comp.os.os2.mail-news (Usenet) Saturday, 18-Sep-1999 to Friday, 24-Sep-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG 15-Sep-99 21:00:00 To: All 18-Sep-99 04:37:13 Subj: FAQ: pointer to alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQs From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (a.u.o FAQ) Archive-name: offline-reader/usenet/pointer Alt-usenet-offline-reader-archive-name: pointer Posting-Frequency: weekly Last-modified: 1998-Jul-12 Intro-Last-modified: 1998-Nov-21 Software-Last-modified: 1999-Jul-13 [ Please note that this message has a Followup-To: alt.usenet.offline-reader which directs all followups to that one group only. If you see a response directly to this post which spams all the groups on the list, that user is either extremely rude or using very broken software. In either case, they might benefit from you mailing them, and asking them to correct it. Also note that there are no opinions in this pointer -- it merely contains unrefutable facts about the *.answers newsgroups. ] Alt.Usenet.Offline-Reader is about reading mail and news available to your normal login account, but while you're not actually logged in. The alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQ lists can be obtained via all news.answers access methods: quoting the news.answers FAQ: `` Where are *.answers archived? All of the *.answers newsgroups are archived in the periodic posting archive on []. Postings are located in the anonymous ftp directories /pub/usenet/alt.answers, /pub/usenet/comp.answers, etc., and are archived by "Archive-name". Other subdirectories of /pub/usenet contain periodic postings that may not appear in *.answers (as well as most of the *.answers postings), saved by Subject line rather than by Archive-name. If you do not have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archives by mail server as well. Send an E-mail message to with "help" and "index" in the body on separate lines for more information. '' The FAQ lists for alt.usenet.offline-reader can be found on the Internet: Note that, despite the name including `usenet' and not `mail', discussion of mail as well as news is welcomed (and common) in alt.usenet.offline-reader. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Private System, Edmonton, AB, Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 18-Sep-99 11:44:26 To: All 18-Sep-99 11:03:05 Subj: Scandalous prominent photo From: "Photobank" Scandalous prominent photo NO CENZORSHIP --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Video On Line (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 18-Sep-99 08:06:15 To: All 18-Sep-99 11:03:05 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: Bob Germer On , on 09/18/99 at 12:10 AM, "Luc Van Bogaert" said: > Read my article about ProNews/2 at > > IMO it's the best newsreader ever build for OS/2 and for any platform > for that matter. It's truly a real shame that development seems to have > stopped permanently. I tried it. I found it far less useful than MR2 Ice. I don't think anyone could make it useful enough for me. In answer to the question in the subject, NO WAY! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 8 MR/2 Ice Registration Number 67 Aut Pax Aut Bellum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 18-Sep-99 08:24:21 To: All 18-Sep-99 11:03:06 Subj: UUENCODE plugin/helpers From: "Flowers, Rich & Peg" Hi, I seem to remember that there was a way to add a plugin/helper to Netscape to automatically un-encode news/mail when opened. does anyone remember? TIA, Rich Flowers --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Stargate Industries, LLC (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 18-Sep-99 12:40:05 To: All 19-Sep-99 06:48:21 Subj: Re: DNReader Patch install problem From: (I Hate SPAM) On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 00:14:59 GMT, Tom wrote: >On 1999/09/14, in message , >I HATE SPAM wrote: >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > dnr130B6 with dj_NewsPatch on Warp 4, no fixpacks, DLL's in Libpath, > get the > following on running dj_install: > > Loaded RexxUtils DLL functions locally. > > Found RexxLib DLL already available. > > 77 +++ Call FileRead 'DNREAD.CNF', 'fix.'; > > The file "DNREAD.CNF" is not in the directory with dj_install! > > > REX0043: Error 43 running C:\dnr\dj_install.CMD, line 77: Routine not found > > Any hints? > I may need to clarify the readme > > New Install: > > 1) Unzip the and in the same directory. > 2) Run the dj_install.cmd. > 3) Edit the DNREAD.CNF file to reflect your network setup. > > >Previous Install: > > 1) Unzip using the -o switch to overwrite any > existing files into your dnread directory. > 2) Run the dj_install.cmd > > Hope this makes better scene. > Thanks for the reply. I had done this, same error. I tried the install on my Warp3 machine, worked flawlessly. On my Warp4 machine, I get the error. I checked all .dll's in all paths, none are duplicated. I'm going to try a different Warp4 machine