[Name] TTREE.EXE ---------------------------------------------------- [Version number] 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------- [Short description] Replacement for OS/2s TREE.COM ---------------------------------------------------- [Copyright notice] Copyright 1995 by Tony Brindle ---------------------------------------------------- [Contact information] Internet : tbrindl@ibm.net CompuServe : 100701,2637 ---------------------------------------------------- [Requirements] OS/2 2.1 and above ---------------------------------------------------- [Known incompatibities] OS/2 2.0 the \fs will report invalid file sizes, generally 0K. Occasionally Dir names truncated to early. Recommended that it should not be used with this version. OS/2 1.3 does not work at all. ---------------------------------------------------- [Installation instructions] Run as is ---------------------------------------------------- [How to use] TTREE.EXE will display the tree structure for the current directory. If the /fs switch is used, total file sizes will be display next to the apporpriate directory. In conjunction with the \fs switch wildcards may be used. Examples This will display a tree structure for the current directory and display the total amount of .EXE file for each directory. TTREE \fs *.exe This will display a tree structure for the current directory TTREE ---------------------------------------------------- [Version history] 1.00 First General Release ---------------------------------------------------- [Additional notes] Acknowledgments to Steve Preddy