CHECKINI.TXT - Page 1 Table of Contents ----------------- 1. DISCLAIMER............................................................2 2. IMPORTANT - READ THIS FIRST !.........................................2 3. DESCRIPTION...........................................................3 3.1 GENERAL..............................................................3 3.2 PM_WORKPLACE:HANDLES.................................................3 3.3 SOME SPECIFIC PROBLEMS...............................................4 3.4 ORPHAN OBJECTS.......................................................4 4. USING CHECKINI........................................................4 5. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS.................................................5 6. EXAMPLES OF OUTPUT:...................................................6 7. WHAT THE PROGRAM CHECKS...............................................7 8. REVISION HISTORY......................................................8 CHECKINI.TXT - Page 2 1. DISCLAIMER I allow you to use and distribute CHECKINI freely under the condition that I am in no way responsible for any damage or loss you may suffer. Henk Kelder Dennenlaan 12 3843 BX Harderwijk email: 2. IMPORTANT - READ THIS FIRST ! You should take care when using this program on new version of OS/2 since this program interprets data from the ini-files. The internal structure of this data can change, and the program might fail or even corrupt information. This has happened before with previous releases of OS/2. CHECKINI checks for, and optionally corrects, problems in OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI. CHECKINI only looks at information regarding the workplace shell. To make full use of CHECKINI, read this document for information about what CHECKINI does. CHECKINI.TXT - Page 3 3. DESCRIPTION 3.1 GENERAL The main reason for CHECKINI is the growth that the both INI files tend to have if one uses the Workplace shell heavily. Using CHECKINI in conjunction with COPYINI helps to reduce the INI files' sizes, which in turn should increase the workplace shell's performance. Also, CHECKINI helps to determine some possible causes for workplace shell failures, like losing workplace shell objects, or situations in which a program object loses the proper executable name or current directory. Obviously, the real cause for these problems must be in the workplace shell itself; CHECKINI however could help you to determine the degree of damage that has been done. 3.2 PM_WORKPLACE:HANDLES A special note is in order about a specific piece of information in the INI-files called 'PM_Workplace:HandlesX'. The workplace shell uses some obscure entity called object-handles to refer to objects. Object handles are in fact numbers. A object-handle can refer to an abstract object (a object NOT on your harddisk e.g. the colour palette) and file-system objects (files & directories). Just to let you know: Abstract objects reside in the ini-files. (Although then can appear anywhere on your computer, they are stored inside OS2.INI) File-system objects reside on your harddisk. (since these are files and directories) Whenever you add a program object to your desktop and specify a program file, the workplace shell determines if a handle was already assigned to the program file and if so, it uses this handle. If no handle was assigned, the shell creates a handle and assigns it to the program file. In the definition of the program object (itself an abstract object) the handle for the program file is stored. When you start the program by clicking on the object, the wps must have a way to refer the stored handle back to the program file. This is done by using the PM_Workplace:HandlesX' information. Unfortunately, handles are added to this information, but they are not removed when a (program) file is removed from your harddisk. In theory, the total amount of handle-to-file information could grow too big and then without any warning you would lose information. The workplace shell would then show nonsense or nothing at all in some of your program objects. CHECKINI allows you to remove handles for files or directories that are no longer present or inaccessible. Already some time now the workplace shell keeps multiple versions of 'PM_Workplace:Handles' in the ini-files. Apparently this is intended as an error-recovery mechanism. However, I've been unable to determine whether the backup mechanism itself is implemented. CHECKINI.TXT - Page 4 3.3 SOME SPECIFIC PROBLEMS The data a PM_Workplace:Handles can be damaged. Most often the damage is done by the WPS itself. Two types of damage is detected by CHECKINI: * A damaged drive name. If