today; I'm also going to zip up the Warp3 install and copy it to Warp4, to see if it works post-install. Any other hints? -- To reply via email, I am 76747 dot 2012 at compuserve dot com :) --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 19-Sep-99 14:08:02 To: All 20-Sep-99 00:54:19 Subj: Re: Tradeproblems From: In <01bf026a$36b84c60$75d215a5@fpfzqlga>, on 09/19/99 at 06:40 AM, "Diane" said: >I need some information regarding the following questions. >Please mail me if u got any comments on: >1) What do you think are the trade problems which developing countries >are facing now? >2) Do you think the export market is unstable? why? >3) How will these trade problems lead to financial problems? >4) What are the developing countries' trade policy? Are they useful? >thanx >IcyGer The question I have for you is why are you so rude that you would put a completely off-topic post about trade in comp.os.os2.mail-news? Your question has nothing to do with os2, nothing to do with mail or news, and is a complete waste of time for everyone reading the newsgroup. Your questions, which may be perfectly legitimate in another forum, DO NOT BELONG HERE! -- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: in B.C. Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 19-Sep-99 06:40:26 To: All 20-Sep-99 00:54:19 Subj: Tradeproblems From: "Diane" I need some information regarding the following questions. Please mail me if u got any comments on: 1) What do you think are the trade problems which developing countries are facing now? 2) Do you think the export market is unstable? why? 3) How will these trade problems lead to financial problems? 4) What are the developing countries' trade policy? Are they useful? thanx IcyGer --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 19-Sep-99 17:50:10 To: All 20-Sep-99 03:38:11 Subj: GNKSA Evaluation of Hogwasher 2.0b1 From: (J. Moreno) Below is my Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluation of Hogwasher 2.0b1, a Macintosh offline newsreader from Asar Corp. An earlier version of Hogwasher passed all of the GNKSA hard requirements but did not satisfy all the SHOULDs. This version is 100% compliant and continues to carry Seal # 000006. The Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval attempts to establish a standard for newsreader behavior on Usenet. For more information on the aims and requirements of the Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval, as well as additional evaluations, see: This version of Hogwasher is a public beta, the updater from version 1.03 is available at . ************************************************************************ GNKSA Evaluation Form 2.05 Product Name : Hogwasher Product Version : 2.0b1 Tested on platform : Mac OS 8.6 Available for platforms: Mac OS Evaluation date : September 1, 1999 Evaluated by : John Moreno Conclusion ========== Hogwasher 2.0b1 satisfies the basic GNKSA requirements, and therefore from now on may proudly carry the Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval. Summary ======= Pass Fail Total Pass/Fail% MUSTs 39 0 39 100%/0% SHOULDs 27 0 27 100%/0% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 100%M %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 100%S [GNKSA Score-O-Meter] Details ======= Hogwasher 2.0b1 offers the following nice net-keeping features unmentioned by the GNKSA: 1) Support for Mail-Copies-To. 2) Warns when posting to groups that don't exist on the selected server. 3) Discourages directing followups to groups that you're not posting to. Additional Comments: 6a - Confirms that you want to let it go by mail. Passed. 12c - Has option to post with From of . Per RFC 2606 all addresses that end in the top level domain ".invalid" are guaranteed never to exist. As the USEFOR draft (the replacement for RFC 1036) allows From to be an undeliverable address IF it is acknowledged as such per RFC 2606 I am marking this as: Passed. 13ab - It only allows canceling/superseding articles sent from within Hogwasher - you have to issue the command from the Sent Articles archive. Excellent. 14b - Only post lines over 80 on command. Passed. Good support for multiple servers, will show images inline, and has an optional graphical display of the thread tree. Checklist ========= (M)UST / (S)HOULD 1) Displays all essential header information Software clearly displays: [Y] a) Article's author (From) M [Y] b) Article's Subject M [Y] c) List of groups posted to (Newsgroups) M [Y] d) Where (and how) to direct followups (Followup-To) M [Y] e) Where to reply to if not the From-address (Reply-To) M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 2) Provides clear, separate commands for new posting, followup, and e-mail reply [Y] a) for posting a new article M [Y] b) for posting a followup article M [Y] c) for replying by e-mail M [Y] d) Uses standard terminology S [Y] e) Avoids ambiguous terminology S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 3) Provides cross-posting functionality [Y] a) Allows specifying multiple groups M [Y] b) Warns about, or prevents, posting to large numbers of groups S [Y] c) Strongly encourages setting Followup-To: on large crossposts S (`Y' if large crosspostings are disallowed) [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 4) Allows users to change essential headers [Y] a) Allows editing Subject at all times during composition M [Y] b) Allows specifying new Subject of at least 70 characters M [Y] c) Allows setting "Followup-To: poster" M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 5) Ensures followups and e-mail replies contain a correct Subject [Y] a) Prepends "Re: " if (and only if) not already present M [Y] b) Preserves entire original Subject (modulo minor repairs) M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 6) Directs followups to the correct newsgroups [Y] a) Initiates e-mail reply rather than a followup posting on "Followup-To: poster", clearly informing the user M [Y] b) Posts to groups in Followup-To if present M [Y] c) Posts to groups in Newsgroups otherwise M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 7) Make sure followups contain valid References [Y] a) Creates References header with Message-ID of original article as the last element M [Y] b) Includes last three References from original M [Y] c) Ensures References will fit in 998 characters M [Y] d) Keep as many References from original as fit S [Y] e) Does not propagate broken Message-IDs in original References S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 8) Direct e-mail replies to the correct address [Y] a) Uses Reply-To if present M [Y] b) Uses From address otherwise M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 9) Allow the user to change her mind about whether to post or mail (or do both) and behave if doing both [Y] a) Allows users to change their mind and mail rather than post after having initiated a followup message S [Y] b) Allows users to change their mind and post rather than mail after having initiated a reply message S [Y] c) Does not offer both posting and mailing as default behaviour M [Y] d) Inserts a notification that the message was posted as well as mailed in the e-mail copy when both posting and mailing a followup article S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 10) Provide adequate quotation and attribution facilities [Y] a) Allows including quoted original M [Y] b) Clearly distinguishes quoted material M [Y] c) Prefixes quoted material with `>'/`> ' S [Y] d) Omits correctly delimited signatures from quoted material S [Y] e) Provides a means of indicating which part(s) to followup to S [Y] f) Attribution line containing original author precedes quotes M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 11) Provide a user-specified "Subject: " header [Y] a) Requires non-empty, user-specified Subject for new articles M [Y] b) Refuses posting articles without, or with an empty, Subject M [Y] c) Does not provide default Subject if user did not set one M [Y] d) Allows changing the Subject at any time while editing M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 12) Provide a valid "From: " header [Y] a) Sets "From: " header to syntactically valid e-mail address M [Y] b) Refuses posting articles without a syntactically valid "From: " header M [Y] c) Uses correct e-mail addresses (valid and belonging to the user) only, as far as it can possibly know S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 13) Allow users to both cancel and supersede their own articles (and _no_ others!) [Y] a) Allows cancelling articles S [Y] b) Allows superseding articles S [Y] c) As far as possible, does not allow cancelling or superseding other peoples' articles M [Y] d) Uses standard terminology S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 14) Try to respect the 80-character line-length convention [Y] a) Articles are posted as edited, with linebreaking intact S [Y] b) Warns about lines over 80 characters S [Y] c) Does not refuse to post articles containing long lines S [Y] d) Allows rewrapping quoted text S [Y] e) Enforces formatting requirements on article after external editing (`Y' if there is no support for external editors) S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 15) Separate signatures correctly, and don't use excessive ones [Y] a) Uses (and enforces) standard signature delimiter S [Y] b) Warns against or refuses to use excessive signatures S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 16) Try to prevent obvious user errors [Y] a) Warns when attempting to post empty articles M [Y] b) Refuses posting empty articles S [Y] c) Warns when post articles containing quoted material only M [Y] d) Refuses posting quoted-text-only articles S [Y] e) Warns against posting multiple copies (`Y' if impossible) M [Y] f) Prevents multiple posting entirely S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 17) Post human-readable articles unless ordered otherwise [Y] Does not (and can not) encode or encrypt