BORLAND C++ for OS/2 The World's Best Compiler and Tools for C and C++ - Now for OS/2 Borland C++ for OS/2 is simply the best compiler and tools for quick creation of powerful C and C++ applications. Boost your productivity with the new graphical environment and visual tools. And invest in the future with full support for today's language standards. Now you can create applications beyond expectations! * Borland's Visual Tools makes it easy to create world class applications * OS/2 PM hosted application development gives productivity like never before * Find bugs fast with the new graphical Turbo Debugger GX * 32-bit code generation and optimizations mean fast applications * Designed for the future with ANSI C certification and AT&T C++ standards PM Hosted IDE Notebook Project Manager SpeedBar Color Syntax Highlighting Unlimited Undo\Redo Full Hypertext Help Compiler 100% ANSI C AT&T CFRONT 3.0 with Templates Full 32-Bit Code Generation Adanced Optimizations Support for Preemptive Multitasking Turbo Debugger GX PM Hosted Multi-thread Support Advanced Breakpoints Resource Workshop Draw Menus, Dialog, Bitmaps and More. Tools & Libraries 32-Bit Object Oriented Assembler OS/2 PM API Full Documentation System Requirements: For the IBM or Compaq family of personal computers and 100% compatible with an 80386 (or higher) CPU and 4MB of Memory (8Mb Recommended). Requires OS/2 2.0 (installation of OS/2 service packs such as Service Pack XR06055, is recommended). Hard disk is required. $149.95 Special 90 Day Promotion SRP $495.00 See Your Dealer Today or Call 1-800-331-0877 BORLAND POWER MADE EASY Press Release: BORLAND INTRODUCES BORLAND C++ FOR OS/2 Award-Winning Compiler Delivers Power of 32 Bit Computing SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif. --February 25, 1993 -- Borland International, Inc. (NASDAQ:BORL) today introduced Borland C++ for OS/2, an object-oriented development tool for developing 32-bit, OS/2 applications. Borland C++ is Borland's fourth generation compiler that provides professional users with a standard-setting compiler and tools for building quick and powerful C and C++ applications. "Borland rounds out its cross platform strategy by providing developers with our fourth generation, award-winning C++ compiler on the Presentation Manager environment, " said Paul Gross, director of product development for Borland International. "Borland C++ for OS/2 is a significant product that solidifies Borland's leadership in object-oriented programming and demonstrates Borland's commitment to bringing the best development tools to a wide range of environments and operating systems." "Borland C++ for OS/2 will enable developers to create next- generation software for enterprise-wide computing in the 90s," said John Soyring, director of software development programs for IBM's personal software products. "By combining a powerful operating system with Borland's standard-setting compiler, Borland and IBM are providing a winning solution for developers who require a professional, 32-bit development system." Borland C++ for OS/2 offers all of the tools necessary to develop OS/2 2.0 applications using C or C++. Borland C++ for OS/2 shares a common heritage with Borland C++ 3.1 by including a number of powerful features such as a graphical user interface (GUI) based integrated development environment (IDE), global optimization, support for C++ 3.0, object-oriented debugging, precompiled headers, the ability to transfer to user-defined programs and tools, and smart project management. Borland C++ for OS/2 Features & Benefits 32-bit Borland C++ - Borland C++ for OS/2 runs under OS/2 host systems and creates 32-bit applications for OS/2 2.0. This allows developers to create OS/2 executables, libraries, and DLLs, as well as text-mode programs and Presentation Manager applications. The Borland C++ compiler produces 32-bit object code, supports development of multithreaded applications and mixed-mode programming in OS/2 (16-bit calls from within 32-bit executables), and supports the OS/2 calling conventions. Integrated GUI Debugging --- With full-featured, integrated GUI debugging, developers can debug applications under Presentation Manager without leaving the development environment. This facility also permits developers to catch many of their bugs earlier, resulting in higher productivity. The same debugging features are also available directly in the IDE, with Borland's integrated GUI debugger. Presentation Manager Hosted Environment -- Borland C++'s productivity-enhancing, graphical IDE runs as a Presentation Manager application, enabling the developer to edit, debug, and then run the application all from within Presentation Manager. With a new Project Notebook organizer, and other features such as a SpeedBar, integrated debugging, and color syntax highlighting, developers can manage complex projects quickly and easily. C and C++ -- With Borland C++ , the world's standard compiler, developers can tap the full power of OS/2 while programming in C or C++. Borland C++ for OS/2 is compatible with AT&T C++ and ANSI C language standards, giving users the full benefits of using a compiler that meets the standard requirements of professional programmers. Global Optimization -- With this state-of-the-art Borland C++ feature, global optimization enables programmers to optimize their code to run faster by using a broad range of optimizations to maximize speed of execution, minimize program size or both. With global optimization there is no reason for the programmer to sacrifice speed of development