CHECKINI detects this problem it will fix this as one of the first things. * Duplicate entries for the same drive. If this is detected it is fixed as one of the last things CHECKINI does. 3.4 ORPHAN OBJECTS An widespread way to remove not deletable objects is to move them to a directory, and then, in an OS/2 or DOS session, remove the directory. The Workplace shell then no longer shows the objects. They are in fact NOT removed but they simply have no parent directory in which they will show. Also, sometimes it is possible that suddenly several objects are lost. A reason for this could be the unintentional removal of a desktop directory. CHECKINI detects these 'orphan objects' and queries the user (when /C is specified) on moving these objects to new location. The moved objects will appear after the workplace shell has been restarted. If this question is answered with NO, another question is asked whether the objects should be removed from the ini-files. WARNING If you are normally connected to a network and run CHECKINI when you are NOT connected to this network, or when you are not logged in, CHECKINI will report errors for references to network objects. In this situation and with the /C switch given, take care when confirming deletions since this could remove valid handles. You can overcome this problem by specifying /R when running CHECKINI. However, when all tests are executed, CHECKINI will keep track of which handles are actually used by other objects and those handles will not be deleted even if they point to non-existing pathnames. 4. USING CHECKINI From an OS/2 command prompt enter the command CHECKINI. Without any command line options CHECKINI doesn't change anything in your ini-files. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS /C - Write corrections to ini-files. The default is to diagnose only. If this option is specified the program will ask confirmations for all changes it may want to do in your ini- files. /Apath - Specify different a location for ini-files to be checked. This option is useful if you have copies of your ini files and you would like these copies to be checked. Clearly only internal integrity will be checked and no path references or other system specific things. CHECKINI.TXT - Page 5 /Llogfilename- Specify name of the logfile. The default is CHECKINI.LOG in the directory you start the program in. /W[:n] - Write all output to logfile. Normally only problems are written to the logfile. This option could help you to inspect a lot about your workplace shell objects (actually workplace shell objects instances). /W:2 write everything to the Log, but only errors to the screen. /W:3 (almost) doesn't write anything to the screen. The latter is only useful with /S. /S - 'Silent run', only write logfile. Normally, found errors are reported directly. /R - Do not report errors on files on network drives or removable local drives like diskettes or CD-roms. /D - Manually specify the location of the DESKTOP. Use this option only if CHECKINI asks for it! /Y[:2]- Automatically answer all questions whether or not to correct anything with YES. This option is only valid when /C is specified. If /Y:2 is specified then no confirmation is asked for the individual tests. When this switch is used the /R switch is automatically set. /T Use this switch to enable the disk scan function of CHECKINI. This will amongst other things repair non-functioning Startup folders. NOTE: THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BE USED IF YOU HAVE MORE THEN ONE VERSION OF OS/2 INSTALLED ON YOUR SYSTEM. /H - Only do the check on PM_Workplace:Handles0/1. Please note that this could cause UNKNOWN OBJECT errors in other tests when CHECKINI is run again. This is because handles that CHECKINI deletes might be in use in other keys. /? - Show info. 5. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS While running, CHECKINI displays all found information on the screen. Whenever a problem is found and the /S switch is not used, the program reports the problem. The problem itself is visible in the bottom lines of the screen. Problems are always reported in CAPITALS. 