OS/2 Lan discussion (Fidonet) Saturday, 16-Oct-1999 to Friday, 22-Oct-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 17-Oct-99 07:53:17 To: ALL 17-Oct-99 19:31:19 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ Has anyone been successful in getting a D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ 10/100 Ethernet NIC to work with OS/2 Warp v3 or v4? I can't get it OS/2 to see the card at boot up. jh - --- * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: David Calafrancesco 17-Oct-99 17:29:08 To: JOHN HENTSCH 17-Oct-99 22:38:03 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ JOHN HENTSCH wrote in a message to ALL: JH> Has anyone been successful in getting a D-Link NIC JH> DFE-530TX+ 10/100 Ethernet NIC to work with OS/2 Warp v3 or JH> v4? I can't get it OS/2 to see the card at boot up. What driver are you running? You will want the OS2 ODI driver, not the Lan Manager 2 or 3 drivers that may be on the same disk. If you haven't used the driver that came with the card, go back and check the disk for it's OS2 drivers and then get back to us. Dave Calafrancesco, Team OS/2 dave@drakkar.org ... They got the library at Alexandria, they're not getting mine! --- * Origin: Druid's Grove BBS - (914)/876-2237 (1:2624/306) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Kenneth Duke 17-Oct-99 21:58:24 To: JOHN HENTSCH 18-Oct-99 06:45:11 Subj: Re: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ *** Quoting JOHN HENTSCH from a message to ALL *** JH> Has anyone been successful in getting a D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ 10/100 JH> Ethernet NIC to work with OS/2 Warp v3 or v4? I can't get it OS/2 to JH> see the card at boot up. I actually have a D-Link 250 10mbit card here, running with OS/2.. One set of the drivers that come with OS/2 makes it work just fine.. But, since I've went from a ISA bus, to a PCI card, I don't remember the driver name. You must first make sure you have the address information on the card, before trying to install the driver stuff.. --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp3/mL * Origin: telnet://pcnashville.dhs.org (1:116/158) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 19-Oct-99 06:04:21 To: KENNETH DUKE 19-Oct-99 15:32:07 Subj: Re: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ On 10/17/1999 in OS/2 LAN (F) Kenneth Duke wrote to John Hentsch: KD> You must first make sure you have the address information on the KD> card, before trying to install the driver stuff.. Hi Kenneth. Under ADAPTERS AND PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION in OS/2, the installed card has two configuration fields: Network adapter address Slot number The Help screens for these two fields aren't very verbose in describing what OS/2 is looking for here. By running the NIC utility program, the program reports an address for the card is 6000H but OS/2 won't accept that string. Do they want the NIC ID number here instead of the actual address? Slot number? The PCI slot number or something else? Also, the protocol numbers for the card, should they be 0 or 1? I did go to the DLink WEB site and poked around and tried another OS/2 driver for a general PCI bus NIC card the driver allowed OS/2 to see the card but it would lock the system right after OS/2 reported that it found the card during CONFIG.SYS bootup. So, perhaps, the key is getting the SLOT NUMBER and NETWORK ADAPTER ADDRESS correct. Here the content of the A:\NDIS\OS2\RTL8139.NIF file: [RTL8139] Type = NDIS Title = "RTL8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter" Version = 3.01 DriverName = RTSND$ XPORTS = NETBEUI LANDD [File] Name = RTSND.OS2 Path = IBMCOM\MACS [MEDIUM] display = "Medium Type" type = string strlength = 10 set=_AUTO,_10HALF,_10FULL,_100HALF,_100FULL optional = yes default=AUTO Help = "This keyword support Medium to force Speed/Duplex Mode of this adapter card. The strings of this parameter is '_AUTO','_10Half','_10Full','_100Half','_100Full'" [NETADDRESS] tag = NETADDRESS display = "Network adapter address" type = string Strlength = 13 optional = YES editable = YES help = "This parameter overrides the network address of the network adapter card. The value of this parameter is a hexadecimal string of 13 digits, as in @52544C333333. The address must be unique among all other network adapter addresses on the network." [ETHERID] tag = ETHERID display = "Node address" type = string Strlength = 13 optional = YES editable = YES help = "This parameter using multiple network adapter card. The value of this parameter is a hexadecimal string of 13 