The list that you all have been asking about is now available: The Developer Connection Volume 6! Keep following this forum and we will post a ship date soon! The Developer Connection for OS/2 Content List Volume 6 of the CD includes limited licenses to the following products: Key: (Demo) = For Demonstration Purposes Only (Refer To License Agreement) (E) = Excerpts, (I) = IBM Internally Developed Software, (P) = Pre-Release Software BITMAPS (DISC 1) BITMAP32: A 32-bit bitmap viewer (I) GBM: A Generalized Bitmap Module (I) UPDATED Bitmap Samples: Samples of Developer Connection Bitmaps (I) COMMUNICATION TOOLS (DISC 2) APPC Games: A collection of three games -- CYCLES, REVERSI, and MANDPM (I) APPC Utilities: A collection of six APPC command-line utilities (I) AutoDisp: Graphical Display of APPN Resources (I) IBM: Communications Manager/2: API Programs & Productivity Aids IBM: Communications Manager/2: 3.5" Diskettes IBM: Communications Manager/2 Creative Systems Programming Corp.: Golden CommPass (Demo) UPDATED OS/tools Inc: COMscope and COMi: 3.5" Diskette (Demo) UPDATED GOPHER: An OS/2 PM client for the Internet Gopher protocol (I) UPDATED GoServe: A Gopher Server for OS/2 2.x (I) UPDATED IBM: LAN Adapter Protocol Support for TCP/IP (P) REXXAPPC: REXX Communications APIs (I) Softronics, Inc.: Softerm Plus for OS/2 Sybase Inc.: SYBASE Open Client Developer's Kit NEW IBM: TCP/IP for OS/2 (P) IBM: Time and Place/2 Clients UPDATED IBM: Time and Place/2 Server UPDATED DATABASES (DISC 2) DBMRPW: A database manager remote password administrator utility (I) IBM: DataBase 2 (TM) OS/2 Single-User v1.2.0 (DB2/2) UPDATED PrOffice: Personal Address Book/2 Light (Demo) UPDATED DEVELOPER TOOLKITS (DISC 1/2/3) IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp, Version 3: CD Install UPDATED IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp, Version 3: 3.5" Diskettes UPDATED IBM: Pen for OS/2 Warp Toolkit beta: CD Install (P) NEW IBM: Pen for OS/2 Warp Toolkit beta: 3.5" Diskettes (P) NEW Alpha OpenDoc Developer's Kit 1 for OS/2 (P) UPDATED IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Warp, Version 3: CD Install UPDATED IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Warp, Version 3: 3.5" Diskettes UPDATED IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 for SMP v2.11 Update: CD Install IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 for SMP v2.11 Update: 3.5" Diskettes IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 for SMP v2.11: CD Install IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 for SMP v2.11: 3.5" Diskettes IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 v2.11: 3.5" Diskettes IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Japan 2.11: CD Install NEW IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1: CD Install UPDATED IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1: Folder Creation UPDATED IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1: 3.5" Diskettes UPDATED IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1 (Japanese): CD Install UPDATED IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 ServicePak XR06300 v2.1: CD Install NEW IBM: Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Japan 2.1 CSD BJC006: CD Install NEW IBM: Kernel Debugger: CD Install IBM: MMPM2 v1.1 Toolkit: CD Install IBM: Pen for OS/2 Toolkit: CD Install (P) UPDATED IBM: Pen for OS/2 Toolkit: 3.5" Diskettes (P) UPDATED IBM: PL/I for OS/2 - Toolkit UPDATED IBM: Internationalization Toolkit based on XPG/4 (P) UPDATED Gpf Systems, Inc.: Gpf Professional Developer's Toolkit (Demo) IBM: Object REXX (P) NEW IBM: SearchManager/2 Toolkit NEW IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 1.3: 3.5" Diskettes DEVELOPER TOOLS FOR OS/2 FOR THE POWERPC (DISC 3) IBM: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 for the PowerPC (P) NEW MetaWare Inc.: PowerPC Compiler (P) NEW IBM: IBM PM Debugger for OS/2 for the PowerPC (P) NEW DEVELOPMENT TOOLS (DISC 1) AIXLIKE: OS/2 version of popular unix utilities (I) ALPHA: A code analysis and browse programme (I) UPDATED IBM: APL2 for OS/2 (Demo) UPDATED ASDT32: An applications/system 32-bit debug utility (I) cPost: Typesets C Programs in PostScript (I) CTFORMAT: A code and text formatter (I) Data Access: DataFlex (Demo) DEBUGO: A specialized terminal program for the debug kernel (I) DrDialog: A visual REXX programming environment (I) UPDATED EDITINI: An OS/2 text editor for .INI and profile files (I) Synaptec, Inc: The Object Factory -- IDL (Demo) Gpf Systems, Inc.: GpfRexx (Demo) HexDump: A hexadecimal display and conversion utility (I) IBROW: An image browser utility (I) ImageMark Software Labs, Inc.: ImageStream Graphics Filters for OS/2 IPFCPREP: A preprocessor for the IPF Compiler (I) Perez Computing Services: IPF Editor (Demo) NEW lp3820: Print AFP files on a personal laser printer (I) lp382f: Raster fonts for use with lp3820 (I) Functional Software Limited: LXOPT (Demo) NEW MetaWare Inc.: High C/C++ (Demo) NEW IBM: Neural Network Utility Entry for OS/2 NEW One Up Corp: SMART-Version 2 UPDATED One Up Corp: SMART-Version 2: 3.5" Diskettes NEW IBM: OpenGL on OS/2 (P) UPDATED IBM: Pen for OS/2 Warp base beta (P) UPDATED IBM: Pen for Warp base beta: 3.5" Diskettes (P) UPDATED IBM: PL/I for OS/2 - Professional Edition UPDATED ATG Enterprises: PM DEBUG (Demo) PMPRTF: Extends PRINTF to PM applications (I) PMSPY32: OS/2 PM message spying program (I) IBM: Problem Determination Package (OS2PDP) NEW Quercus Systems: REXXLIB (Demo) RXD: PM source level debugger for REXX (I) RxMathFN: A REXX DLL with C-language math functions (I) RXNETB: REXX APIs for the OS/2 NetBIOS (I) Softbridge: Softbridge Basic Language (Demo) SD386: A source level debugger for C (I) Succinct Systems, Inc.: SizeIt (Demo) IBM: Sniff16: A utility to search 16 bit apps (P) Synaptec, Inc.: The SOM Class Administrator (Demo) NEW IBM: Smalltalk for OS/2 NEW IBM: AD/Cycle The Integrated Reasoning Shell Development/2 (Demo) UPDATED IBM: Interactive Tutorial/2 (P) IBM: Tutorial Manager/2 NEW UCMenu: A toolbar control for OS/2 PM applications (I) UPDATED IBM: VisualAge for OS/2 (Demo) UPDATED HockWare: VisPro/REXX (Demo) Visual REXX2: A library of REXX functions that provide a PM interface (I) Watcom: VX-REXX Client/Server Edition (Demo) NEW IBM: Z Family Reusable Libraries/2 (IP) UPDATED EDITORS (DISC 1) Boxer Software: Boxer Text Editor (Demo) CustEPM: A customized version of Enhanced Editor (I) UPDATED Compuware Corporation: Compuware PREDITOR/2 (Demo) (P) UPDATED EnvEd: Environment Editor (I) IBM: EPM: Enhanced Editor UPDATED IBM: EPMBETA: A 32-bit version of EPM (P) UPDATED RimStar Technology, Inc.: RimStar Programmer's Editor: 3.5" Diskette (Demo) MicroEdge: SlickEdit (Demo) TINYED: A tiny OS/2 and DOS editor (I) IBM OS/2 (DISC 1/3) IBM: OS/2 Warp Version 3 with WIN-OS/2 CD-ROM: 3.5" Installation Diskettes (P) NEW IBM: BonusPak (P) NEW MULTIMEDIA TOOLS (DISC 2) CD Explorer: A compact disc audio explorer (I) Aria: Digital Music Player (Demo) IBM: MMPM2 v1.1.3 Base (Demo) IBM: MMPM2 v1.1.3 Base: 3.5" Diskettes (Demo) IBM: MMPM2 v1.1.3 Base: 5.25" Diskettes (Demo) BOCASoft: BOCASoft System Sounds (Demo) VPoker: A MMPM video poker game for OS/2 (I) UPDATED BOCASoft: BOCASoft WipeOut: 3.5" Diskette (Demo) PRODUCT OVERVIEWS (DISC 2) IBM: FormTalk for OS/2 (Demo) NEW IBM: Translation Manager/2: 3.5" Diskette (Demo) NEW IBM: VisualGen: 3.5" Diskette (Demo) PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS (DISC 2) Solution Technology, Inc.: Applause (Demo) NEW MHR Software & Consulting: ATS for OS/2 (Demo) BOOTOS2: An OS/2 bootable diskette creation utility (I) UPDATED CLOKGS: A digital/analog clock for your desktop (I) ClipServ: TCP/IP clipboard server for OS/2 2.x (I) COLORPT: Reports the name of the color under the mouse pointer (I) Compress: Automatic compressed backup (I) NEW Central Point: Anti-Virus for OS/2 (Demo) IBM: DataGuide/2 Administrator DINFO: A swapper file monitor (I) Pinnacle Technology, Inc.: Desktop Observatory(Demo) ExCal: WPS-enabled calendar (I) UPDATED FORBROWS: A forum browser (I) IBM: FormTalk for OS/2 UPDATED GFOLDR: A folder subsection creator (I) UPDATED GSEE: A file search utility and batch file