Printable documentation

The NetRexx printable package (, or NetRexxD.tar.Z) contains the printable NetRexx documentation, in PostScript format.

  1. Copy the package file to the root directory of your choice for documentation, preserving the original name.
  2. With your chosen directory as your current directory, unpack the package, following the instructions in 'Unpacking NetRexx packages' above.

    This should add the directory 'NetRexxD' to your chosen directory, containing the printable documentation for NetRexx.

  3. You can print files from the new directory that have the extension '.ps' on any PostScript printer, using the appropriate method for printing for your operating system. There are also utilities, such as 'GhostScript', available from public sources for viewing PostScript files and for printing them on non-PostScript printers.

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From 'nrinst.doc', version 1.148.
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