
chmod [ -R ] [ +-= ][ wsha ] fpsec ...

If -R is specified, then chmod recursively descends subdirectories looking for matching files. The -R flag is compatible with the AIX and the original Unix versions of chmod.

The first argument must contain exactly one of the ``+-='' file mode operators followed by one or more of the ``wsha'' file mode letters, with no intervening spaces.

One or more file specifications must follow. A file specification consists of some combination of drive, path, and filename. The filename may contain Bourne shell pattern-matching characters.

The file mode operator can be one of the following:

+ Sets the specified file mode(s).
- Resets the specified file mode(s).
= Sets the specified file mode(s) and clears the modes that aren't specified.

The file mode letters have the following meanings:

w Write permission.
s System attribute.
h Hidden attribute.
a Archive attribute.