6. EXAMPLES of OUTPUT: ================================================= PM_Workplace:Handles0:BLOCK1 ================================================= 3E2DA:CHECKINI.EXE =>E:\ICON\CHECKINI.EXE<-UNABLE TO ACCESS 395F8:COPYINI.EXE =>E:\ICON\COPYINI.EXE<-UNABLE TO ACCESS 39400:GETPROG.EXE =>E:\ICON\GETPROG.EXE<-UNABLE TO ACCESS ================================================= CHECKINI.TXT - Page 6 PM_Abstract:Objects & PM_Abstract:FldrContents ================================================= Object 13087, Class WPNetLink : A network folder Linked to: \\SERVER09\SYS3\DIRECTORY1<-UNABLE TO ACCESS! Object 140AD, Class WPNetLink : SYS3 Linked to: \\SERVER09\SYS3<-UNABLE TO ACCESS! Object 15185, Class WPNetLink : SYS1 Linked to: \\SERVER09\SYS1<-UNABLE TO ACCESS! Object 15956, Class WPNetLink : A network folder Linked to: \\SERVER09\SYS3\DIRECTORY1<-UNABLE TO ACCESS! ================================================= Checking AssocCheckSum ================================================= PMWP_ASSOC_CHECKSUM:252153 points to 3D8F9 - E:\ICON\GETBLOCK.EXE<-UNABLE TO ACCESS ================================================= Checking FolderPos ================================================= PM_Workplace:FolderPos:252223@10 points to 3D93F - OBJECT DOES NOT EXIST CHECKINI.TXT - Page 7 7. WHAT THE PROGRAM CHECKS The following ini-records (Application - Key) are checked: PM_Workplace:Handles - (all keys) (Checks consistency and existence of filesystem object-handles) PM_Workplace:Location - (all keys) (Checks existence of object pointed to by id-strings like ) PM_Workplace:Folderpos - (all keys) (Checks for obsolete saved object positions) PM_PrintObject:JobCnrPos - (all keys) (Checks for obsolete saved print job container positions) PM_Workplace:PalettePos - (all keys) (Checks for obsolete saved palette positions) PM_Workplace:Templates - (all keys) (Checks for template-records that refer to non-existing objects) PM_Abstract:Objects - (all keys) (Mainly checks WPProgram objects for consistency, but also checks for 'lost-objects' - objects moved to non-existing locations. Also checks WPNetLink and WPShadow links. Beside that lost WarpCenter objects are also found) PM_Abstract:FldrContent - (all keys) (Used for the check mentioned above for 'lost-objects') PM_Abstract:Icons - (all keys) (Checks for obsolete icons, icons for abstract objects that do not exist) PMWP_ASSOC_FILTER - (all keys) (Checks for associations with non-existing objects) PMWP_ASSOC_TYPE - (all keys) (Checks for associations with non-existing objects) PMWP_ASSOC_CHECKSUM - (all keys) (Checks for obsolete checksum record that point to non-existing objects) PM_Workplace:Location - (all keys) (Checks consistency of logical location names e.g. ) PM_Workplace:Startup - (all keys) (Checks if the referenced folders are in fact startup folders) FolderWorkareaRunningObjects - (all keys) (Checks for a list of open objects for a work area) CHECKINI.TXT - Page 8 8. REVISION HISTORY Notes on version 1.1: Some checks were added: * PM_Workplace:PalettePos * PM_Workplace:Startup * Some other checks were extended. Notes on version 1.2: * The check for PM_Workplace:Handles was moved so that it would be the last test done. * The phrase 'DOES NOT EXIST' for file objects (files & directories) has been changed to 'UNABLE TO ACCESS' since this is a better description of what CHECKINI finds. Notes on version 1.3: * The only extra in this version is that it support OS/2 2.00.1 (beta version), since in this version the internal structure of various workplace shell object data has changed. Notes on version 1.4: * Not all of the data checkini apparently needs to exist. If some data checkini checks does not exist, the test is skipped. Notes on version 1.5: * Checkini now works properly after installing the servicepack dated october 1992. Notes on version 1.6: * Two additional tests were added. These test are for: 'FolderWorkareaRunningObjects' and 'PM_PrintObject:JobCnrPos' * When a conflict in OBJECTID's is detected (two or more objects having the same OBJECTID, CHECKINI /c can assign a new OBJECTID to the objects that claim to have an OBJECTID that is already in use by another object. * Updated the documentation files (this file) * A simple test has been built in to see if OBJECTID's can be found in the ini-files, to determine if the internal data structure of the ini-files might have been changed, causing CHECKINI to fail completely. This is however no guarantee that CHECKINI will function properly on new versions of OS/2. Notes on version 1.7: * The 'simple test' mentioned above might block someone using CheckIni if the ini-file itself is corrupt. Now the test is only performed when /C (correct) switch is specified. Notes on version 1.8: CHECKINI.TXT - Page 9 * When checking 'PM_Workplace:Handles' a test has been put in that checks the accessibility on a volume in one stroke. If the user okay's the removal of all references to a non-locatable volume, all handles on that volume are removed without further checking. Notes on version 1.81: * Apparently CheckIni went bananas whenever an alternate ini directory was specified and no ini's were found. This has been corrected. * Some minor enhancements were made to the text that