Bulletin Boards under OS/2 (Fidonet) Saturday, 16-Oct-1999 to Friday, 22-Oct-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Steve Hayes 15-Oct-99 17:41:21 To: All 17-Oct-99 00:15:02 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? * Crossposted from: COMMS (Fidonet) I went to buy a new computer, and found when I looked at the documentation that it had been fitted with a Bill Gates Mickey mouse modem, that only works under Windows. I asked them to replace it with a real modem, and they then said that they could only give me an external modem. I don't really want an external modem - for one thing, they are more expensive, and for another thing I don't want yet another rat's nest of wires on my desk. But is what they say true? That one can no longer get internal modems - only ther Mickey Mouse ones that only work with Bill Gate's software? I want to run a BBS under OS/2, and perhaps later under Linux, and so I see no point in buying a crippled modem. What do other people who use OS/2 or Linux or even DOS do? Does everyone nowadays have external modems? Keep well, Steve Hayes E-mail: methodius@bigfoot.com shayes@dunelm.org.uk WWW: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7734/steve.htm ... BBSs for genealogy: http://www.geocities.com/7783/bbs1.htm --- WtrGate v0.93 Unreg * Origin: Unisa Editorial, Pretoria, Gauteng, RSA 27-12-429-8641 (5:7106/20) 120 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Harry Bush 17-Oct-99 11:11:07 To: Steve Hayes 17-Oct-99 12:41:05 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? Hello Steve! Friday October 15 1999 from Steve Hayes 5:7106/20 to All: SH> I want to run a BBS under OS/2, and perhaps later under Linux, and so I SH> see no point in buying a crippled modem. Don't trust ignorant windowized marketroids... ;) You can easily get _normal_ modems, both internal or external. Take a look for example at http://www.mall-la.com/truc/truc.htm . SH> What do other people who use OS/2 or Linux or even DOS do? Use normal, real modems like Internal 3com/USR Sportster V90 Standard 56k ISA (you can get OEM white box which is somehow cheaper ;-) Works OK under OS/2. SH> Does everyone nowadays have external modems? Yep. Old good Courier V-Everything. Works OK, specially on very bad lines where other modems goof. Best wishes, Harry Sunday October 17 1999 11:11 --- GoldEd * Origin: Info-Shelter (2:51/2) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Roy J. Tellason 17-Oct-99 09:04:18 To: Steve Hayes 17-Oct-99 12:41:06 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? Steve Hayes wrote in a message to All: SH> * Crossposted from: COMMS (Fidonet) SH> I went to buy a new computer, and found when I looked at the SH> documentation that it had been fitted with a Bill Gates Mickey SH> mouse modem, that only works under Windows. SH> I asked them to replace it with a real modem, and they then SH> said that they could only give me an external modem. SH> I don't really want an external modem - for one thing, they are SH> more expensive, and for another thing I don't want yet another SH> rat's nest of wires on my desk. SH> But is what they say true? SH> That one can no longer get internal modems - only ther SH> Mickey Mouse ones that only work with Bill Gate's software? SH> I want to run a BBS under OS/2, and perhaps later under SH> Linux, and so I see no point in buying a crippled modem. SH> What do other people who use OS/2 or Linux or even DOS do? SH> Does everyone nowadays have external modems? I prefer to use externals here, for a number of different reasons... The wires you refer to consist only of a serial cable and power for the modem. It's not *that* big a deal, really. It's got some advanages, too. If you have a program that's going to require some fiddling to make it work right, you can watch the lights on an external and see what's going on, you can also flip the power switch on it to reset it without having to cycle power on the computer, and there's also a bit more protection for those surges coming in on the phone line that may make it as far as the modem. They're probably pushing that crap because they can get that stuff *cheap*, and make a rather hefty profit on it. How