MKMSGF ' O r TLHUS.msg I30 60 71 Y N 1234E ENGLISH EInvalid parameter %c. EInvalid parameter /%s. EInvalid parameter %s. EInvalid parameter combination /%s - /%s. EThis program requires OS/2 Presentation Manager. Presentation Manager initialization failed. ENo entries to hide found in %s. ECurrently running instance of TLHIDE cannot be unloaded. ETLHIDE is already active - use /UNLOAD first to close it. ETLHIDE is not active. IReading listfile %s IShowing %s IHiding %s ITLHIDE detached. Program aborted. IEnter loop. Press Ctrl-Break to exit ... Icleaning up ... Idone. Iclosing active instance of TLHIDE I Syntax: TLHIDE [listfile] [/DETACH] [/UNLOAD] [/REPLACE] [/VERBOSE] [/LIST] [/STATUS] [/?] listfile - file containing entries to hide [Default: "TLHIDE.LST"] /DETACH - detach TLHIDE /UNLOAD - unload current instance of TLHIDE /REPLACE - replace current instance of TLHIDE /VERBOSE - give detailed information /LIST - list visible tasklist entries /STATUS - query active status. rc 1: active , rc 0: not active /? - show this help Each line of the listfile is taken as a name for a tasklist entry to hide. Leading and trailing blanks are ignored. Commentlines start with ';'. '?' is a wildcard for any character, '*' equals any rest of line. I - Help with /? Ivisible task list entries: ITLHIDE is active. ITLHIDE is not active. IProgram aborted. ETLHIDE is active - use /UNLOAD first to close it. IInterrupted by user. I1. show readme I2. (re)install WPS objects I3. select language I4. select listfile Ie. exit installation program Ierror IEnter name or pathname of Listfile: IUse default listfile IAre you sure you want to install the TLHIDE package in directory IInstalling TLHIDE pakage in directory Idirectory or file exists already Iinvalid paramater. Ispecified location does not exist EAn error occured while copying TLHIDE pakage files IDo you want to deactivate TLHIDE in order to (re)install ITLHIDE was deactivated. ICreating Iis being destoyed IInstalling File with english messages EThe message file TLHIDE.MSG cannot be overwritten. IInstalling english INF file EThe file TLHIDE.INF cannot be overwritten. IThe WPS folder for TLHIDE is being deinstalled. Proceed EWPS folder for TLHIDE is not installed. I"WPFolder" "" "" "Task List Hide V1.2" "U" "" "" "ICONFILE=@1\INSTALL\FOLDER.ICO;ICONNFILE=1,@1\INSTALL\FOLDER2.ICO;ALWAYSSORT=YES;DEFAULTSORT=TYPE;CCVIEW=NO;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "Task List Hide status" "R" "TLHIDE.EXE" "/STATUS" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;NOAUTOCLOSE=YES;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "Detach Task List Hide" "R" "TLHIDE.EXE" "@2 /DETACH" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;MINIMIZED=YES;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "Unload Task List Hide" "R" "TLHIDE.EXE" "/UNLOAD" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;MINIMIZED=YES;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "Test Task List Hide" "R" "TLHIDE.EXE" "/VERBOSE" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;NOAUTOCLOSE=YES;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "Edit listfile" "R" "EPM.EXE" "@2" "PROGTYPE=PM;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "append tasklist entries^to listfile" "R" "*" "/C TLHIDE /LIST >> @2" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;MINIMIZED=YES;ICONFILE=@1\INSTALL\APPEND.ICO;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "TLHIDE V1.2 Help" "R" "VIEW.EXE" "TLHIDE Overview" "PROGTYPE=PM;ICONFILE=@1\INSTALL\TLHINF.ICO;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "WPS installation program" "R" "INSTALL\INSTALL.CMD" "/LANGUAGE:english" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;NOAUTOCLOSE=YES;" I"WPProgram" "" "" "WPS deinstallation program" "R" "INSTALL\REMOVE.CMD" "" "PROGTYPE=WINDOWABLEVIO;NOAUTOCLOSE=YES;" I"WPShadow" "" "" "Shadow of TLHIDE for startup folder" "R" "" "" "SHADOWID=;" I"WPShadow" "" "" "Shadow of startup folder" "R" "" "" "SHADOWID=;"