
cdx [d:][path]

If both the drive and path are missing, then cdx attempts to change the current drive and path to that specified by the HOME environment variable.

If the drive is present, then cdx changes your current drive to that drive. If the path is present, then cdx changes the current directory on that drive to the the specified path.

If the drive is missing and the path is relative (doesn't begin with \ or / path separator), then cdx looks in the current directory for that path. If it doesn't find it, it then looks for the path in the directories specified by the CDPATH environment variable. The list of paths specified by CDPATH should be formatted just like those for the PATH environment variable.

The following are the settings for HOME and CDPATH that I use:

SET HOME=c:\u\brian
SET CDPATH=c:\u\brian;c:\Program Files;e:\watcom