The (highly unofficial) FIDONET OS2PROG C++ compiler pros and cons list ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ GLOSSARY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ What is the OS/2 Developers' Toolkit ? Available separately (IBM part number 61G1416) although bundled with all of the commercial C++ compilers, this comprises the header files, link libraries, sample source, API reference, and PM utilities for OS/2 development. The version 1.3 Toolkit necessary for VIO, KBD, and MOU on-line help and the version 3.0 Toolkit with the (few) new WARP-specific APIs are available on the Developer Connection CD-ROMs. What is the OS/2 Developers' Assistance Programme ? The DAP is a service from IBM for developers that provides BBS technical support, marketing and product information. You need to prove that you are developing an OS/2 application. What is the OS/2 Developers' Connection ? A common fallacy is that this is part of the DAP. Although DAP membership gives cheaper subscription rates to DevCon, this only applies to the U.S. DAP, and not to DAP in any other countries. The DevCon is a yearly subscription that gives you four issues of the DevCon CD-ROMs and access to a private area of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe, allowing you to talk directly to IBM developers. The CD-ROMs contain a wealth of source code, tools, development utilities, and documentation for OS/2 programmers. The current DevCon CD-ROMs comprise "base" CD-ROMs and the Developer Connection for LAN Systems CD-ROMs. At extra cost you can take out a DevCon subscription that includes the Developer Connection Device Driver Kit CD-ROM as well. Various pre-release tools released by developers on the ISV program are also distributed on the DevCon CD-ROMs, such as the MetaWare High C++ cross-compiler for PowerPC OS/2 and the Prominaire Universal Resource Editor. All of the OS/2 Developers' Toolkits from 1.3 to 3.0 are also included, as are toolkits for customising the EPM Editor. At various times service packs and debug kernels are also distributed on the DevCon CD-ROMs. The optional DevCon DKK CD-ROM is necessary for those developers producing device drivers. Support for DEVICE and BASEDEV drivers, and Presentation Manager video drivers is supplied. Also supplied is real source code for many of the standard drivers shipped with OS/2 such as OS2DASD.DMD, IBM1S506.ADD, COM.SYS, and VCOM.SYS. Tools and libraries necessary for device driver development are also supplied. Although no C++ compiler is supplied, with the addition of the 1.3 Toolkit from the DevCon base CD-ROMs and a pack from Watcom's FIDONET site you can write device drivers in Watcom C++ 10.0b. Part numbers for the various volumes (this may now be out of date): 83G9755 DevCon (base), vol. 5, Disk 1 of 2 ("Warp Special Edition") 83G9647 DevCon (base), vol. 5, Disk 1 of 1 (superseded by the above) 83G9648 DevCon (base), vol. 5, Disk 2 of 2 83G9655 DevCon for LAN Systems, vol. 1, Disk 1 of 1 83G9747 DevCon Device Driver Kit, vol. 1, Disk 1 of 1 83G9659 DevCon Software Shopper, vol. 1, Disk 1 of 1 06H2024 DevCon (base), vol. 4, Disk 1 of 2 06H2025 DevCon (base), vol. 4, Disk 2 of 2 06H1971 DevCon (base), vol. 3, Disk 1 of 2 06H1972 DevCon (base), vol. 3, Disk 2 of 2 82G4701 DevCon (base), vol. 2, Disk 1 of 1 71G5385 DevCon (base), vol. 1, Disk 1 of 1 What is Workframe ? Again available separately, this is a compiler independent development environment. Workframe is a means of managing projects, and uses compiler-supplied DLLs to handle things like generating makefiles, and displaying options settings notebooks for the compiler, linker, and resource tools. It integrates with EPM (or other editors) to allow you to edit source files at the point of error. I've had two projects, one IBM CSet++ and one MetaWare High C++, both being built *simultaneously* in Workframe. What are the System Object Model (SOM), Distributed SOM (DSOM), and DirectToSOM C++ ? SOM is a language-independent run-time environment for class and object support. Distributed SOM allows programs to share SOM classes and objects amongst themselves and across networks. DirectToSOM C++ compilers allow SOM classes to be defined and used using standard C++ class syntax. See the SOMObjects Travel Guide and the DirectToSOM Intro included in the Pros and Cons Archive for more details. What is the SOMObjects Developers' Toolkit ? The OS/2 Developers' Toolkit 2.1 only supports SOM version 1.x. SOM 2.x requires a different toolset, works differently, and uses IDL. The SOMObjects Developers' Toolkit 2.1 contains a a SOM 2.1 compiler, IDL files, and documentation. It is available separately, with IBM part number 59G5667 (check the version number when ordering). See the SOMObjects Travel Guide included in the Pros and Cons archive for more details. ¯ JdeBP ® ¯ (c) Copyright 1994-1995 All Rights Reserved. ® ¯ FIDONET 2:440/4.0 ®