is being shown on the screen. These changes mainly have to do with signalling problems with OBJECTID's. * CheckIni refused to Change/Correct anything if the Desktop's Extended attributes have been damaged. CheckIni now offers a try-to-repair option. This option comes down to CheckIni reassigning objectid to the desktop when CheckIni is unable to locate this ObjectId inside the Desktop Extended Attributes. If this corrective action has been taken CheckIni terminates and one should wait a few moments so the WPS has time to update the physical extended attribute on disk. Notes on version 1.90: * This version now supports all known versions of OS/2 2.0 and OS/2 2.1 Beta versions up until release level 6.498 (March '93) Notes on version 1.91: * The try-to-repair option will now also be called when the desktop folder doesn't contain the .CLASSINFO extended attribute at all. * When /C was specified, and lost objects were found and the user choose 'discard object', the OBJECTID was still checked and when an error was found the program asked if a new OBJECTID should be assigned. This has been corrected. Notes on version 1.92: * Several small (non-functional) errors were corrected. * Verified that CHECKINI works with OS/2 2.1 GA (rev. 6.514) Notes on version 1.93: * Corrected a problem were CheckIni reported a problem with 'Not enough memory' in GetAllProfileNames. * When a directory containing objects is missing, CHECKINI now first tries to recreate this directory before trying to move the objects. (Only on local drives) Notes on version 1.94: * Due to a bug in the Workplace shell, whenever Checkini (re)assigned an OBJECTID to a Scheme Palette, all schemes went to 'New Scheme'. * The same problem could occur on OS/2 2.1 installations that were installed on top of OS/2 2.0. The problem would even occur even when the /C option was not specified. These problems have been corrected. Notes on version 1.95: CHECKINI.TXT - Page10 * When the workplace shell had more then 64 Kb of object-handle-to-file data (PM_Workplace:HandlesX) CHECKINI would mess up. Now CHECKINI can handle multiple BLOCK records and will only write as much of these records as needed back to OS2SYS.INI (and discard any others). * Objects of class WPTransient were not recognised and therefore whenever an OBJECTID of such an object existed CHECKINI would give an error message. This has been corrected. Notes on version 1.96: * Checkini would abort when very long file names had to be presented on the screen. This has been corrected. Notes on version 1.97: * This version works with OS/2 3.0 (Warp version) * Some minor bugs where corrected. Notes on version 1.98: * In version 1.95 I added logic to handle more then 64 Kb of object- handle-to-file data. I implicitly assumed then that I would always read the multiple BLOCK records in the proper order. As it turns out, this assumption is not always correct. I've changed it so I will always read the proper order. Notes on version 1.99: * I've found that some OBJECTID's can be *extremely* long. I've increased the internal buffer from 50 to 150 chars. Notes on version 1.991 * Corrected some problems with corrupted object data which caused checkini to trap. * Implemented the /R switch that makes Checkini to ignore errors on non- locatable drives. * Added tests for object classes, PM_Workplace:StatusPos, and PM_PrintObjects. Also, checkini now tests all abstract objects for existing classes and checks whether startup folders are present in PM_Workplace:Startup. * CHECKINI now offers to remove objects that contain errors (/C option only). Notes on version 2.000 * For a long time I did not release new versions. This had to do with a burglary at my house where, amongst other things, I lost my PC and thus my fidonet connection. * Changed the way object classes are checked. Before trying to load a Dynamic link library containing a specific class I first check if the dll has already been loaded. Also, some specific classes are not checked since they always gave trouble. * Increased several internal buffers to accommodate the changes in Warp 3.0, FP 17 and above and the current gamma version of Merlin. I did not make any specific functional changes for Merlin. CHECKINI.TXT - Page11 * Changed the way the /R parameter works. Now /R means: Only check for files on local, non-removable disks. This implies that local diskette or CD-ROM drives are not checked when this option is specified. Notes on version 2.10 * Added an option /D to manually specify the location of the DESKTOP directory should CHECKINI be unable to determine the location of the DESKTOP. Notes on version 2.20: * Added the long-asked-for option /Y to answer 'YES' to all