Installation procedure - online documentation and samples

The NetRexx package (, or NetRexx.tar.Z) contains the NetRexx online documentation, together with samples and examples, and the packages of executables.

  1. Copy the package file to the root directory of your choice, preserving the original name.
  2. With your chosen directory as your current directory, unpack the package, following the instructions in 'Unpacking NetRexx packages' above.

    This should add the directory 'NetRexx' to your chosen directory, containing the documentation and samples for NetRexx, along with the packages of executables. There should also be a subdirectory ('NetRexx/netrexx/lang' or 'NetRexx\netrexx\lang') containing runtime class files used by some of the samples.

The online documentation comes in two forms: plain ASCII (files with extension '.doc'), and World Wide Web hypertext format (files with extension '.htm' or '.html', '.gif', etc.). To view the hypertext version, start your browser at the file "netrexx.htm". For example, if you are using the IBM Web Explorer then the command

  explore netrexx.htm

(executed when the documentation directory is the current directory) should show the NetRexx front page.

Included in the documentation collection are a number of examples and samples (Hello, HelloApplet, etc.). To run any of these, you must have the Java runtime environment installed.

Some of the examples must be viewed using the Java toolkit applet-viewer or a Java-enabled browser. Please see the hypertext pages describing these for detailed instructions. In general, if you see a message from Java saying:

  void main(String argv[]) is not defined

this means that the class cannot be run using just the 'java' command.

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From 'nrinst.doc', version 1.148.
Copyright(c) IBM Corporation, 1996, 1998. All rights reserved. ©