JP Software Standard Order Form [2002/10/1] P.O. Box 328 email to Chestertown, MD 21620 USA or fax to (410) 810-0026 This order form covers our standard product line: new copies, our CD Suite, and manuals. For multi-system licenses, more shipping information, and answers to other ordering questions, see the PRODUCTS.TXT file. If you need additional information, or want to order directly from our web site: For See ------------------------- -------------------------- On-line order entry Email orders / inquiries Phone orders (800) 368-8777 (US / Canada) General phone inquiries (410) 810-8818 US / international dealer list see Upgrade order form UPGFORM.TXT file Detailed product information PRODUCTS.TXT file Support plans SUPPORT.TXT file ===================================================================== First, tell us who you are: Name (first, last) __________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ City, State/Prov, Post Code _________________________________________ Country _____________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ Fax ____________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________________________ (Will only be used by JP Software to notify you of upgrades or contact you with other information related to our products.) Register products to: ___ Company ___ Individual Send information on: ___ Multi-System Licenses ___ Reseller Pricing Where did you hear about our products? ______________________________ ===================================================================== Now, what would you like to order? [Not sure what to order? See PRODUCTS.TXT for more information.] Total Price New Copies and Product Packs ___ 4DOS ($69.95, 1 lb) ......................... __________ [NC100] ___ 4NT ($69.95, 1 lb) .......................... __________ [NC120] ___ Take Command ($69.95, 1 lb) ................ __________ [NC140] ___ CD Suite (all three products, $99.95, 1 lb) . __________ [CD180] Extended Support Annual Subscription (see SUPPORT.TXT; single system $29.95 for 1 product, $39.95 for CD Suite) ___ 4DOS Extended Support ....................... __________ [SU600] ___ 4NT Extended Support ........................ __________ [SU620] ___ Take Command Extended Support ............... __________ [SU640] ___ CD Suite (all three products) ............... __________ [SU660] Please contact us or see our web site for pricing on multi-system licenses and Premium Support plans. Manuals ___ 4DOS, 4NT, & Take Command Reference Manual .. __________ [BK502] ($19.95, 2 lb) Multi-System Licenses / Other Products ___ ____________________________________________ __________ [ ] ___ ____________________________________________ __________ [ ] ___ ____________________________________________ __________ [ ] ---------------------------------- | SHIPPING: | Subtotal $ __________ | | | Total USA Canada Int'l | Sales Tax (MD | Weight Ground Mail Mail | 5%, MN 6.5%) $ __________ | ------ ------ ----- ----- | | 1 lb $ 7 $ 7 $13 | Shipping $ __________ | 2 lb $ 8 $10 $20 | | 3 lb $ 9 $13 $27 | ORDER TOTAL $ __________ | 4 lb $10 $16 $34 | | 5 lb $11 $19 $41 | | | Total Weight __________ lb | For other services or higher | | weights please contact us. | ---------------------------------- ===================================================================== Thanks for your order! Now please choose a payment method: ___Credit Card: __MC __Visa __Discover __Amex Card # _________________________________________ Expires ____/____ Signature ________________________________________________________ ___Check (US bank, US funds) ___COD* ___P.O.* #___________________ [* See PRODUCTS.TXT for terms *before* selecting COD or PO payment!] ===================================================================== Legal Stuff: Copyright 2002, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. See PRODUCTS.TXT for trademarks. All prices and terms subject to change without notice.