articles unless on explicit user demand M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 18) Provide self-protection [Y] Allows filtering out annoying articles (killing) S [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M 19) Be kind to servers, leave room for others [Y] a) Does not unnecessarily open multiple connections M [Y] b) Does not generate excessive server load otherwise M [Y] PASS: Satisfies all MUSTs M -- John Moreno --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 04:19:11 To: All 20-Sep-99 03:38:12 Subj: Re: Tradeproblems From: (Peter Moylan) Diane wrote: >I need some information regarding the following questions. >Please mail me if u got any comments on: > >1) What do you think are the trade problems which developing countries are >facing now? > >2) Do you think the export market is unstable? why? > >3) How will these trade problems lead to financial problems? > >4) What are the developing countries' trade policy? Are they useful? Check the FAQ for comp.lang.modula2. There's a program there that will print "I will do my own homework" 100 times. -- Peter Moylan See for OS/2 information and software --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: The University of Newcastle (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 11:51:12 To: All 20-Sep-99 20:06:16 Subj: Re: PMINEWS - binaries From: (Alan Boritz) In article , "Rodney D. Myers" wrote: >On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:52:46 GMT, Mooo wrote: > >A known problem, for some.. You need to contact Southsoft about getting an update to >the program. > >Remember, they did move recently, so you may not get an answer overnight. > >:>Can anyone tell me whats going on with Pmmail/2 and laserjet printers? >:>I get a solid black 'blob' at the end of every line I print. >:> >:>Arrgg!! Forget about getting an answer from "tech support." Southsoft appears to be out of business. They haven't been supporting PMMail for quite some time. Rather dishonest for BMT Micro to still be selling licenses for the product when they know their customers are getting no assistance with serious problems, IMHO. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Dyslexics UNTIE (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 19:33:20 To: All 20-Sep-99 20:06:16 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Vlad Berditchevskiy) Hi Steve! On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 00:05:48, sborsen"at" (Steve) wrote: > Thus far, I like the features of ProNews. I have NeoLogic and PMINews > (which SYS3175's constantly). The question, as an offline reader who > likes to catalog info, is this a good buy? ProNews ist the best news reader I have ever seen - on any OS(!) - although it still has many bugs. Nevertheless I use it because there is no better alternative. -- cul8r_______________________________________________________________ e-mail: \ / \/lad fido: 2:2426/3190.26 --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 19-Sep-99 00:05:03 To: All 20-Sep-99 20:06:16 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: Kenneth Yuill Luc, Two small points, in an otherwise well-written review, would be to include the date reviewed and an update to the web site, as is inaccessible, at least to me. Has Panacea Software folded? It's a shame when any OS/2 software ceases development, especially one which receives so many plaudits from its users. I use MR/2 ICE for e-mail and occasionally for newsgroups, although it's functionality as a newsreader are a work in progress, as Nick still classes it as a Beta. I would be interested in ProNews, if it is still available and there is a commitment of future development by Panacea. Otherwise, I'll stick with Nick Knight, where the progress is real, although not fast as Nick is the whole company, AFAIK. At the moment, I'm looking at StarOffice 5.1a, which is looking OK, once I cease making it do two things at once. Any reviews of this suite for the future, Luc? BTW, Luc, I'm looking at finally designing a web page and yours makes an excellent example for me, very neat and crisp with an OS/2 look and feel (HomePage Publisher?). Kenn Yuill (Remove all obvious spam references from my e-mail to leave kenny with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< On 99.09.17, 23:10:11, "Luc Van Bogaert" wrote regarding Re: ProNews - Would U Buy?: > Read my article about ProNews/2 at > IMO it's the best newsreader ever build for OS/2 and for any platform for that matter. It's truly a real > shame that development seems to have stopped permanently. > Luc Van Bogaert > I'll be at Warpstock '99... will you ? > Visit to register for the most important OS/2 event of the year --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: IGS - Information Gateway Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 19-Sep-99 03:46:23 To: All 20-Sep-99 20:06:16 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: Kenneth Yuill Luc, Two small points, in an otherwise well-written review, would be to