for fast code. Resource Workshop for OS/2 -- Borland's resource editing tool enables developers to visually design and modify OS/2 resources, such as bitmaps, icons, dialogs, strings and menus. Background Compilation --- Since the IDE in Borland C++ for OS/2 takes advantage of the multithread capability of OS/2, and permits compilation of source files in the background, the developer is able to perform other activities such as editing without having to wait for the compilation to finish. GUI Source-Level Debugger -- With the Turbo Debugger GX, users have maximum flexibility to debug a wide range of applications in a convenient environment with a graphical, source-level solution for debugging applications running on OS/2 host systems. On-Line IPF and Documentation -- With on-line documentation, users conveniently get information and help for all components of Borland C++ for OS/2. Information is also available for the OS/2 and Presentation Manager API using IBM's Information Presentation Facility (IPF) format. Borland C++ for OS/2 also offers a command-line compiler and linker, import library tools, run time libraries, numerous Presentation Manager sample programs and an object-oriented 32- bit assembler. No separate Software Development Kit (SDK) is required. Borland C++ for OS/2 is built on IBM's advanced 32-bit operating system , OS/2 2.0. Currently OS/2 2.0 provides the broadest selection of applications in the industry, allowing users to tap the more than 30,000 DOS, Windows, and 32-bit OS/2 applications currently available. Hardware and Software Requirements Borland C++ for OS/2 is available for the IBM or Compaq family of 386-based or higher personal computers and 100% compatibles with 4Mb of memory (8Mb recommended). Requires OS/2 2.0 (installation of OS/2 service packs, such as Service Pack XR06055, is recommended). Hard disk is also required. Pricing and Availability As part of a special 90-day promotion, Borland C++ for OS/2 will be available for $149.95. The regular suggested retail price of Borland C++ for OS/2 is $495.00. All suggested retail prices are in U.S. dollars and apply only to the United States. Borland C++ for OS/2 is scheduled to be available through Borland and authorized Borland resellers after March 1, 1993. For millions of software end users worldwide, Borland International, Inc. is the leader in application development software. A pioneer in the use of object-oriented technology, Borland is committed to offering the world's best database management, programming languages, development tools, spreadsheets and applications software. Borland's products include dBASE, Paradox, InterBase, Quattro Pro, ObjectVision, Borland C++ and Borland Pascal with Objects. Founded in 1983 by Philippe Kahn, Borland is headquartered in Scotts Valley, California. BORLAND C++ for OS/2 Questions and Answers ________________________________ Here are some commonly asked questions about OS/2 with answers. Q. What new features does Borland C++ for OS/2 provide? A. Borland C++ for OS/2 includes all of the features necessary to create Presentation Manager and OS/2 applications. The major features are: 32-bit optimizing compiler --Borland C++ for OS/2 runs under OS/2 host systems and creates 32-bit applications for OS/2 2.0. The compiler produces 32-bit object code, supports development of multithreaded applications and mixed-mode programming in OS/2 (16-bit calls from within 32-bit executables), and supports the OS/2 calling conventions. Integrated and standalone graphical Turbo Debugger --Turbo Debugger GX offers users a graphical, source-level solution for debugging applications running on OS/2 host systems. Developers can debug single and multithread OS/2 and PM applications. The debugger offers programmers the maximum flexibility to debug a wide range of applications in a very convenient environment. Presentation Manager-hosted IDE --Borland C++ for OS/2 features Borland's productivity enhancing integrated development environment (IDE), which runs as a Presentation Manager application. The GUI development environment integrates features such as a SpeedBar, integrated debugging, pull-down menus, color syntax highlighting, multiple-edit windows, and setting notebooks that greatly increase productivity by making it easy to edit, compile and debug a program. Background Compilation -- The IDE takes advantage of the multithread capability of OS/2 and permits compilation of source files in the background, allowing the developer to perform other activities such as editing, without having to wait for the compilation to finish. Global Optimization -- The compiler in Borland C++ for OS/2 offers programmers state-of-the-art global optimizations to create fast and tight code for 386 and 486 processors. Resource Workshop for OS/2 --Makes it easy to design and modify OS/2 resources, such as bitmaps, icons, dialogs, strings and menus. Q. Is Borland C++ for OS/2 a complete set of tools for OS/2? A. Yes. Borland C++ for OS/2 provides a complete toolset for building OS/2 2.0 applications, including a compiler, debugger, assembler, resource editor and resource compiler. Developers will get everything they need to develop OS/2 2.0 applications in C or C++. Q. What version of C++ does Borland C++ for OS/2 support? A. Borland C++ for OS/2 supports the C++ language implemented in AT&T's cfront 3.0. This includes nested classes and templates. Q. Does that mean Borland C++ for OS/2 is a port of AT&T's cfront? A. No. The compiler in Borland C++ for OS/2 is a native-code compiler built for OS/2. AT&T's cfront is a translator that converts C++ code to C, and requires a C compiler for further processing. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 include Turbo Debugger? A. Yes. Borland C++ for OS/2 includes both an integrated debugger in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), as well as a standalone Turbo Debugger. This is a graphical debugger that provides ease of use and offers high productivity, and includes support for debugging multithreaded applications. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 come with class libraries? A. Yes. Borland C++ for OS/2 comes with both ordinary and template-based sets of container class libraries. The product also comes with the class libraries specified in the AT&T C++ 2.1 specification for streams and complex numbers. Q. Will Borland C++ for OS/2 include ObjectWindows? A. Borland is committed to the 32-bit future. As part of Borland C++ for Win32, we are creating a 32-bit version of ObjectWindows. ObjectWindows for OS/2 will follow the OWL/32 release. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 support exceptions? A. Borland C++ for OS/2 does not support exceptions. It does, however, offer the ability to watch OS/2 operating system exception messages. Turbo Debugger GX also allows developers to set breakpoints on operating system exceptions. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 support OS/2 1.x? A. No. Borland C++ for OS/2 targets OS/2 2.0. Q. Does Borland plan to support upcoming versions of OS/2? Will there be other versions of Borland C++ for OS/2? A. Yes. Borland is committed to OS/2. Q. Will code developed for OS/2 1.x be compatible with Borland C++ for OS/2? A. Borland C++ for OS/2 can call 16-bit DLLs. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 support Borland Custom Controls? A. No. This release of the product does not support Borland Custom Controls. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 include a profiler? A. No. This release of the product does not include a profiler. Q. Can Windows resources be easily ported to OS/2? A. There are third party tools, such as ResourceShield from Stirling, that make this easier. Q. Does the compiler have a built-in assembler? A. The compiler in Borland C++ for OS/2 does not have a built-in assembler. However, the product does come with a complete 32-bit Turbo Assembler that will handle the needs of developers who insert inline assembler instructions in their C or C++ code. Q. Is there an OS/2 version of Turbo Vision available? A. No. There is no OS/2 version of Turbo Vision available. Q. Why did Borland decide to do a C++ compiler for OS/2? Isn't support for OS/2 a new direction for Borland? A. Our position has always been a commitment to DOS, Windows and OS/2. Borland actually shipped the first bundled Presentation Manager application, Sidekick for PM, and has years of experience in OS/2 development. In addition, our customers have told us they want our languages and tools on OS/2, and we already have ObjectVision and the Brief editor available for OS/2. Q. Will I be able to create and compile help information for my programs? A. Yes, users of Borland C++ for OS/2 will be abe to create programs with help. Borland is committed to providing developers everything they need to create OS/2 applications. Q. What is a global optimizer? A. An optimizer takes code produced by a compiler and makes it run faster, or take up less space. Some optimizers are called 'Local' because their effect is limited to a single block of code. 'Global' optimizations affect entire modules, resulting in better overall performance. Q. What is object-oriented assembler? A. The addition of object-oriented data structures gives Turbo Assembler the ability to use objects in programs while retaining the speed and flexibility of assembler. Q. Why did Borland add OOP extensions to Turbo Assembler? A. Assembly-language programmers have always sought ways to make their work easier with extensions such as macros and directives. Object-oriented features allow data structures to be encapsulated and inherited. This removes dependencies that hinder maintenance, saves work, and in general makes assembly-language programming more effective. Q. Is the Runtime Library Source Code Available? A. Yes. The Runtime Libary Source Code is available from Borland for $49.95 Q. What types of applications does Borland C++ for OS/2 allow you to write? A. Developers using Borland C++ for OS/2 can target Presentation Manager and OS/2 executables, OS/2 DLLs and libraries, as well as text-mode applications. Q. Can I use Borland C++ from IBM's Workframe/2? A. Yes. Borland C++ for OS/2 comes with a complete set of command line tools, as well as the requisite DLLs and language profile to be able to work with the Workframe. Q. Does Borland C++ for OS/2 target DOS or Windows? A. No. Borland C++ for OS/2 targets OS/2 2.0 only. Q. Are command-line tools included in Borland C++ for OS/2? A. Yes. A complete set of command-line tools are included with the package. Q. What is the price for Borland C++ for OS/2? A. For a limited time, Borland C++ for OS/2 will be available to all customers for a suggested retail price of $149.95. This offer will elapse after 90 days. Thereafter, the price will be $495 Q. What is the upgrade pricing for current Borland C++ users? A. Current users of Borland C++ may upgrade to Borland C++ for OS/2 for $149.95. Q. When will Borland C++ for OS/2 ship? A. Borland C++ for OS/2 will ship in March 1993. The product will be available through Borland and major Borland resellers.