Envelope : Plain Paper This confirms that you really did install Monarch Envelopes in the Upper Tray and the print job will be sent to the printer. This is valuable since if you forgot to change the Letter paper to Monarch Envelopes in the Upper Tray paper could have been wasted. Likewise, mismatches occur if the Media Type selected by an application does not match one of the installed Media Types. These mismatches can be resolved in the same manner as for Paper Size mismatches. Note: When the Form Connection Page is selected the following two tabs appear: Trays Used to turn to the Paper Tray subpage Paper Used to turn to the Paper Size subpage Note: Some devices allow you to define new paper trays and/or paper sizes. If so, this may be done in the Paper Size and Paper Tray subpages in this notebook. ═══ 7. Printer Properties ═══ Paper Tray Page This subpage is used to view information on all supported Paper Trays for the current printer or plotter. This page contains the following fields: Defined Trays: lists all paper trays defined for this printer. Tray Name lists name of Tray currently selected in the "Defined Tray" list. Command Shows ASCII representation of command that will be sent to the printer to select the Tray highlited in the "Defined Tray" list. Tray Type ■ Automatic: Is checked when forms fed from the currently selected tray need no manual intervention. ■ Manual: Is checked when forms fed from the currently selected tray require manual intervention. The user will be prompted with a dialog before each print job to insert a piece of paper. ■ Built-in Is displayed when the tray selected is one that is permanently defined for this printer. ■ User-defined Is displayed when the tray selected is one that has been defined by you or another user. The Trays dialog has the following buttons: Add Used to create user-defined Trays from information currently displayed in the this page. Modify Used to modify the currently selected user-defined tray from information currently displayed in this page. Delete Used to delete the currently selected user-defined tray. Paper Tray Page Notes: Note: The Paper Tray Page will not appear if no trays are defined. Note: The Add, Delete, and Modify buttons will appear only if the printer supports user-defined trays. ═══ 8. Printer Properties ═══ Paper Size Page This subpage is used to view information on all defined Paper Sizes for your printer or plotter. This page contains the following fields: Defined Paper Sizes: lists all paper sizes defined for this printer. Form Name lists name of paper size currently selected in the "Defined Tray" list. Command Shows ASCII representation of command that will be sent to the printer to select the paper size highlited in the "Defined Tray" list. Form Width width of currently selected paper size Form Height height of currently selected paper size Form Left Clip left clip margin of currently selected paper size Form Right Clip right clip margin of currently selected paper size Form Top Clip top clip margin of currently selected paper size Form Bottom Clip bottom clip margin of currently selected paper size Form Type displays one of the following tyeps: ■ Sheet Paper ■ Continuous Paper ■ Envelope ■ Postcard And also one of: ■ Built-in Is displayed when the paper size selected is one that is permanently defined for this printer. ■ User-defined Is displayed when the paper size selected is one that has been defined by you or another user. Units of measurement changes all measurements to use one of the following units of measurement: ■ Inches English system of measurement ■ Centimeters Metric system of measurement The Trays dialog has the following buttons: Add Used to create user-defined Paper Sizes from information currently displayed in the this page. Modify Used to modify the currently selected user-defined Paper Size from information currently displayed in this page. Delete Used to delete the currently selected user-defined Paper Size. Paper Size Page Notes: Note: The Paper Size Page will not appear if no paper Sizes are defined. Note: The Add, Delete, and Modify buttons will appear only if the printer supports user-defined Paper Sizes. ═══ 9. Printer Properties ═══ Media Types Page This subpage is used to view information on all supported Media Types for the current printer or plotter. Examples of some common Media Types are: Plain Paper Tranparency Glossy Film Note: The Media Type Page is currently not available. ═══ 10. Printer Properties ═══ Device Fonts Page This page is used to view what device Fonts are available or installed in your printer or plotter. Examples of some common Device Fonts are: Courier Letter Gothic Times Roman Note: The Device Fonts Page is currently not available. ═══ 11. Job Properties ═══ Common Job Options Page This page is used to set and view commonly set Job Options to apply to a print job. This page contains the following fields: Print Quality: Selects the quality to apply to printouts. Examples of some common Print Quality settings: Draft, Normal, Presentation 300 dpi, 600 dpi Low, Average, High Print Mode: Typically sets Color or Monochrome print mode. Examples of some common Print Modes: Color, Monochrome Color Only, Black Only, Color and Black Default Font: Selects what device font is to be realized as the default font for text printing (when available). Default Form Connection: Selects the correct Paper Tray, Paper Size and Media Type to print to. Orientation: Selects between Portrait or Landscape orientation. Form Feed Control: Selects how Form Feed should be handled to non-OS/2 print jobs. ■Conditional Ensures a Form Feed is present at the end of the job ■None Preserves any Form Feed control at the end of the job ■Compulsory Always adds a Form Feed at the end of the job Note: When "Conditional" is selected, it is possible that print jobs may have imbedded Form Feed control characters or commands the driver can not always detect. Uncollated Copies: Selects number of copies to print of each print job (when available). Note: The higher the quality of the printout, the longer time it takes the driver to complete the print out. ═══ 12. Job Properties ═══ Monochrome Job Options Page This page is used to set and view Job Options to apply to Monochrome print jobs. This page contains the following fields: Monochrome Colors: Allows you to select what colors should be used for foreground and background if you have a color printer. Currently available only on Paintjet printers. ■ Foreground: Sets foreground color ■ Background: Sets background color Mirror Image: When set the driver will create mirror images of all printouts (like for iron-on transfers). Currently available in Portrait orientation only on Paintjet printers. Monochrome Adjustments: ■ Darkness: Controls the degree of Darkness of monochrome printouts. The control adjusts from a value of 0 (default darkness); where positive values make printouts increasingly darker and negative increasingly lighter. Note: If your printer model does not have any Monochrome Job Options this page will not appear. ═══ 13. Job Properties ═══ Color Job Options Page This page is used to set and view Job Options to apply to Color print jobs. This page contains the following fields: Color Adjustments: ■ Hue: This control adjusts the hue of color printouts. The default value of 0 degrees preserves the meaning of RGB colors for printouts. The hue value can be increased or decreased from 0 degrees causing a RGB color shift for all colors in a printout. ■ Saturation: Controls the amount of color ink used on color printouts. This control adjusts from 0% (default saturation) where positive adjustments increase the amount of color and negative adjustments decrease the amount of color. ■ Darkness: Controls the amount of black ink (or ink mixes that simualate the color black) used on color printouts. This control adjusts from 0% (default Darkness) where positive adjustments increase the amount of black and negative adjustments decrease amount of black. Color Dithering: ■ Algorithms: Sets sithering method to apply to color printouts. ■ Level: For dither algorithms that use a numeric level this field will be active. The range for level is 0-255, representing the decimal range for RGB color. Note: Be careful when increasing saturation or decreasing brightness as more ink will be applied to your paper and may cause paper to become over-saturated. Note: If your printer model does not have any Color Job Options this page will not appear. ═══ ═══ Vector Plotter A device technology that draws or prints objects as a series of lines (polylines, splines, etc.) or graphic primitives (squares, circles, polygons, etc.). Vector Plotter technology devices also draw relative to a single "pen" position on the page. The pen is used to draw all lines and graphics. The pen's color can be changed at any time. The concept of a pen is inherited from the original vector plotter devices that physically used pens to draw on paper. ═══ ═══ Raster Camera A camera device that inputs data in the form of a full page image or bitmap. ═══ ═══ Raster Printer A printer device that inputs data in the form of a full page image or bitmap. ═══ ═══ PostScript A device that inputs Adobe PostScript language data that is used to describe text and graphic data.