include the date reviewed and an update to the web site, as is inaccessible, at least to me. Has Panacea Software folded? It's a shame when any OS/2 software ceases development, especially one which receives so many plaudits from its users. I use MR/2 ICE for e-mail and occasionally for newsgroups, although it's functionality as a newsreader are a work in progress, as Nick still classes it as a Beta. I would be interested in ProNews, if it is still available and there is a commitment of future development by Panacea. Otherwise, I'll stick with Nick Knight, where the progress is real, although not fast as Nick is the whole company, AFAIK. At the moment, I'm looking at StarOffice 5.1a, which is looking OK, once I cease making it do two things at once. Any reviews of this suite for the future, Luc? BTW, Luc, I'm looking at finally designing a web page and yours makes an excellent example for me, very neat and crisp with an OS/2 look and feel (HomePage Publisher?). Kenn Yuill (Remove all obvious spam references from my e-mail to leave kenny with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< On 99.09.17, 23:10:11, "Luc Van Bogaert" wrote regarding Re: ProNews - Would U Buy?: > Read my article about ProNews/2 at > IMO it's the best newsreader ever build for OS/2 and for any platform for that matter. It's truly a real > shame that development seems to have stopped permanently. > Luc Van Bogaert > I'll be at Warpstock '99... will you ? > Visit to register for the most important OS/2 event of the year --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: IGS - Information Gateway Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 21:43:10 To: All 20-Sep-99 21:25:21 Subj: Re: PMmail/2 - printing to laser From: "Rob Burton" It's a fixpack problem. IBM introduced this in 6-7-8-9 or so. It's gone in FPs 10 and 11. On Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:04:18 GMT, Mooo wrote: |"Tom Perrett" wrote: | |>On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:52:46 GMT, Mooo wrote: |> |>>Can anyone tell me whats going on with Pmmail/2 and laserjet printers? |>>I get a solid black 'blob' at the end of every line I print. |> |>Which make/model, I go to a HP LJ 5 |>without any problem !!!! | |Really? Hmm, I have this exact same problem on HP LJIII, LJ 1100 and |LJ 6P. I assumed (incorrectly obviously!) that this was a laserjet |driver problem. | |Anyone got any clues? Its really annoying. | |Craig --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 12:23:05 To: All 20-Sep-99 21:25:21 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Alan Boritz) In article <>, sborsen"at" (Steve) wrote: >Greetings: > >Thus far, I like the features of ProNews. I have NeoLogic and PMINews >(which SYS3175's constantly). The question, as an offline reader who >likes to catalog info, is this a good buy? Although ProNews is a fairly sophisticated product, it's not that handy for offline use. Vsoup and Yarn are much better and faster for offline access, though very limited in binary decoding capability. However, consider that it may be a poor choice to buy ANY OS/2 software now that IBM has announced that there will be no more Warp clients. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Dyslexics UNTIE (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 12:30:23 To: All 20-Sep-99 21:25:21 Subj: Re: GNKSA Evaluation of Hogwasher 2.0b1 From: (Alan Boritz) In article <>, (J. Moreno) wrote: >Below is my Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluation of Hogwasher 2.0b1, >a Macintosh offline newsreader from Asar Corp. An earlier version of >Hogwasher passed all of the GNKSA hard requirements but did not satisfy >all the SHOULDs. This version is 100% compliant and continues to carry >Seal # 000006. Wow, this was really clever. Posting a voluminous review of a Mac application in OS/2 and Windows newsgroups. It's a shame that your "Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval" doesn't take into account common sense. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Dyslexics UNTIE (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 22:58:24 To: All 21-Sep-99 02:02:03 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Buddy Donnelly) On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 00:05:06, Kenneth Yuill a Úcrit dans un message: > Luc, > > Two small points, in an otherwise well-written review, would be to > include the date reviewed and an update to the web site, as > is inaccessible, at least to me. Has > Panacea Software folded? A little DejaReSearch ( would have answered this, I think. There's a copy of v.1.0 at BMT Micro at: and a few builds of the v.1.50 beta are around, too. V.1.50 brings the ability to access multiple news servers. > It's a shame when any OS/2 software ceases development, especially one > which receives so many plaudits from its users. > I use MR/2 ICE for e-mail and occasionally for newsgroups, although > it's functionality as a newsreader are a work in progress, as Nick > still