Applet to play a sound clip

This example is an applet which plays a sound clip which is available via a URL. The clip must be in a file with extension '.au'.

Here's the source, as a plain ASCII file.

The applet is compiled using the same steps as for the 'Hello World' applet. Unlike 'Hello Word', however, this applet takes as a parameter the URL of the audio clip to be played; to have the clip played from a World Wide Web page, you need to

  1. place the class file in the same directory as the page in which is is to appear
  2. refer to it, wherever you want it to appear on the page, with the <applet> tag:
      <applet code="PlayClip.class" width=0 height=0>
      <param name=clip value="">

    The width and height are set to zero as this applet needs no screen space. The value of the 'clip' parameter is a URL that will locate the soundclip, relative to the document in which the Applet tag is located. In this example, a sample from the NetRexx server is specified.

Viewing the page with any Java-enabled browser, or with the 'applet viewer' that comes with the Java Development Kit should then play the clip. If you are using such a program to view this card, you may already have heard a short clip being played (assuming you have a sound card, the volume isn't set to 0, and so on).

For more details on running applets, see the Hello World applet page.

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