digits, as in @52544C333333. The address must be unique among all other network adapter addresses on the network." [BUSNO] Tag=BUSNO Display = "Bus Number:" Type = decimal ;default = "0" Optional = Yes Editable = Yes range = 0-31 Virtual = No Help = "This parameter is the PCI BUS number to combined this adapter card. The value of this parameter is 0-31" [DEVICENO] Tag=DEVICENO Display = "Device Number:" Type = decimal ;default = "0" Optional = Yes Editable = Yes range = 0-255 Virtual = No Help = "This parameter is the PCI DEVICE number to combined this adapter card. The value of this parameter is 0-255." [TXFIFO] Tag=TXFIFO Display = "Early Tx Threshold FIFO:" Type = decimal ;default = "0" Optional = Yes Editable = Yes range = 0-63 Virtual = No Help = "Specifies the threshold level in the Tx FiFo begin the transmission. The value of this parameter is 0-63 " Thanks, jh - ... Exercise daily, eat wisely, and die anyway --- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.3e * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 19-Oct-99 05:58:10 To: DAVID CALAFRANCESCO 19-Oct-99 15:32:07 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ On 10/17/1999 in OS/2 LAN (F) David Calafrancesco wrote to John Hentsch: DC> What driver are you running? You will want the OS2 ODI driver, not DC> the Lan Manager 2 or 3 drivers that may be on the same disk. I'm using the OS/2 NIC driver on the diskette that came with the card: A:\NDIS\OS2 PROTOCOL.INI 64 5-27-98 4:58p RTL8139.NIF 2113 1-22-99 3:04p RTSND.OS2 37330 1-07-99 10:18a jh - --- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.3e * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Dave Davidson 19-Oct-99 06:14:16 To: All 20-Oct-99 13:25:14 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Being new to OS/2 as well as networking, I have a "simple" hardware question. I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network with my WIN98 machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of Generic Ethernet cards, both PCI and ISA available for use. Is one of these better suited for OS/2 than the other? Thanks... Have a GREAT one! Dave Davidson dad50@primary.net dad500@aol.com --- Terminate 5.00/Pro*at : _Registered_ _User_ : since 03/93! * Origin: A.P.C. * Collinsville, IL * (618) 345-3663 * USR V90 (1:11/107) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Roy J. Tellason 20-Oct-99 14:21:15 To: Dave Davidson 20-Oct-99 18:42:10 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Dave Davidson wrote in a message to All: DD> Being new to OS/2 as well as networking, I have a "simple" DD> hardware question. DD> I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network DD> with my WIN98 machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of DD> Generic Ethernet cards, both PCI and ISA available for use. DD> Is one of these better suited for OS/2 than the other? I can't comment in general, but on what I use here: I have several 3Com 3C509 cards in all of my machines, and they seem to do the job just fine. You'll need to boot a dos floppy and configure the card with their utility _first_, though, before you try and install the software, or it won't see it properly... --- * Origin: TANSTAAFL BBS 717-838-8539 (1:270/615) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Rich Wonneberger 20-Oct-99 21:56:00 To: Dave Davidson 21-Oct-99 06:19:18 Subj: Which LAN Card.... *** Quoting Dave Davidson to All dated 10-19-99 *** > I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network with my WIN98 > machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of Generic Ethernet cards, > both > PCI and ISA available for use. Is one of these better suited for OS/2 > than > the other? Dave, I have used 3-Com cards here, ISA and PCI. I have also used 2 Win-Bond cards. As long as the drivers are up to date they should be fine. If you have 3-Com PCI, I would use it first. One of mine (A 905 card) didnt work with my system board. Found it by running the configure program from DOS. Rich I-Net turtil@frontiernet.net ... We judge reality by the responses of our senses. --- * Origin: Turtil's Pond BBS. Monroe NY 914-783-2106 (1:2625/50) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: David Calafrancesco 20-Oct-99 21:51:13 To: JOHN HENTSCH 21-Oct-99 06:19:18 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ JOHN HENTSCH wrote in a message to DAVID CALAFRANCESCO: JH> On 10/17/1999 in OS/2 LAN (F) David Calafrancesco wrote to JH> John Hentsch: DC> What driver are you running? You will want the OS2 ODI driver, not DC> the Lan Manager 2 or 3 drivers that may