OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: xitbmp1.zip Program Description: 20x20 pels bitmaps for use Xit 2.0 (1024x768 resolutions or higher) Operating System: OS/2 2.x, Warp 3.0 Program Source: public domain images converted to OS/2 1.2 bitmap format Your name: William Smith Your email address: bill@mitrlevm.mit.edu Proposed directory for placement: multimedia/bmp This zip archive comprises ten bitmaps that one can use as substitutes for the "User Command" number bitmaps included with Xit 2.0, a workplace shell enhancement that adds iconized functions to OS/2 window titlebars. The bitmaps are transparent to a gray background with the same color values as the default OS/2 window elements. Free...and edit the images as you prefer.