much of a price difference are they talking about? I was at one local store recently, looking around at what they had. I was also thinking about working there, but walked away from that idea when I found that _ALL_ of their people did both sales and tech work, a situation that doesn't strike me as a good one. They had a bunch of scanners there, and some at fairly good prices, but _all_ of them were parallel-port types, and no other choices were available. I also noticed a bunch of cdrom burners, and asked about SCSI for either of these items. I was informed that they don't carry any SCSI _at all_, and in a tone that suggested that they not only don't carry it but wouldn't be willing to order it, either. I don't think that when I finally get around to shopping for those items I'll even be considering going back there... --- * Origin: TANSTAAFL BBS 717-838-8539 (1:270/615) 120 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Kenneth Duke 17-Oct-99 08:08:14 To: Steve Hayes 17-Oct-99 16:18:28 Subj: Re: Can one still buy a real modem? *** Quoting Steve Hayes from a message to All *** SH> I don't really want an external modem - for one thing, they are more SH> expensive, and for another thing I don't want yet another rat's nest SH> of wires on my desk. If you plan on doing a BBS, then a External modem is really the best way to go. You'll be able to tell if there's a problem on your end, just by looking at the lights on the modem... Internals, you'll have to dig inside your computer. And as you were stating, with a external, you don't have to worry about what operating system you plan to run... As long as there's a free com port, you'll be fine.. Internals, you'll worry about, "are there drivers for this"... --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp3/mL * Origin: telnet://pcnashville.dhs.org (1:116/158) 120 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Kari Suomela 17-Oct-99 14:16:05 To: Kenneth Duke 18-Oct-99 06:45:11 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? Sunday October 17 1999 08:08, Kenneth Duke wrote to Steve Hayes: KD> If you plan on doing a BBS, then a External modem is really the best KD> way to go. I run all internals! :) KD> You'll be able to tell if there's a problem on your end, KD> just by looking at the lights on the modem... Internals, you'll have KD> to dig inside your computer. Not true! AT commands work! KD> As long as there's a free com port, you'll be fine.. Internals, KD> you'll worry about, "are there drivers for this"... Not true! KS * Origin: * telnet://bbs.karicobs.com * (1:2424/101) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Kenneth Duke 18-Oct-99 06:14:29 To: Kari Suomela 18-Oct-99 11:30:23 Subj: Re: Can one still buy a real modem? *** Quoting Kari Suomela from a message to Kenneth Duke *** KD> to dig inside your computer. KS> Not true! AT commands work! So, you're saying that when a user is on your BBS, you just type AT commands, and it tells you whats going on? I don't think so! KS> I run all internals! :) So, I guess you either have 1 or 2 in a machine? I've ran 6 here. All externals.. KD> As long as there's a free com port, you'll be fine.. Internals, KD> you'll worry about, "are there drivers for this"... KS> Not true! So, If, say this person was running under Linux, and had a modem that required software... Linux wound never find it....... Read up! --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp3/mL * Origin: telnet://pcnashville.dhs.org (1:116/158) 120 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Kari Suomela 18-Oct-99 10:33:25 To: Kenneth Duke 18-Oct-99 15:30:18 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? Monday October 18 1999 06:14, Kenneth Duke wrote to Kari Suomela: KD> So, you're saying that when a user is on your BBS, you just type AT KD> commands, and it tells you whats going on? I don't think so! Never had a need for that. :) KS>> I run all internals! :) KD> So, I guess you either have 1 or 2 in a machine? I've ran 6 here. All Had 4 for a long time. KD> So, If, say this person was running under Linux, and had a modem that KD> required software... Linux wound never find it....... Read up! I am talking about *real* modems, which