be on the same disk. JH> I'm using the OS/2 NIC driver on the diskette that came with JH> the card: JH> A:\NDIS\OS2 JH> PROTOCOL.INI 64 5-27-98 4:58p JH> RTL8139.NIF 2113 1-22-99 3:04p JH> RTSND.OS2 37330 1-07-99 10:18a Then try an rmview /irq and rmview /io and rmview /mem and see if anything else is conflicting with the card. Dave Calafrancesco, Team OS/2 dave@drakkar.org ... They got the library at Alexandria, they're not getting mine! --- * Origin: Druid's Grove BBS - (914)/876-2237 (1:2624/306) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: David Calafrancesco 20-Oct-99 21:53:07 To: Dave Davidson 21-Oct-99 06:19:18 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Dave Davidson wrote in a message to All: DD> Being new to OS/2 as well as networking, I have a "simple" DD> hardware question. DD> I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network DD> with my WIN98 machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of DD> Generic Ethernet cards, both PCI and ISA available for use. DD> Is one of these better suited for OS/2 than the other? The 3com is usually fine. Anything that has good stable drivers that get updated regularly is the best to use. I leave the truly generic cards for the winxx systems and sometimes even they won't use the weird ones. Dave Calafrancesco, Team OS/2 dave@drakkar.org ... They got the library at Alexandria, they're not getting mine! --- * Origin: Druid's Grove BBS - (914)/876-2237 (1:2624/306) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 21-Oct-99 22:01:21 To: Dave Davidson 21-Oct-99 10:23:01 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Hi Dave, DD> Being new to OS/2 as well as networking, I have a "simple" hardware DD> question. DD> I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network with my WIN98 DD> machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of Generic Ethernet cards, both DD> PCI and ISA available for use. Is one of these better DD> suited for OS/2 than the other? I would go for the 3-Com. I have used heaps of 3C509's (ISA) and several 3C905's (PCI) and they all worked fine. It wouldn't hurt to visit the 3-Com web site and pick up the latest driver for your card as well. OS/2 comes with 3-Com drivers but it helps to have the latest. The PCI 3C905's are superb, no jumpering, no manual configuring, just plug them in and load the driver via MPTS. Hope this helps........pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 21-Oct-99 06:55:29 To: DAVID CALAFRANCESCO 21-Oct-99 16:46:01 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ There is one item that may be a problem. The card's DIAG.EXE program reportas the SLOT number as 18. However, OS/2's MPTS NIC configuration program only allows a range from 1 - 16. What is the SLOT number refferig too? If I were to move the NIC to a different PCI expansion board "slot", would that change the slot number? jh - --- * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 21-Oct-99 06:00:08 To: DAVID CALAFRANCESCO 21-Oct-99 16:46:01 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ On 10/20/1999 in OS/2 LAN (F) David Calafrancesco wrote to John Hentsch: DC> Then try an rmview /irq and rmview /io and rmview /mem and see if DC> anything else is conflicting with the card. The situation is that the system is setup as a multiboot system. The card works fine running win98. The RMVIEW * commands don't even report the NIC exists. However, the DIAG.EXE util program that came on the diskette with the card sees the card and runs a test on the card and reports it is functioning fine. I entered 0050BAB08496, as reported by the DIAG.EXE program, for the ADDRESS and set the SLOT NUMBER to 1 in OS/2's MPTS configuration but OS/2 still cannot see the card at bootup. jh - --- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.3e * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Cyrill Vakhneyev 21-Oct-99 16:55:27 To: Dave Davidson 21-Oct-99 16:46:01 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Hello Dave! 19 Oct 99 06:14, Dave Davidson wrote to All: DD> I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network with my DD> WIN98 machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of Generic Ethernet DD> cards, both PCI and ISA available for use. Is one of these better DD> suited for OS/2 than the other? 