Input File for crcchk

Blank lines are ignored. Lines that begin with # are assumed to contain comments and are ignored. Each non-blank, non-comment line must be formatted as follows:

 [ length CRC ] "filename"

The length and CRC values in the line are optional. Either both must be present or both must be missing. If present, the length must be specified in decimal, while the CRC must be specified in hexadecimal as 0x followed by one or more hexadecimal digits.

If the CRC is 0xNNNN or shorter (4 or less hex digits), then it is assumed to be a 16-bit CRC. If it contains 5 or more hex digits, then it is assumed to be a 32-bit CRC.

If the length and CRC value are present, then crcchk compares the values to those it calculated and logs any discrepancies to stderr.

The filename must be enclosed in double quotes if it contains spaces, semicolons, commas, or other punctuation. Double quotes around the filename are optional otherwise.