=== DISCLAIMER === I allow you to use and distribute WPTOOLS.DLL freely under the condition that I am in no way responsible for any damage or loss you may suffer. Henk Kelder hkelder@capgemini.nl http://www.os2ss.com/information/kelder/ What is WPTOOLS.DLL: WPTOOLS.DLL is a Dynamic Link Library that contains code to query the settings for workplace shell objects. This DLL is used by WPSBKP.EXE but can also be used from within a REXX program. The following REXX functions are available: Function: WPToolsLoadFuncs Purpose : Make the functions in WPTOOLS.DLL available to REXX. Usage: /* First declare WPToolsLoadFuncs itself to REXX */ call RxFuncAdd 'WPToolsLoadFuncs', 'WPTOOLS', 'WPToolsLoadFuncs' /* Call WPToolsLoadFuncs itself. */ call WPToolsLoadFuncs Function: WPToolsQueryObject Purpose : Query objects Usage : rc=WPToolsQueryObject(object, [Class], [Title], [Setup], [Location]) Where: object = A fully qualified path name to a file or directory, or An OBJECTID string (e.g. ), or A string starting with a '#' and being followed by a hexadecimal object handle (See WPToolsFolderContent) Class = The name of a REXX variable, enclosed in quotes, that will be created by WPTOOLS and will contain the class name of the object. This argument is optional. Title = The name of a REXX variable, enclosed in quotes, that will be created by WPTOOLS and will contain the title of the object. This argument is optional. Setup = The name of a REXX variable, enclosed in quotes, that will be created by WPTOOLS and will contain the setup string of the object. This argument is optional. Location = The name of a REXX variable, enclosed in quotes, that will be created by WPTOOLS and will contain the location of the object. This argument is optional. Returns: 1 on success and 0 when a error occurred. Please note that only the object argument is mandatory. All other arguments only need to be present when the result is needed. Should you not need one argument, but need a argument that is after the not needed one, make sure you enter all comma's. (e.g.: rc = WPToolsQueryObject(object,,,"SetupString") See Appendix I and II for information about objects and the setup values this call returns. Example: /* REXX must start with a comment line */ call RxFuncAdd 'WPToolsLoadFuncs', 'WPTOOLS', 'WPToolsLoadFuncs' call WPToolsLoadFuncs iRetco = WPToolsQueryObject("", "szClass", "szTitle", "szSetupString", "szLocation") if Iretco Then do say 'Class name :' szclass say 'Title :' sztitle say 'Location :' szlocation say 'Setupstring:' szsetupstring end else say 'Unable to return object settings for ' End of Example Function: WPToolsFolderContent Purpose : Query abstract (non-disk) objects in a specific folder Usage : rc=WPToolsFolderContent(folder, stem [,'F']) Where : folder = A fully qualified path name to a directory, or an OBJECTID string for a folder (e.g. stem = The name of a REXX stem variable that, on successful return, will contain all abstract objects present in a specific folder. Each returned entry will either be an OBJECTID (when an OBJECTID has been set for the returned object) or a string starting with a '#' and followed by the hexadecimal object handle. 'F' = If specified, WPToolsFolderContent will return all filesystem objects as well. Returns: 1 on success and 0 when a error occurred. Example: /* REXX must start with a comment line */ call RxFuncAdd 'WPToolsLoadFuncs', 'WPTOOLS', 'WPToolsLoadFuncs' call WPToolsLoadFuncs iRetco = WPToolsFolderContent("", "list.") if iRetco = 0 Then Do exit End say 'Abstract objects on :' do iObject = 1 to list.0 Iretco=WPToolsQueryObject(list.Iobject, "szclass", "sztitle", "szsetupstring", "szlocation") if Iretco Then do say '"'szClass'", "'szTitle'", "'szSetupString'", "'szLocation'"' end end End of Example Function: WPToolsSetObjectData Purpose : Change the settings of an existing object Usage : rc=WPToolsSetObjectData(object, setup) Where : object = A fully qualified path name to a file or directory, or An OBJECTID string (e.g. ), or A string starting with a '#' and being followed by a hexadecimal object handle (See WPToolsFolderContent) setup = A WinCreateObject setup string Returns: 1 on success and 0 when a error occurred. NOTE: This function is equal to SysSetObjectData with one difference that beside a file name or OBJECTID also a '#' followed by an hexadecimal object handle can be specified. This makes it posible that the outcome if WPToolsFolderContant can be used. Function: WPToolsVersion Purpose : Query version of WPTOOLS.DLL Usage : version=WPToolsVersion() Example: /* REXX must start with a comment line */ call RxFuncAdd 'WPToolsLoadFuncs', 'WPTOOLS', 'WPToolsLoadFuncs' call WPToolsLoadFuncs Version = WPToolsVersion() say 'WPTOOLS.DLL is of version' version