do not need software. I run them under OS/2, Linux, Win9x and NT. KS * Origin: * telnet://bbs.karicobs.com * (1:2424/101) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara 18-Oct-99 06:36:15 To: Harry Bush 18-Oct-99 21:15:09 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? -=> Quoting Harry Bush to Steve Hayes <=- HB> Don't trust ignorant windowized marketroids... ;) You can easily get HB> _normal_ modems, both internal or external. Take a look for example HB> at http://www.mall-la.com/truc/truc.htm . What are the url of modem makers? I dont know nothing about it. HB> Yep. Old good Courier V-Everything. Works OK, specially on very bad HB> lines where other modems goof. The my modem is 'V-Everything' & Sportster (but not 56k, v90, etc)... it is a modem of '96, but it is almost an V-Everything. The best modem at time of purchase! :) Now I am thinking in purchase another, USR too, sure!! 33k6 is very low if compared with 56k & 56k is low too... Anyway, 56k is less turtle-speed which 33k6, right? -8) == Rodrigo Cesar Banhara == rcb@iconet.com.br == ... The difference between adult & child is the price of the toy. --- * Origin: HidraSoft BBS * Aruja', SP, Brasil * 55-11-4654-2024 * (4:801/161) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara 18-Oct-99 06:36:15 To: Roy J. Tellason 18-Oct-99 21:15:09 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? -=> Quoting Roy J. Tellason to Steve Hayes <=- RJT> The wires you refer to consist only of a serial cable and power for RJT> the modem. It's not *that* big a deal, really. It's got some RJT> advanages, too. If you have a program that's going to require some RJT> fiddling to make it work right, you can watch the lights on an RJT> external and see what's going on, you can also flip the power switch RJT> on it to reset it without having to cycle power on the computer, and RJT> there's also a bit more protection for those surges coming in on the RJT> phone line that may make it as far as the modem. Good reasons for purchase an external modem for my OS2... 8) RJT> I was at one local store recently, looking around at what they had. RJT> I was also thinking about working there, but walked away from that RJT> idea when I found that _ALL_ of their people did both sales and tech RJT> work, a situation that doesn't strike me as a good one. They had a RJT> bunch of scanners there, and some at fairly good prices, but _all_ of RJT> them were parallel-port types, and no other choices were available. I RJT> also noticed a bunch of cdrom burners, and asked about SCSI for either RJT> of these items. I was informed that they don't carry any SCSI _at RJT> all_, and in a tone that suggested that they not only don't carry it RJT> but wouldn't be willing to order it, either. I don't think that when RJT> I finally get around to shopping for those items I'll even be RJT> considering going back there... Like more 50% of shops here in Brazil, I think... == Rodrigo Cesar Banhara == rcb@iconet.com.br == ... ERROR! ORG.ASM not found. Should I fake it? [Yes/No/Retry] --- * Origin: HidraSoft BBS * Aruja', SP, Brasil * 55-11-4654-2024 * (4:801/161) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara 18-Oct-99 06:36:15 To: Kenneth Duke 18-Oct-99 21:15:09 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? -=> Quoting Kenneth Duke to Steve Hayes <=- KD> And as you were stating, with a external, you don't have to worry KD> about what operating system you plan to run... As long as there's a KD> free com port, you'll be fine.. Internals, you'll worry about, "are KD> there drivers for this"... It made me think about a USR 56k external for my OS2... The speed of external is different of internal?! (speed modem-cpu not modem-modem) == Rodrigo Cesar Banhara == rcb@iconet.com.br == ... Death is life's answer to the question 'Why?' - anonymous --- * Origin: HidraSoft BBS * Aruja', SP, Brasil * 55-11-4654-2024 * (4:801/161) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Wayne Steele 16-Oct-99 10:01:09 To: Dan Egli 18-Oct-99 22:44:06 Subj: THDPRO/2 Hi Dan, DE> Anyone know the latest ver of THDPRO for OS/2 and where in Zone 1 DE> I can freq it or where on the 'net I can find it? Latest I think was V13... I guess have a look on pcmicro... --- Ezycom V1.48g0 02fa001d * Origin: Bad News 4 Lines Computer Porn Kings (02)9625-5474 (3:713/690) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Steven Thompson 18-Oct-99 15:36:26 To: Kenneth Duke 19-Oct-99 06:07:25 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? Hello Kenneth. 