═══ 1. Info: ═══ Son of Shell "Clean up the clutter" Thank you for your purchase! SOS will " clean up the clutter" and make you more productive. ═══ 1.1. About: ═══ Son of Shell - Assistant was designed to assist you in cleaning up the messy desk and clutter that can be inconvient or confusing. For example do you have multiple ICONs for the use of multiple editors or your favorate application? Wouldn't it be easier and quicker to have a way to start as many copies of the program from a single button without multiple folders or ICONs. Lost, deleted or misplaced any ICONs on your desktop? Ever installed a DOS program that provided none? SOS provides the tool to create or replace that missing ICON on your desktop. SOS will let you consolidate your favorite applications on a menu with the ability to start as many as you need from one place. Tired of opening OS/2 or DOS command prompts and changing drives and directories before you can get to work? SOS will open that window or full screen session in the directory you want to be in! ═══ 1.2. To reach us: ═══ Client Server Networking Inc P.O. Box 370111 West Hartford Ct 06137-0111 (203) 233-2951 8:30Am to 5:00 Pm Eastern time Ask about an Enterprise licence ! ═══ 1.3. To reach our distributer: ═══ Clear and Simple Inc P.O. Box 130 West Simsbury Ct 06092 (203) 658-1204 8:30Am to 5:00 Pm Eastern time ═══ 1.4. Beta Software License: ═══ SON OF SHELL and MAXI MENU BETA LICENSE (C)Copyright 1993 by Client Server Networking Distributor by Clear and Simple Inc 1) You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of SOS and Maxi Menu documentation and executable code. 2) You may not modify, add or delete any material. 3) The use of SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA programs will terminate on September 1,1993. At that time the programs will become inoperative. NO WARRANTY THE SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, WE PROVIDE ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTIC- ULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA, AND THE ACCURACY OF ITS ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION, IS WITH YOU. SHOULD SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA OR ITS ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT WILL CLIENT SERVER NETWORKING INC OR CLEAR AND SIMPLE INC BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR THE BEHAVIOR OF SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA. IN NO EVENT WILL CLIENT SERVER NETWORKING OR CLEAR AND SIMPLE INC AND/OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND REDISTRIBUTE SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST MONIES, OR OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILI- TY TO USE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS) SON OF SHELL AND MAXI MENU BETA, EVEN IF CLIENT SERVER NETWORKING INC OR CLEAR AND SIMPLE INC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. THE DISTRIBUTED PROGRAMS WILL RENDER THEMSELVES INOPERATIVE ON SEPTEMBER 1 .1993. CLIENT SERVER NETWORKING INC AND CLEAR AND SIMPLE INC ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ANY LOSS INCURRED BY THE TERMINATION OF USE. CONTACT CLIENT SERVER NETWORKING AT: CLIENT SERVER NETWORKING P.O.BOX 370111 West Hartford CT (203) 233-2951 CLEAR AND SIMPLE INC P.O. BOX 130 WEST SIMSBURY CT 06092 ═══ 2. Functions: ═══ This section of the manual will explain the usage of all of the Son of Shell functions. ═══ 2.1. Starting a Window: ═══ By selecting OS/2 or DOS you may start a windowed session in the drive of your choice. ═══ 2.2. Starting a Full Screen: ═══ By selecting OS/2 or DOS you may start a full screen session in the drive of your choice. Note: You will need to use the Window List (Alt-Esc) to access the session. Look for CMD.EXE for OS/2 and COMMAND.COM for DOS. ═══ 2.3. Run a OS/2 or DOS program: ═══ Running any OS/2, DOS, or DOS Window program in a OS/2 window is as simple as selecting the directory and program to RUN and clicking OK! Note: You may select DOS OS/2 or DOS Windows programs to run. Some programs like DOS Windows program may need some encouragement. Use the Window List (Alt-Esc) to activate the session by selecting WINOS2.COM. ═══ 2.4. Using the Utilities: ═══ SOS-Assistant provides a few simple but handy utility functions that are frequently needed. Edit SOS provides access to the default editor for OS2. ( E.EXE ) You may define any editor of your choice. Create ICON SOS will create and place an ICON for any program or file on your desktop. ═══ 2.4.1. Edit: ═══ Editing a file is as easy as selecting the directory and file to edit and clicking OK! ═══ Changing the editor: ═══ SOS will allow you to select the editor of your choice. We provide the basic OS2 editor. (E.EXE) To change editors simply select Options from the menu bar and the first entry Select Editor. You will be provided with a file selection menu to pick your editor. For example, to make the Enhanced Editor the default locate it via the file menu as in this example and click on OK! Note: The editor is expected to accept the file to edit as a parameter on the command line. ═══ 2.4.2. Create ICON: ═══ Creating a program Icon on your desk top is as easy as selecting the directory and program to create a desk ICON and clicking OK! ═══ Changing the new ICON: ═══ The newly created program ICON may be a generic one. Only programs that have an ICON with same name ( .ico ) such as a DOS Windows program or OS\2 programs that have one defined as part of their extented attributes will have a meaningful one. To change the displayed name or Icon move your mouse to the new Icon and click the right button. Select Open from the menu and Settings from the submenu. You will find on the General tab changes for the ICON and name. If you wish you may even edit or change the Icon to one of your preference. ═══ 2.5. Using the Mini Menu: ═══ The Mini Menu of Son of Shell is designed to allow you to place six of your favorite programs in easy reach via a menu. We have provided a selection of OS/2 Applets to fill the menu. We encourage you to change them to accomidate your favorite applications. ═══ 2.5.1. Customizing the Mini Menu: ═══ To change the setting of a Mini Menu entry select Options from the menu bar and Set menu A,B,C,D,E or F from the submenu. You will be provided a panel to change the entry. Changes can be made in two ways: o Use the search button to locate the program o Reenter all the required information Selecting the Search will open a file selection menu. In this example we have chosen the Ehanced Editor supplied by OS/2. Entering the information directly will require that you know the application before you begin. If the program is already available via an ICON move your mouse to the ICON and click the right button. Select Open from the menu and Settings from the submenu. The required information about the program is now available to you. Some program require parameters to start correctly. In this example the IBM LAN Requester 3.0 program has been chosen by using the search feature. The additional parameters of start requester are added as program parameters.