TimeBoy for OS/2 version 0.1 Author: Richard Miller rmiller@rtmc.com Status: Freeware TimeBoy for OS/2 is Freeware. That means you can use it all you want and nobody wants your money. I do ask though, that if you use TimeBoy and find it useful, please email me and let me know. Requirements: TimeBoy requires EMX.DLL. It is included in the zip file. If you already have it, just use the newer copy. EMX.DLL must be in a directory specified in the LIBPATH in CONFIG.SYS. How to use TimeBoy: timeboy [program] [interval] where: program = name of program to periodically execute interval = how often to execute program (in seconds) TimeBoy will execute any command that can be used at an OS/2 command prompt. If you want to run multiple commands, or add command line parameters to a command, then create a .CMD file for timeboy to run. For example, I use TimeBoy to periodically fetch news articles for Changi. The command I need to run is: chanx -ms news.host.domain. So I write a file called 'getnews.cmd' that contains a line: chanx -ms news.host.domain Then I run TimeBoy as: timeboy getnews.cmd 1800. This would run the command 'chanx -ms news.host.domain' every 30 minutes. To redirect the output of TimeBoy to a file, run as: 'timeboy [program] [interval] > [file] where: file is the name of the file to keep the output