builder (I) IMGTK16: The Image Toolkit (I) LoadDskf/SaveDskf: A set of diskette image utilities (I) MAGNIFY: An OS/2 desktop magnifier (I) MakeLogo: OS/2 Boot Logo Utility (I) NEW ManyClip: Multiple clipboard utility (I) Megadesk: A virtual desktop expander (I) UPDATED OS20MEMU: An OS/2 memory utilization utility (I) UPDATED PMCAM2: Saves pictures of PM screens into bitmaps/postscript files (I) PmDraw: PM Presentation Graphics (I) PMGB32: A display of planet Earth as a globe (I) PMTIMER: An OS/2 program timer (I) PMTREE: A graphical display of PM windows (I) PTNSHOOT: Point 'n' Shoot (I) NEW QCONFIG: A system configuration utility (I) UPDATED IBM: ReDiscovery/2 (Demo) UPDATED IBM: IBM Library Reader/2 (Demo) (I) SCRAP: A screen capture utility (I) ShiftRun: Runs OS/2 programs before IPL is completed (I) UPDATED IBM: SMARTsort: 3.5" Diskettes (I) NEW IBM: SearchManager/2 (Demo) UPDATED IBM: Software Manager MVS/ESA (Demo) NEW Capstone Software: SpaceMap for OS/2 (Demo) UPDATED Capstone Software: SpaceMap Lite for OS/2 UPDATED Split: Split and Combine big files (I) NEW TXT2PS: A text-to-postscript conversion utility (I) UPDATED UTIL2: AIX-like utilities for OS/2 (I) Arcadia Technologies: Workplace Companion (Demo): 3.5" diskette SERVICE (DISC 1/2) IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Compiler (v2.0 & v2.1) CSD CTC0011: Diskettes UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Compiler (v2.0 & v2.1) CSD CTC0011 UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Class Library (v2.0) CSD CTL0009: Diskettes UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Class Library (v2.0) CSD CTL0009 UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Class Library (v2.1) CSD CTM0009: Diskettes UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Class Library (v2.1) CSD CTM0009 UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Utilities (v2.0 & v2.1) CSD CTU0003: Diskettes UPDATED IBM: C Set++ for OS/2 Utilities (v2.0 & v2.1) CSD CTU0003 UPDATED IBM: OS/2 2.11 ServicePak: CD-ROM & diskette installation: 3.5" Diskettes IBM: OS/2 2.11 ServicePak: CD-ROM & diskette installation: 5.25" Diskettes IBM: OS/2 v1.3 Toolkit CSD Level XR05053: 3.5" Diskettes IBM: OS/2 v1.3 Toolkit CSD Level XR05053: 5.25" Diskettes IBM: WorkFrame/2 2.1 CSD2: 3.5" Diskette IBM: WorkFrame/2 2.1 CSD2 (CD Installation) SOURCE CODE (DISC 1) AIXLIKE SOURCE: OS/2 versions of popular unix utilities (source code) (I) BitMap32: BitMap32 Source Code (I) IBM: DoubPlay: Multimedia Double Buffering Playlist C Samples (P) EXCEPT: OS/2 2.* trap debugging aid exception handler source sample (I) GBM: Generalized Bitmap Module Source Code (I) UPDATED TOOLBAR: An Icon Bar Sample (I) PMSAMPLE: programming source samples and utilities for OS/2 base and PM (I) UPDATED PMSPY32S: OS/2 PM Spying Source Code (I) IBM: RIFFSAMP: Multimedia RIFF Source Code (P) IBM: A collection of Workplace Shell samples (P) UTIL2: AIX-like utilities source code (I) SOURCE CODE FROM THE DEVELOPER CONNECTION NEWS (DISC 1) Volume I: Multithreading PM Apps (I) Volume II: Dynamic Linking on OS/2 2.x (I) Volume II: Exception Mgt. in 32-Bit OS/2 (I) Volume II: OS/2-WIN-OS/2 Communication (I) Volume III: M Shell (I) Volume III: StartDos (I) Volume III: T Shell (I) Volume III: Transform Example (I) Volume III: 32-bit Character-Mode API (P) Volume IV: The OS/2 Debug Kernel (I) Volume IV: Writing Object Oriented Multimedia IO Procs (I) Volume IV: Sharing the Parallel Port (I) Volume IV: Filling You IN: Areas, Paths, Clippings (I) Volume IV: OS/2-WIN-OS/2 Communication (I) Volume V: Fonts R Us! (I) Volume V: Making Your OS/2 Device Driver APM-Aware (I) Volume VI: Writing OpenDoc Part Handlers: The Hello World Part (I) NEW Volume VI: OS/2 BootLogo Utility (I) NEW Volume VI: Monitoring Display Driver Interface Call (I) NEW Volume VI: Extend Your Program with REXX (I) NEW Volume VI: Starts the WorkPlace Shell SOM Server (I) NEW TEST TOOLS (DISC 1) PMATE: An automated test environment with user input captured (I) IBM: Workstation Interactive Test Tool for Presentation Manager UPDATED ON-LINE DOCUMENTATION IBM, The