End of Example APPENDIX I - The workplace shell class tree WPObject Base object class ÃÄÄ WPAbstract Base abstract object class ³ ÃÄÄ WPClock ³ ÃÄÄ WPCountry ³ ÃÄÄ WPDisk ³ ÃÄÄ WPLaunchPad ³ ÃÄÄ WPKeyboard ³ ÃÄÄ WPMouse ³ ÃÄÄ WPPalette ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPColorPalette ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPFontPalette ³ ³ ÀÄÄ WPSchemePalette ³ ÃÄÄ WPPower ³ ÃÄÄ WPPrinter ³ ÃÄÄ WPProgram ³ ÃÄÄ WPShadow ³ ³ ÀÄÄ WPNetLink ³ ÃÄÄ WPShredder ³ ÃÄÄ WPSound ³ ÃÄÄ WPSpecialNeeds ³ ÃÄÄ WPSpool ³ ÀÄÄ WPSystem ÃÄÄ WPFileSystem ³ ÃÄÄ WPDataFile ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPBitmap ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPIcon ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPMet ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPPif ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPPointer ³ ³ ÀÄÄ WPProgramFile ³ ³ ÀÄÄ WPCommandFile ³ ÃÄÄ WPFolder ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPDesktop ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPDrives ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPMinWinViewer ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPNetgrp ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPNetwork ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPRootFolder ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPServer ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPSharedDir ³ ³ ÃÄÄ WPStartup ³ ³ ÀÄÄ WPTemplates ³ ÀÄÄ WPWinConfig ÀÄÄ WPTransient ÃÄÄ WPJob ÃÄÄ WPPort ÃÄÄ WPPdr ÀÄÄ WPQdr APPENDIX II WPToolsQueryObject has code to support (almost) all object classes for which object setup strings are defined, being: Class Setup strings returned ----- ---------------------- WPObject CCVIEW, DEFAULTVIEW, HELPPANEL, HIDEBUTTON, MINWIN, NOCOPY, NODELETE, NODRAG, NODROP, NOLINK, NOMOVE, NOPRINT, NORENAME, NOSETTINGS, NOSHADOW, NOTVISIBLE, OBJECTID, TITLE WPAbstract TEMPLATE WPProgram ASSOCFILTER, ASSOCTYPE, EXENAME, MAXIMIZED, MINIMIZED, NOAUTOCLOSE, PARAMETERS, PROGTYPE, SET, STARTUPDIR WPShadow SHADOWID WPRPrinter NETID (1) WPPrint APPDEFAULT, JOBDIALOGBEFOREPRINT, OUTPUTTOFILE, PORTNAME, PRINTDRIVER, PRINTERSPECIFICFORMAT, PRINTWHILESPOOLING, QSTARTTIME, QSTOPTIME, QUEUENAME, QUEUEDRIVER, SEPARATORFILE WPServer NETID (2) WPNetgrp NETID (2) WPDisk DRIVENUM WPFontPalette FONTS, XCELLCOUNT, YCELLCOUNT, XCELLWIDTH, XCELLHEIGHT, XCELLGAP, YCELLGAP WPColorPalette COLORS, XCELLCOUNT, YCELLCOUNT, XCELLWIDTH, XCELLHEIGHT, XCELLGAP, YCELLGAP WPFileSystem MENU (3) WPProgramFile ASSOCFILTER, ASSOCTYPE, EXENAME, MAXIMIZED, MINIMIZED, NOAUTOCLOSE, PARAMETERS, PROGTYPE, SET, STARTUPDIR WPFolder ALWAYSSORT, BACKGROUND, DETAILSCLASS, DETAILSFONTS, ICONFONT, TREEFONT, ICONNFILE, ICONVIEW, SORTCLASS, TREEVIEW, DETAILSVIEW, WORKAREA, WPLaunchPad All documented setup strings. (1) Along with all settings for WPPrint. (2) These settings cannot be used to recreate the object. (3) MENU doesn't work when applying. For each object, WPToolsQueryObject returns setup string values not only for the object itself (when supported) but also for all parent classes. When, for example, one uses WPToolsQueryObject against the Desktop (class WPDesktop) setup strings will be returned from the classes WPFolder, WPFileSystem and WPObject. I did not build any support for WPSchemePalette because the setup string for this class do not support settings the colors on an individual basis but instead one should specify a color scheme name that is already present in the INI files. HISTORY: Version 1.00 - Initial release Version 1.01 - Added support for the Launchpad. Added a new REXX API call: WPToolsVersion Version 1.02/1.19 - Not released Version 1.20 - Increased several internal buffers to accommodate OS/2 Warp Version 4 (Merlin) GAMMA. Version 1.21 - Changed the return code from WPToolsFolderContent for '0' to '1' when a folder does not contain any abstract objects. Version 1.32 - Enlarged an internal buffer to overcome a buffer too small error for tag 12. Version 1.33 - Added WPToolsSetObjectData as new REXX API call. Modified WPToolsFolderContent so it will, optionally, return all filesystem objects as well. Version 1.34 - Corrected WPHost to return a proper password. Version 1.35 - Added logic for the WarpCenter. Version 1.37 - Corrected one of the internal functions for a possible problem. Version 2.00 - Corrected a problem because internal objecthandles with their HIWORD being 0x0004 were not recoqnized as file system objects. Version 2.01 - Corrected a problem in an internal routine for retrieving data from the ini's. These routine failed if the key didn't contain any data. Version 2.11 - Changed to compiler to VAC 3.0. Version 2.12 - Did some internal changes.