comp.os.os2.programmer.porting (Usenet) Saturday, 18-Sep-1999 to Friday, 24-Sep-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 16-Sep-99 23:56:01 To: All 18-Sep-99 01:08:04 Subj: MAME for OS/2 version .36 beta 4 has been released! From: Marty The OS/2 port of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) has been upgraded to version .36 beta 4. The OS/2 port is now in sync with the DOS and Windoze versions. MAME runs over 1600 classic and some not so classic arcade games of the 70's, 80's, and 90's from the comfort of your OS/2 desktop. For more information and to download the latest version, visit There is a Pentium optimized as well as a 486 optimized version available. Enjoy! - Marty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Time Warner Road Runner - Binghamton NY (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 16-Sep-99 23:56:01 To: All 18-Sep-99 04:37:14 Subj: MAME for OS/2 version .36 beta 4 has been released! From: Marty The OS/2 port of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) has been upgraded to version .36 beta 4. The OS/2 port is now in sync with the DOS and Windoze versions. MAME runs over 1600 classic and some not so classic arcade games of the 70's, 80's, and 90's from the comfort of your OS/2 desktop. For more information and to download the latest version, visit There is a Pentium optimized as well as a 486 optimized version available. Enjoy! - Marty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Time Warner Road Runner - Binghamton NY (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 16-Sep-99 23:56:01 To: All 19-Sep-99 06:48:22 Subj: MAME for OS/2 version .36 beta 4 has been released! From: Marty The OS/2 port of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) has been upgraded to version .36 beta 4. The OS/2 port is now in sync with the DOS and Windoze versions. MAME runs over 1600 classic and some not so classic arcade games of the 70's, 80's, and 90's from the comfort of your OS/2 desktop. For more information and to download the latest version, visit There is a Pentium optimized as well as a 486 optimized version available. Enjoy! - Marty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Time Warner Road Runner - Binghamton NY (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 20-Sep-99 01:12:14 To: All 20-Sep-99 03:38:12 Subj: MAME for OS/2 version .36 beta 5 has been released! From: Marty The OS/2 port of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) has been upgraded to version .36 beta 5. The DOS and Windoze guys must not have wanted me to catch up, but I've done it again. ;-) MAME runs 1785 classic and some not so classic arcade games of the 70's, 80's, and 90's from the comfort of your OS/2 desktop. This upgrade includes a few minor bugfixes as well as an updated MAME core. For more information and to download the latest version, visit There is a Pentium optimized as well as a 486 optimized version available. Enjoy! - Marty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Time Warner Road Runner - Binghamton NY (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Trancser@Freenet.Nether.Net 24-Sep-99 01:03:13 To: All 24-Sep-99 12:10:04 Subj: Anyone attempting to.... From: Trancser This is probably silly thing to do, but since I have to ask anyway... well....anyone going try to do ANYTHING with the source code available for OS/2? the OS/2 kernel, hpfs driver, and the multimedia source? --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 24-Sep-99 11:06:25 To: All 24-Sep-99 12:10:05 Subj: Re: Anyone attempting to.... From: "Adrian Gschwend" On Fri, 24 Sep 1999 01:03:26 -0400, Trancser wrote: >well....anyone going try to do ANYTHING with the source code available >for OS/2? > >the OS/2 kernel, hpfs driver, and the multimedia source? Hmm, I wouldn't say that we are going to USE it, but we can at least see it as a reference for some upcoming projects at Netlabs. cu Adrian --- Adrian Gschwend @ OS/2 Netlabs ICQ: 22419590 ------- The OS/2 OpenSource Project: --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: OS/2 Netlabs (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 24-Sep-99 12:06:19 To: All 24-Sep-99 15:24:08 Subj: Re: Anyone attempting to.... From: Marty Adrian Gschwend wrote: > > On Fri, 24 Sep 1999 01:03:26 -0400, Trancser wrote: > > >well....anyone going try to do ANYTHING with the source code available > >for OS/2? > > > >the OS/2 kernel, hpfs driver, and the multimedia source? > > Hmm, I wouldn't say that we are going to USE it, but we can at least see it > as a reference for some upcoming projects at Netlabs. I would advise against it, for legal reasons. (And certainly advise against making such statements publicly.) There have been several console emulation projects that came about through the use of illegal copies of a console system's BIOS that have been successfully sued. I believe this may be an analogous situation (since the source code was distributed without IBM's express permission). I would suggest consulting a lawyer on such matters before persuing anything. - Marty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: IBM Global Services North -- Burlington, Vermont, (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Trancser@Freenet.Nether.Net 24-Sep-99 17:37:17 To: All 24-Sep-99 21:16:29 Subj: Re: Anyone attempting to.... From: Trancser > > > > Hmm, I wouldn't say that we are going to USE it, but we can at least see it > > as a reference for some upcoming projects at Netlabs. Projects? > > > I would advise against it, for legal reasons. (And certainly advise > against making such statements publicly.) > > There have been several console emulation projects that came about > through the use of illegal copies of a console system's BIOS that have > been successfully sued. I believe this may be an analogous situation > (since the source code was distributed without IBM's express > permission). I would suggest consulting a lawyer on such matters before > persuing anything. > > - Marty This is correct, however, I think if one were to ...hypothetically take the code, and completely re-write it, it might legitamize things? I cant be 100% sure on that though, myself. I, myself, could not really do anything with the code anyway, but I'm sure someone else out there can of course... even if IBM officials patrol these groups, well even if someone to were to actually modify it, its not exactly out of spite or animosity towards IBM, that they'd do it for (at least I dont think?), but rather to maybe strengthen the OS as it is, or just do something really creative. But your right! I know THIS would probably not matter jack squat to IBM, since they DO own all rights to it of course....but I thought I'd just add that in. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+