********************************************************************* This product is a shareware distribution of property solely owned by C Prompt (C) Copyright 1995, all right reserved. PrintIt can be openly distributed by anyone. Commercial resale is strictly prohibited without licence agreement from C Prompt. The user of this product can make as many copies for friends as they wish with one condition; all files in the original zip package must be included. C PROMPT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENT, C PROMPT GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. ********************************************************************* WHAT IS PRINTIT? Printit is an OS/2 PM program. It is your basic ascii text printing program. The main users of this product are programmers. It is designed to print listings (something few of us programmers do anymore, but when you have to... its nice to have good printing tool). For more information type help.cmd at the command line (to view the file printit.inf). *********************************************************************