6 years of networkin' expirience shows me: this must be card without PnP capabilities, or this PnP may be disabled manually via setup programm or jumper. Intels are better. IMHO. ISA-based 3COMs and old PCI 3C590 and 3C90x based cards not too bad. Latest 3C90x still very buggy. I can use them only under wynndoze. So, nonamed, dusty NE2000-compatible can give you more stability and speed than sophisticated brandname. Bye! Cyrill [Team OS/2 CV004] ... Windows: The CP/M of the future! --- * Origin: I feel like Popeye! (2:5053/7.1) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 22-Oct-99 11:19:00 To: Cyrill Vakhneyev 22-Oct-99 01:17:29 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Hi Cyrill, CV> Latest 3C90x still very buggy. I can use them only under wynndoze. I am using several 3C905B UTP cards under Warp 3 and Warp 4. Installation was very simple and painless - 1. Power off machine. 2. Plug card into an empty PCI slot. 3. Power up BIOS check reports a card found in the slot. 4. From MPTS - Adapter and Protocol Configuration I selected "Other Adapters", which I then pointed to the 3Com Floppy image I had on the HD containing the OS/2 drivers for my card and loaded the appropriate driver. I then selected the correct Network Adapter type from the list (3com Fast Etherlink/Etherlink XL Family OS/2), added the required protocols, saved the setup, exited MPTS. 4. Shutdown/Re-boot of OS/2. 5. On Boot up, card found, driver loaded, protocols loaded, all ok. This was in March 99 and all 3C905B cards have run fine using the Feb 99 Drivers since that date. Couldn't have been simpler, no addressing/IRQ issues, a completely smooth and painless operation. CV> So, nonamed, dusty NE2000-compatible can give you CV> more stability and speed than sophisticated brandname. Actually I have to disagree with this. Prior to using the 3C905B's, I used (and still have 1 running) some NE2000 ISA cards. I HAD to load RESERVE.SYS to prevent OS/2 install lockups with the default I/O address because the default conflicted with my Adaptec SCSI card at 0x300. Once I reconfigured the NE2000 to 0x360 and modified the .NIF accordingly, the NE2000's have been fairly painless. However I do note that the 3Com performance is better than the NE2000, and the CPU utilisation is MUCH lower on the 3Com than the NE2000. The 3Com's are about 4 times the price of an NE2000, but I still prefer the simpler installation and better performance. Regards............pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Dave Davidson 20-Oct-99 23:42:07 To: Roy J. Tellason 22-Oct-99 08:23:00 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Hiya Roy, 20-Oct-99 14:21:31, Roy J. Tellason wrote to Dave Davidson Subject: Which LAN Card.... RJT> Dave Davidson wrote in a message to All: DD>> Being new to OS/2 as well as networking, I have a "simple" DD>> hardware question. DD>> I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network with my DD>> WIN98 machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of Generic DD>> Ethernet cards, both PCI and ISA available for use. RJT> I can't comment in general, but on what I use here: I have RJT> several 3Com 3C509 cards in all of my machines, and they seem to RJT> do the job just fine. You'll need to boot a dos floppy and RJT> configure the card with their utility _first_, though, before RJT> you try and install the software, or it won't see it properly.. Thanks for the info. As I mentioned, I'm new to both OS/2 and Networking. Several years ago, I setup a small network using Simply Lantastic with two machines. When it worked, it worked well, when it didn't, it was pure h*ll. It lasted about a month before I took the cards out and deleted the software. It was as close to "plug-n-pray" as one could get. One machine was running W4WG and the other DOS/DESQView. Now, I'm attempting to link 2 WIN98 SE machines, an OS/2 machine and my Toshiba Notebook (with WIN98 SE). Should be fun! Oh, I have another question.... Is it possible to have two _different_ networks on a single machine, using the same interface card? Reason for the question.... I have access to the Internet at work, thru our LAN (WIN NT). I would like to utilize that with my notebook, without messing up my home LAN. Is that possible? Thanks... Have a GREAT one! Dave Davidson dad50@primary.net dad500@aol.com --- Terminate 5.00/Pro*at : _Registered_ _User_ : since 03/93! * Origin: A.P.C. * Collinsville, IL * (618) 345-3663 * USR V90 (1:11/107) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: David Calafrancesco 21-Oct-99 23:50:19 To: JOHN HENTSCH 22-Oct-99 08:23:00 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ JOHN HENTSCH wrote in a message to DAVID CALAFRANCESCO: JH> There is one item that may be a problem. The card's DIAG.EXE JH> program reportas the SLOT number as 18. However, OS/2's MPTS JH> NIC configuration