18 Oct 99 06:14, you wrote to Kari Suomela: KD> So, If, say this person was running under Linux, and had a modem that KD> required software... Linux wound never find it....... Read up! Those modems are called Winmodems... That's why we buy REAL modems. Steve. ... TV Truth: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females. --- GoldED/2 3.0.1 * Origin: Mystic Triad - (613) 389-2439 - bbs.mystictriad.org (1:249/188) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Mike Roark 14-Oct-99 17:51:02 To: John Tyler 19-Oct-99 21:23:15 Subj: We Did It!!!! Hello John! Wednesday October 13 1999 07:43, John Tyler wrote to All: JT> Sorry for the mass posting..but I would like to announce that on No need.. It's an important event!! JT> October 12, 1999, at 10:16pm; John & Krishna gave birth to a healthy JT> baby girl. She weighed in at 6lbs-6oz. Her an the mother are doing JT> GREAT! Congratulations! And I hope she is introduced to the computer soon.. ;-) Have a good day!! Mike Internet bcomber@cave.fido.de This OS/2 system uptime is 0d 23h 45m 49s 31ms (en). --- * Origin: Finally Warped! (2:2490/8016) 120 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Roger Nelson 18-Oct-99 15:55:11 To: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara 20-Oct-99 06:33:18 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? Rodrigo Cesar Banhara wrote in a message to Harry Bush: RCB> What are the url of modem makers? I dont know nothing about it. Here is the CompUSA URL where you can do a keyword search for modems: http://www.compusa.com/compusa/default.asp I have 2 internal modems at the moment. Both are USR and they are 33.6 and a 56k Faxmodem using the V.90 56k standard and x2 technology. The only complaint I have is with 3COM's marketing. They leave a lot to be desired in the way of customer satisfaction, but nobody's perfect. Regards, Roger --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: NCS BBS - Mandeville, LA - (504) 892-5839 (1:3828/7) 271/140 633/260 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara 21-Oct-99 04:08:00 To: Roger Nelson 21-Oct-99 06:53:07 Subj: Can one still buy a real modem? -=> Quoting Roger Nelson to Rodrigo Cesar Banhara <=- RN> http://www.compusa.com/compusa/default.asp I go see it. RN> I have 2 internal modems at the moment. Both are USR and they are RN> 33.6 and a 56k Faxmodem using the V.90 56k standard and x2 technology. RN> The only complaint I have is with 3COM's marketing. They leave a lot RN> to be desired in the way of customer satisfaction, but nobody's RN> perfect. Ya, no one is perfect... My USR 33k6 is very good, I go buy a 56k. == Rodrigo Cesar Banhara == rcb@iconet.com.br == ... An unarmed society is a frightened society. --- * Origin: HidraSoft BBS * Aruja', SP, Brasil * 55-11-4654-2024 * (4:801/161) 271/140 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Scott Little 20-Oct-99 20:28:22 To: All 21-Oct-99 21:51:25 Subj: buffers? Hi all, is there any way to change the buffers for the modem ports, either via SIO or OS/2 itself? -- Scott Little, 3:712/848@fidonet | slittle@bbs.slittle.com --- FMail/2 1.48+ * Origin: Cyberia: You know you want it. [02-9596-0284] (3:712/848) 271/140 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Bob Juge 21-Oct-99 16:46:04 To: Scott Little 21-Oct-99 21:51:25 Subj: buffers? Scott Little wrote in a message to All on Wed Oct 20 1999 at 20:28: SL> is there any way to change the buffers for the modem ports, either SL> via SIO or OS/2 itself? No, SIO's buffer size is fixed at 4K receive and transmit. Ray determined that 4K was optimum, and made no provision for adjustment. - Bob Internet : bob@juge.com Telnet, Vmodem, WWW or FTP to juge.com --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 juge.com (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000) 271/140 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+