
This package contains a set of Unix-like and other miscellaneous command-line utilities. Each is available for 16-bit DOS, Win32, and 32-bit OS/2 command lines. The Win32 versions work with Windows 95 and Windows NT command-line sessions and support long filenames. The OS/2 versions work with HPFS long filenames and can run in an OS/2 window.

The package is available inside IBM as the Util2 Package. It is available outside IBM as the UTLOS2 Package from the various Internet sites that mirror the IBM Employee Written Software (EWS) packages.

The following utility programs are included:

ccp : Conditional copy: A better XCOPY. Very nice!
cdx : Change directory – a much better CD
chmod : Change file mode – a better ATTRIB
crc : Calculate CRC for file(s)
crcchk : Calculate and check CRC for file(s)
du : Display file space usage
grep : Search text files for regular expression
ls : List directory – a much better DIR
strings : Show printable character strings
txtcut : Text file preprocessor for cut, awk, and Perl

Most of these utilities are based on Unix commands of the same or similar name but are more friendly to DOS, Windows, and OS/2 users and don't require that you have a Unix background or bias. They accept both \ and / as path separators. They show fields (such as system, hidden, and archive attributes) that Windows has and don't show fields (such as the Unix-like user/group/other permissions) that DOS and Windows 95 don't have and that Windows NT has in but a far different flavor.