program only allows a range from 1 - 16. JH> What is the SLOT number refferig too? If I were to move the JH> NIC to a different PCI expansion board "slot", would that JH> change the slot number? No clue.. none of my ethernet cards have ever needed that kind of setup. Have you tried leaving that spot blank in the MPTS config? The drivers for the 3Com and Kingston cards that I have used autodetect the cards at boot time. Dave Calafrancesco, Team OS/2 dave@drakkar.org ... They got the library at Alexandria, they're not getting mine! --- * Origin: Druid's Grove BBS - (914)/876-2237 (1:2624/306) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Roy J. Tellason 22-Oct-99 09:34:24 To: Dave Davidson 22-Oct-99 14:49:17 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Dave Davidson wrote in a message to Roy J. Tellason: DD> Oh, I have another question.... DD> Is it possible to have two _different_ networks on a single DD> machine, using the same interface card? Reason for the DD> question.... I have access to the Internet at work, thru our DD> LAN (WIN NT). I would like to utilize that with my notebook, DD> without messing up my home LAN. Is that possible? Yes, I would think so, though I'm not real clear at the moment on the details of just how you'd go about doing that. I suspect that going into MPTS and then configure would be a good start... --- * Origin: TANSTAAFL BBS 717-838-8539 (1:270/615) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Dave Davidson 22-Oct-99 05:54:13 To: Peter Knapper 22-Oct-99 19:48:14 Subj: Which LAN Card.... Hiya Peter, 21-Oct-99 22:01:42, Peter Knapper wrote to Dave Davidson Subject: Which LAN Card.... DD>> Being new to OS/2 as well as networking, I have a "simple" DD>> hardware question. DD>> I'm building a machine for Warp 4 that I want to network with my DD>> WIN98 machines. I have Intel, 3Com and a couple of Generic DD>> Ethernet cards, both PCI and ISA available for use. Is one of DD>> these better suited for OS/2 than the other? PK> I would go for the 3-Com. I have used heaps of 3C509's (ISA) and PK> several 3C905's (PCI) and they all worked fine. It wouldn't hurt PK> to visit the 3-Com web site and pick up the latest driver for your PK> card as well. OS/2 comes with 3-Com drivers but it helps to have PK> the latest. The PCI 3C905's are superb, no jumpering, no manual PK> configuring, just plug them in and load the driver via MPTS. PK> Hope this helps........pk. Yes it does. Thanks to you ans all the others that replied. It will help make the decision a bit easier. Thanks again. Have a GREAT one! Dave Davidson dad50@primary.net dad500@aol.com Dave Davidson - dad50@primary.net --- Terminate 5.00/Pro*at : _Registered_ _User_ : since 03/93! * Origin: A.P.C. * Collinsville, IL * (618) 345-3663 * USR V90 (1:11/107) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Scott Little 21-Oct-99 21:35:11 To: All 22-Oct-99 20:05:18 Subj: os/2 + samba Hi all, I'm having a problem with OS/2 locking up (totally - needs full reset) accessing certain files on Samba shares. It works OK reading large files, directories, etc. but it locks up when reading through database files - so I think it doesn't like random seeks through index files. I've fiddled with IBMLAN.INI (and smb.conf) a bit without success. Any ideas? -- Scott Little, 3:712/848@fidonet | slittle@bbs.slittle.com --- FMail/2 1.48+ * Origin: Cyberia: You know you want it. [02-9596-0284] (3:712/848) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 22-Oct-99 10:13:00 To: DAVID CALAFRANCESCO 22-Oct-99 23:30:00 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ On 10/21/1999 in OS/2 LAN (F) David Calafrancesco wrote to John Hentsch: DC> No clue.. none of my ethernet cards have ever needed that kind of DC> setup. Have you tried leaving that spot blank in the MPTS config? DC> The drivers for the 3Com and Kingston cards that I have used DC> autodetect the cards at boot time. I found out the the *.nif file that comes with the card set the limits for the setting in OS/2 configuration. I simply changed the range in the *.nif file and was able to set the SLOT to 18 using OS/2 MPTS configuration. That's the number the DIAG.EXE is reporting it is suppose to be. I still haven't been able to get OS/2 to see the card. I'm at a loss of what to do next. I left and message of www.d-link.com but, as expected, no reply. jh - ... Exploding piglets!!! My God, it's raining bacon! --- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.3e * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 292/854 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+