questions about corrections. Notes on version 2.21: * Added some logic for a specific error situation at PM_Workplace:Location where an textual OBJECID pointed to a completely wrong numeric object handle. * I noticed while correcting this bug that the WARP version I am working with (WARP 4 + FP6) has some auto correction features. Simply querying for this OBJECTID removed the misbehaving entry !!! Notes on version 2.22: * Probably as a result of the remark above, CHECKINI tried to delete OBJECTIDs at PM_Workplace:Location that are already deleted by the WPS. This resulted in an empty key being added. Now CHECKINI first checks (again) if the misbehaving value is still present and if not no delete is issued. * After correcting PM_Workplace:HandlesX, both Handles0 and Handles1 are written into OS2SYS.INI now, where before only the active version of the two was written. Notes on version 2.23: * Just a minor change. If a reboot is needed, CHECKINI now calls resetWPS to simply reset the WPS. Notes on version 2.24: * Added a complete scan of all local disks for lost startup folders. Also added the logic to handle other startup classes then WPStartup. This is handy if you have add-on's that add their own startup class. See STARTUP.CLS. Notes on version 2.25: * Added logic to remove ARCHIVED Startup folders from the WPS internal list of startup folders. The diskscan added in version 2.24 doesn't add ARCHIVED folders anymore to the list of startup folders. * Enhanced the /Y option. /Y:2 now doesn't ask confirmations for the individual tests anymore. Notes on version 2.26: CHECKINI.TXT - Page12 * Added logic to detect lost smartcenter shadows in the Nowhere folder. Apparently, when deleting a tray from the SC the associated shadows are not deleted. CHECKINI now does. Notes on version 2.27: * Added some logic while checking PM_Workplace:Location. Besides removing incorrect location records, the proper one is re-applied so a new location record is created. * Changed the scan of all disks so unrecognised folder classes are not 'fixed' by default. This is necessary if you have more then one version of OS/2 Warp on your system and you use the /Y option. Also, the DISKSCAN test only takes place when /T is specified. Notes on version 2.28: * Added a check for double objecthandles. Notes on version 2.29: * CHECKINI always assumed the type of an object could safely be determined by looking at the HIWORD of an (WPS internal) handle. A 2 was an abstract object and a 3 a file system object. Based on a report from a single user, I found this was incorrect. Now CHECKINI dynamically determines the proper values. * CHECKINI now uses WPTOOLS.DLL for several functions instead of a statically linked library. This is done to make life easier for myself. * Added a question during the PM_Workplace:Handles0/1 check to ask if a found volume should be checked. This question is only asked if /S and /Y options are NOT given. * Modified the behaviour of the Startup folders check when /Y was given. Startup folder are no longer automatically removed from the WPS's list of startup folders. If the /Y switch is NOT specified the error is still reported and (with /C) can be fixed. Notes on version 2.30: * Corrected a problem where a folder without any objects could cause CHECKINI to terminate. Notes on version 2.40: * Modified the question during PM_Workplace:Handles0/1 to look at the /R switch. If /R is specified, the question will not be asked for removable or non-local drives. * Introduced the /H switch to check PM_Workplace:Handles0/1 only. Notes on version 2.42: * CHECKINI is now made with VisualAge C++ version 3.0; * CHECKINI now makes a backup of the INI files when /C is specified. * CHECKINI now contains a test for duplicate DRIV blocks or invalid first NODE blocks in PM_Workplace:Handles; * Modified the /W argument. /W now accepts /W:2 or /W:3. See explanation on command line arguments. * Changed to output of PM_Workplace:Handles to show an asterisk if the handle was found to be used somewhere in CHECKINI's checks. Note: this only works when ALL checks are done. CHECKINI.TXT - Page13 * Will no longer offer to remove a entry at PM_Workplace:Handles if I have found the handle to be in use somewhere else. Keep in mind I can only determine this if you DO NOT SKIP any other tests. * CHECKINI now checks the version of WPTOOLS.DLL. * The lay-out of the output has been modified to enhance readability. Notes on versions 2.43 to 2.46: * Corrected a problem probably introduced by VAC 3.0 that CHECKINI did not detect its current directory as it should. * Corrected a problem where a DRIV block without any nodes in it lead to corruption of PM_Workplace:Handles.