Dear IBM Remarketer: On April 17, 1991 IBM made some very significant OS/2 announcements that are of substantial importance to you and your customers. Following is an overview of those announcements: * IBM reaffirmed its commitment to OS/2, both for now and for the future. * Announced significant price reductions for OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.3 (now only $150 retail) and OS/2 Extended Edition Version 1.3 (now only $690 retail). * Demonstrated (via IBM's world-wide satellite TV network from New York) OS/2 Version 2.0, to be delivered by year-end 1991. * Announced a planned upgrade from DOS to OS/2 Version 1.3 ($99 to OS/2 SE and $635 to OS/2 EE), and a FREE upgrade from OS/2 Version 1.3 to OS/2 Version 2.0 before year-end. * Announced that OS/2 Communications Manager and Database features will be unbundled from OS/2 EE and offered separately as an optional add-on to OS/2 SE. The most exciting part of this important announcement, by far, was that OS/2 Version 2.0 would be the operating system to meet your every need. Regardless of whether you have DOS programs, Windows programs, or OS/2 programs, you can run them all directly and unmodified on OS/2 Version 2.0. It runs your DOS programs better and with more available memory than with DOS. And it will run as many of those DOS programs concurrently as you have memory for. It even lets you boot up DOS in a DOS window! It run Windows programs (doesn't matter which version of Windows they were meant to run on) better than with Windows. And it runs OS/2 programs better than with the best OS/2 so far, Version 1.3. With OS/2 Version 2.0, you won't need any other operating system. If I can assist you in making OS/2 the operating system of choice for your 386/486 customers, please call the IBM NDD National Support Center at (800) IBM-PROD. Sincerely, Dave Both