classes it as a Beta. I would be interested in ProNews, if it is > still available and there is a commitment of future development by > Panacea. Otherwise, I'll stick with Nick Knight, where the progress is > real, although not fast as Nick is the whole company, AFAIK. > > At the moment, I'm looking at StarOffice 5.1a, which is looking OK, > once I cease making it do two things at once. Any reviews of this > suite for the future, Luc? > > BTW, Luc, I'm looking at finally designing a web page and yours makes > an excellent example for me, very neat and crisp with an OS/2 look and > feel (HomePage Publisher?). > > Kenn Yuill > (Remove all obvious spam references from my e-mail to leave kenny > with > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > On 99.09.17, 23:10:11, "Luc Van Bogaert" > wrote regarding Re: ProNews - Would U > Buy?: > > > > Read my article about ProNews/2 at > > > > IMO it's the best newsreader ever build for OS/2 and for any platform > for that matter. It's truly a real > > shame that development seems to have stopped permanently. > > > > Luc Van Bogaert > > I'll be at Warpstock '99... will you ? > > Visit to register for the most important OS/2 > event of the year > > > Good luck, Buddy Buddy Donnelly --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: RoadRunner - TampaBay (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 21-Sep-99 01:46:04 To: All 21-Sep-99 02:02:04 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Mark Dodel) Ah, IBM has not made any such announcement. They turned down Stardock's proposal for an OS/2 based client. I think IBM is stupid for not promoting OS/2, but they haven't killed it off yet. Mark On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:23:10, (Alan Boritz) wrote: -)In article <>, sborsen"at" (Steve) wrote: -)>Greetings: -)> -)>Thus far, I like the features of ProNews. I have NeoLogic and PMINews -)>(which SYS3175's constantly). The question, as an offline reader who -)>likes to catalog info, is this a good buy? -) -)Although ProNews is a fairly sophisticated product, it's not that handy for -)offline use. Vsoup and Yarn are much better and faster for offline access, -)though very limited in binary decoding capability. -) -)However, consider that it may be a poor choice to buy ANY OS/2 software now -)that IBM has announced that there will be no more Warp clients. //--------------------------------------------------------- // From the Desk of: Mark Dodel, RN, BSN, MBA // Healthcare Computer Consultant // // // // For a VOICE in the future of OS/2 // //---------------------------------------------------------  --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: PenTeleData (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 21-Sep-99 01:34:14 To: All 21-Sep-99 03:35:03 Subj: Re: PMmail/2 - printing to laser From: (Mooo) "Rob Burton" wrote: >It's a fixpack problem. IBM introduced this in 6-7-8-9 or so. It's gone in >FPs 10 and 11. Oh I see. Well at least its fixable. I'm running fixpack 10, but maybe its fixed in FP11 or 12. This is the only place I"ve seen such printing corruption occur..... Craig > >On Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:04:18 GMT, Mooo wrote: > >|"Tom Perrett" wrote: >| >|>On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:52:46 GMT, Mooo wrote: >|> >|>>Can anyone tell me whats going on with Pmmail/2 and laserjet printers? >|>>I get a solid black 'blob' at the end of every line I print. >|> >|>Which make/model, I go to a HP LJ 5 >|>without any problem !!!! >| >|Really? Hmm, I have this exact same problem on HP LJIII, LJ 1100 and >|LJ 6P. I assumed (incorrectly obviously!) that this was a laserjet >|driver problem. >| >|Anyone got any clues? Its really annoying. >| >|Craig > > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Nothing I say is my own opinion (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: commafaq@locutus.ofB.ORG 19-Sep-99 09:00:00 To: All 21-Sep-99 03:35:03 Subj: FAQ: News and Mail: pointer to comp.os.msdos.mail-news FAQs From: commafaq@locutus.ofB.ORG Archive-name: msdos-mail-news/pointer Comp-os-msdos-mail-news-archive-name: pointer Posting-Frequency: weekly Last-modified: 1998-Jul-12 Intro-Last-modified: 1998-Sep-27 Software-Last-modified: 1999-Jul-13 Comp.Os.Msdos.MAil-news == == comma FAQ == Frequently Asked Questions comma is about uucp, mail, and news for msdos or ms-windows or os2. The comp.os.msdos.mail-news FAQ lists can be obtained via all news.answers access methods: quoting the news.answers FAQ: `` Where are *.answers archived? All of the *.answers newsgroups are archived in the periodic posting archive on []. Postings are located in the anonymous ftp directories /pub/usenet/alt.answers, /pub/usenet/comp.answers, etc., and are archived by "Archive-name". Other subdirectories of /pub/usenet contain periodic postings that may not appear in *.answers (as well as most of the *.answers postings), saved by Subject line rather than by Archive-name. If you do not have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archives by mail server as well. Send an E-mail message to with "help" and "index" in the body on separate lines for more information. '' The FAQ lists for comp.os.msdos.mail-news can be found on the Internet: Note that the charter of comp.os.msdos.mail-news _explicitly_ covers mail, news, and uucp under msdos and compatibles, and used to cover ms-windows and os2 until they got their own groups (although uucp under ms-windows didn't, so it can stay). the FAQs still list information for os2 users and ms-windows users. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Private System, Edmonton, AB, Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: doug.bissett"at" 21-Sep-99 18:48:05 To: All 21-Sep-99 17:28:12 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: doug.bissett"at" (Doug Bissett) On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 03:46:47, Kenneth Yuill wrote: > Has Panacea Software folded? > I looked at the web site yesterday. Nothing new, but it was there. ****************************** From the PC of Doug Bissett doug.bissett at The " at " must be changed to "@" ****************************** --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: doug.bissett"at" 21-Sep-99 18:48:07 To: All 21-Sep-99 17:28:12 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: doug.bissett"at" (Doug Bissett) On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:23:10, (Alan Boritz) wrote: > Although ProNews is a fairly sophisticated product, it's not that handy for > offline use. Vsoup and Yarn are much better and faster for offline access, > though very limited in binary decoding capability. > I ALWAYS use Pronews/2 OFFLINE. I did use VSOUP and YARN, before I discovered Pronews/2, but they got scrapped real fast since Pronews/2 does the job MUCH better (IMO). Why do you say it is "not that handy for offline use"??? ****************************** From the PC of Doug Bissett doug.bissett at The " at " must be changed to "@" ****************************** --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 22-Sep-99 02:31:15 To: All 22-Sep-99 04:29:01 Subj: Re: Send with Get in Mr2Ice? From: (williamd1) Thanks Jerry, I'll try that option. On Sat, 18 Sep 1999 20:30:23, (Jerry Lapham) wrote: >Under Setttings->Preferences I have "Automatically send new mail when >created" and "Time Internval" = 2 minutes. If I'm logged on to my ISP, a >new message goes when I hit send. If not, MR/2 Ice tries to send it every >two minutes. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 23-Sep-99 02:41:03 To: All 23-Sep-99 16:41:02 Subj: PMINews lockups From: "Jon Etkins" In the last few days, my machine has started to lock solid while I'm using PMINews. The first indication of impending doom is a series of double-beeps when I go to the next message while reading online. This continues intermittently, and eventually the box locks up tighter than a fish's bum - the only way out is the reset button or ctrl-alt-numlock-numlock. (PMINews 2.00.1205, Warp 4, FP10) Any ideas what might be causing this? I've cleared out all the orphan .ART files but haven't removed the .BAGs. Would killing the .BAG files help or hurt? Thanks for any suggestions, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Etkins | Asking for quality software from Microsoft (Team OS/2) | is like asking for the wine list at McDonalds. | --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 23-Sep-99 19:51:21 To: All 23-Sep-99 16:41:02 Subj: PMMail - where are my messages????HELP! From: Michael Block suddenly I have 'lost' the content of all my email messages - those stored locally and those downloading. The headers in the folders are visible but no message body. It appears if, in each message I ask it to display the whole message. Re-indexing folders has just lost messages. Something has obviously got scrambled for no apparent reason, all else is working OK. I have cleaned ini files with no effect. Suggestions please? -- regards Michael Block Windows98......ooops, I think I stepped in it, it's all over my shoe! --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: deep thought psychiatry (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 23-Sep-99 07:28:26 To: All 23-Sep-99 20:16:01 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Alan Boritz) In article , doug.bissett"at" (Doug Bissett) wrote: >On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:23:10, (Alan Boritz) >wrote: > >> Although ProNews is a fairly sophisticated product, it's not that handy for >> offline use. Vsoup and Yarn are much better and faster for offline access, >> though very limited in binary decoding capability. >> > >I ALWAYS use Pronews/2 OFFLINE. I did use VSOUP and YARN, before I >discovered Pronews/2, but they got scrapped real fast since Pronews/2 >does the job MUCH better (IMO). > >Why do you say it is "not that handy for offline use"??? Can't run it in a batch file without me sitting here. That's a serious limitation for offline use, IMHO. