This version is a fully functional but time limited trial version of Tyra/2. To get the full version you must register this program. Note: If you are an author of a piece of FREEWARE OS/2 Software you can get a free registration for Tyra/2! You may evaluate Tyra/2 for 31 days. If you decide to continue using it, you must purchase the appropriate number of licenses. Tyra/2 1.91 costs U.S. $49 for a life-time license and U.S. $19 for a single version license. The lifetime licence is a licence for the current and all coming versions. The single version version is a licence only for all 1.x versions, with the release of version 2.0 you have to get an update. Upon registration, you will receive a registration key from me. Note: After 31 days of use, the trial version of Tyra/2 will expire. Note: If you want to buy more than three licenses, please inquire about our volume discount price. You can order from BMT Micro or from the author in Germany. Choose the best way for you. See the help file for more information. After paying for the program you will receive a registration number from me. Open the Help menu and select "Register". Type in your name in the first entry field. Be careful -- this is case sensitive. John is NOT the same as john ! In the second field, type in the registration number you received from me. Then press OK and you are finished.