Developer Connection News: Volumes 1 - 5 Special Edition ComputerWorld On CD: Selected Articles 1991-1993 Wiley Professional Computing, The Art Of OS/2 Programming, by Kathleen Panov, Larry Salomon Jr., and Arthur Panov (E) Van Nostrand Reinhold, OS/2 2.1 Application Programming Guide (E) by Kelly, Swearingen, Bezvier, and Shrader Van Nostrand Reinhold, Client/Server Survival GuideWith OS/2 2.1 (E) NEW by Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey Van Nostrand Reinhold, Client/Server Programming Drive With OS/2 2.1 (E) NEW by Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey IBM, DAP Notebook NEW IBM, Communication Manager/2 Books IBM, OS/2 Configurations: Cracking The Workplace NEW IBM, OS/2 & LAN Systems Development Tools Guide IBM, OS/2 Application Developer Training IBM, OS/2 2.11 and Updates to OS/2 2.1NEW IBM, OS/2 2.1 National Language Support NEW IBM, OS/2 2.1 Technical Update IBM, Presentation Manager Programming Guide and References UPDATED IBM, Red Book Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4: IBM, Application Design Guide IBM, Control Program Guide and References IBM, Debug Kernel 2.x References for OS/ 2.x and OS/2 WARP UPDATED IBM, GPI Graphics Guide and References IBM, Information Presentation Facility References for OS/ 2.x and OS/2 WARP IBM, LX Specification IBM, OS/2 Bidirectional Language Support Development Guide IBM, OS/2 Command Reference IBM, OS/2 Magazine Articles IBM, OS/2 v2.1 Physical Device Driver Reference IBM, OS/2 v2.1 Presentation Driver Reference IBM, OS/2 v2.1 Virtual Device Driver Reference IBM, OS/2 REXX NEW IBM, Object REXX Reference for OS/2 NEW IBM, REXX Reference UPDATED IBM, REXX Users Guide IBM, SOM Reference UPDATED IBM, Tools 2.x References for OS/ 2.x and OS/2 WARP UPDATED IBM, User's Guide to BonusPak* NEW IBM, User's Guide to OS/2 Warp* NEW IBM, WorkPlace Shell References UPDATED * These books, along with several others, are BookManager books that require IBM Libary Reader/2. These books can be found in the \BOOKS subdirectory on disc 2. Q. What is "The Developer Connection for OS/2"? A.The Developer Connection for OS/2 is an annual subscription program for application developers. Its purpose is to deliver: licenses to developers for toolkits, productivity tools, development tools and sample code; licenses to the latest pre-release code so developers can prepare for and simulate future environments; and the most up-to-date versions of technical documentation on OS/2. The Developer Connection for OS/2 consists of four issues ( CDs and a newsletter), delivered over the course of one year, plus access to The Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe until the subscription expires. For those subscribers who are not members of CompuServe, IBM has established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS under TalkLink (TalkLink is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services), and Internet support by addressing your questions and comments to The Developer Connection for OS/2 is available for $199 in the US. Q. How do I subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2? A. In the US, you can subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2 by calling 1-800-6-DEVCON (1-800-633-8266), 303-330-7655(fax). In Canada, call 1-800-561-5293. In Brazil, call 0800-111205(phone), (011)886-3222(fax) In Mexico, call: 627-2444 (within Mexico City) 91-800 00639 (other locations in Mexico) To order in Europe, call IBM ISMC in Denmark. Please ensure that you dial the international access code applicable to your country BEFORE dialing the appropriate phone number. Operators speaking the following languages are available. Note that 45 is the country code for Denmark. Internat. Language Dial code Number -------- ---------- --------- Dutch: Denmark=45 +48101400 English: Denmark=45 +48101500 French: Denmark=45 +48101200 German: Denmark=45 +48101000 Italian: Denmark=45 +48101600 Spanish: Denmark=45 +48101100 TeleFax: Denmark=45 +48142207 In Asia/Pacific, call 61-2-354-7684(phone), 61-2-354-7766(fax). Note that 61 is the country code for Australia. Rgds.