WinStart is a program I wrote to get around OS/2s annoying habit of ignoring the 'working directory' for Windows program objects. The basic idea is to set the program object to run WinStart and pass it a parameter consisting of the following: 1) The 'working directory' 2) The name of the program to be run 3) The parameter(s) to be passed to the program (optional). For example: If I passed a parameter of "C:\Letters Notepad Smith.txt", WinStart would switch to the c:\Letters directory and start Notepad, passing it the filename Smith.txt as a command-line parameter. The way I use WinStart to launch Borland's Delphi is: The "Delphi Launcher" program object runs "c:\util\winstart.exe" and has a parameter string of "%**P D:\DELPHI\BIN\DELPHI.EXE %**F". This object is set up as the default association for *.DPR (Delphi project files). When I now double click a DPR file, WinStart switches to that directory, starts Delphi, and passes the name of the DPR file to it. Voila! Winstart was originally written in Visual Basic but this version was re-written using Borland Delphi - a product that I'm still not real familiar with. Preliminary testing has revelead no problems but if you run across one, let me know and I'll get it fixed ASAP. Please send all comments, complaints, etc to me at CompuServe ID: 71730,573 Michael E. Reed July 8, 95