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Dyslexics UNTIE (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 23-Sep-99 20:04:03 To: All 24-Sep-99 04:26:02 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Buddy Donnelly) On Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:28:53, (Alan Boritz) a Úcrit dans un message: > > > >> Although ProNews is a fairly sophisticated product, it's not that handy for > >> offline use. Vsoup and Yarn are much better and faster for offline access, > >> though very limited in binary decoding capability. > >> > > > >I ALWAYS use Pronews/2 OFFLINE. I did use VSOUP and YARN, before I > >discovered Pronews/2, but they got scrapped real fast since Pronews/2 > >does the job MUCH better (IMO). > > > >Why do you say it is "not that handy for offline use"??? > > Can't run it in a batch file without me sitting here. That's a serious > limitation for offline use, IMHO. Out of curiousity, what kind of news operation do you need run in a batch file? Good luck, Buddy Buddy Donnelly --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: RoadRunner - TampaBay (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: DLaRue@NetSRQ.Com 24-Sep-99 08:26:26 To: All 24-Sep-99 12:10:04 Subj: Re: PMMail - where are my messages????HELP! From: DLaRue@NetSRQ.Com (David LaRue) Michael, PMMail keeps the actual mail in directories below your executable. The first level is .ACT files, which are your folders. These contain the .MSG files, which are your messages. Reindexing should find these files and place them back in the corresponding indexes. Open an OS/2 window and look for these files. Do you have any FOUNDxxx directories you can't account for? Hope you find what you are looking for, David LaRue In <>, Michael Block writes: >suddenly I have 'lost' the content of all my email messages - those >stored locally and those downloading. The headers in the folders are >visible but no message body. It appears if, in each message I ask it to >display the whole message. Re-indexing folders has just lost messages. >Something has obviously got scrambled for no apparent reason, all else >is working OK. I have cleaned ini files with no effect. Suggestions >please? > >-- > > >regards > >Michael Block > >Windows98......ooops, I think I stepped in it, it's all over my shoe! > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Intelligence Network Online, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 24-Sep-99 15:53:15 To: All 24-Sep-99 13:22:29 Subj: Re: Profiles in 4.6 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F8rn?= Vermo luistino wrote: > I have set up three profiles in netscape, but the email identity remains > constant. Is there a way to have a unique identity with each profile? When you define the profile, you must assign a different directory to each (last screen of the definition, ifI recall right). Then, you should be able to make whatever you enter under "preferences" stick, at least it works fine for me. What does not work fine, is the reliability of the news reader. There seems to be a rather serious bug, so that it sometimes will crash when I add a new newsgroup. Netscape enters limbo (the process is shown as "terminating") until the next reboot). --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Norbionics (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 24-Sep-99 19:47:06 To: All 24-Sep-99 20:01:11 Subj: Re: ProNews - Would U Buy? From: (Simon Thompson) On Fri, 24 Sep 1999 17:11:31, doug.bissett"at" (Doug Bissett) wrote: > On Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:28:53, (Alan Boritz) > wrote: > > > Can't run it in a batch file without me sitting here. That's a serious > > limitation for offline use, IMHO. > > > > I haven't tried it, but in the help, it says you can start Pronews/2 > with "-on" to "Force Pronews to start and put all servers into online > mode regardles of settings". [snip] > Is there something else that you need? The ability for ProNews to disconnect, and exit, after completing downloading all headers and articles. Then you can write a REXX program to: o Connect to the Internet o Run ProNews and download all new data. o Disconnect from the Internet. This could run as a bacth file without you being present, e.g., at 2 am. An alternative would be for ProNews to rpovide a REXX API that lets you operate ProNews. API calls would let you take ProNews off and online, query the number of tasks in the queue, etc. Your REXX program would use this to control the connection. This is more flexible as you could do other operations, e.g., fetch e-mail, at the same time as ProNews is retrieving articles. With the above, I would collect e-mail and news about 7 am, so it is waiting when I arrive at my PC later in the morning. So, yes, there is more. I use it as you do but only because it does not support the above. ----------------------------------------- Simon Thompson Christchurch New Zealand --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+