Programming/using OS/2 REXX (echo) Saturday, 13-Nov-1999 to Friday, 19-Nov-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Wim Bijlenga 16-Nov-99 08:23:15 To: Eddy Thilleman 17-Nov-99 15:39:14 Subj: general open file routines ET> I've written some (I hope) general (ofcourse) REXX file routines, ET> with internal checking for file errors, these can be used as ET> functions. Is there interest? Yes ET> Greetings -=Eddy=- email: ? My provider is ! Regards, Wim --- timEd/2 1.10+ * Origin: Wim Bijlenga - Soest - The Netherlands (2:280/804.3132) 3615/7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+